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Chapter 9 Europe: Early History. Section 9.1 Classical Europe (pages 236–239). Did you know???.
Did you know??? The ancient Greek Olympics included boxing, footracing, and the pentathlon (wrestling, long jump, running, throwing the discus, and throwing the javelin), as well as chariot racing and an event called the pancratium—a brutal mixture of boxing and wrestling.
I. The Golden Age of Greece (pages 236–237) A. The Classical period of Greece reached its “Golden Age” in the 400s B.C.
I. The Golden Age of Greece (pages 236–237) B. By that time, the city-state, or polis, had grown from being ruled by a king to the almost direct rule of the people, or democracy.
I. The Golden Age of Greece (pages 236–237) C. Athens was the home of the world’s first democraticconstitution.
I. The Golden Age of Greece (pages 236–237) D. Athenian artists produced famous and influential works of philosophy, literature, and drama. Three great philosophers were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
I. The Golden Age of Greece (pages 236–237) E. During this period, city-states like Athens and Sparta often fought against each other because they wanted to expand their empires.
I. The Golden Age of Greece (pages 236–237) F. In the 300s B.C. PhillipII and his son, AlexandertheGreat, conquered all of Greece.
II. The Rise of Rome (pages 237–238) A. Rome was settled sometime around 1000 B.C. and dominated much of the ItalianPeninsula by 700 B.C.
II. The Rise of Rome (pages 237–238) B. The Romans were a mostly agricultural society and were less likely to live in cities.
II. The Rise of Rome (pages 237–238) C. Rome started as a monarchy, but changed to a republic. In a republic, people choose their leaders.
II. The Rise of Rome (pages 237–238) D. The foundation of Roman law was the TwelveTables. The “tables” were actually bronze tablets on which laws regarding wills, courts, and property were recorded, and the laws applied to all citizens of Rome, both common and noble.
III. From Republic to Empire (pages 238–239) A. From 246 to 146 B.C. a series of wars transformed the Roman Republic into the RomanEmpire.
III. From Republic to Empire (pages 238–239) B. The peoples conquered by Rome were given Roman citizenship and equality under the Roman law.
III. From Republic to Empire (pages 238–239) C. Under the empire, Senators lost power to emperors, or absolute rulers, of Rome. CaesarAugustus was the first Roman Emperor, and he initiated the PaxRomana.
III. From Republic to Empire (pages 238–239) D. JesusChrist was born a citizen of Rome. Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the A.D. 300s.
III. From Republic to Empire (pages 238–239) E. The Roman Empire began to decline in the early A.D. 300s. Some of the causes were reform in government coming too late, plagues that killed many people, and the crumbling of the frontierdefenses in the north.
Did you know??? In the Middle Ages, Christians made pilgrimages to Palestine to visit the places associated with JesusChrist. To journey to these sites, European pilgrims might have to travel for years and put up with many hardships and frequent danger.
I. The Rise of Christianity (pages 241–242) A. It was during the Middle Ages that Christianity in the form of the RomanCatholicChurch became a political power in Western Europe. By the A.D. 500s, popes had become the leaders of the Church.
I. The Rise of Christianity (pages 241–242) B. In Eastern Europe, Christianity was known as EasternOrthodoxy and was under the leadership of the emperors in Constantinople.
I. The Rise of Christianity (pages 241–242) C. The early popes sent missionaries, teachers of Christianity, to every part of Europe. Through its schools, the ChristianChurch greatly advanced learning in Europe.
I. The Rise of Christianity (pages 241–242) D. Beginning in the A.D. 1000s, the Church sponsored a series of holywars called the Crusades.
II. The Holy Roman Empire (page 242) A. The Germans combined their commonlaw, the unwritten laws that come from local customs, with Roman law and founded kingdoms all over Europe— from Spain to England to Germany and Italy.
II. The Holy Roman Empire (page 242) B. One of the most important German kingdoms was that of the Franks.
II. The Holy Roman Empire (page 242) C. In 771 Charlemagne was elected king of the Franks.
II. The Holy Roman Empire (page 242) D. On Christmas Day in the year 800, Charlemagne was proclaimed the protector of the Christian Church in the West and was crowned the head of the Roman Empire in the West, which became known as the HolyRomanEmpire.
III. Medieval Society (pages 242–243) A. Most people during the Middle Ages were farmers who lived under feudalism.
III. Medieval Society (pages 242–243) B. Under feudalism, lords would give land to a noble or knight to work, govern, and defend. In return, those who received the land swore loyalty to the lords and became their vassals.
III. Medieval Society (pages 242–243) C. The feudal estate and basic economic unit was called the manor.
III. Medieval Society (pages 242–243) D. Two types of farmers on the manor were tenants and serfs. Serfs were not as free and usually poorer than tenant farmers.
IV. The Growth of Cities (page 244) A. Towns in the Middle Ages were fairly independent and free of the feudal lords’ control. They served as centers of trade and manufacturing.
IV. The Growth of Cities (page 244) B. Manufacturing came under the control of workers’ organizations known as guilds.
IV. The Growth of Cities (page 244) C. Over time, some towns grew into cities and became political and religious centers as well.
IV. The Growth of Cities (page 244) D. Kings won the support of the townspeople by building great cathedrals and granting the residents privileges and freedoms in written documents called charters.
Did you know??? Many of the crops grown in the world today were originally from the Americas and introduced to Europe during the AgeofExploration. These crops include corn, potatoes, tomatoes, and chocolate.
I. The Renaissance (pages 245–246) A. The growth of cities and trade and the gradual breakup of feudalism led to the end of the Middle Ages.
I. The Renaissance (pages 245–246) B. The Renaissance—sparked by an interest in education, art, and science—began around 1350 in cities of northernItaly and spread to other cities of Europe.
I. The Renaissance (pages 245–246) C. Curiosity and enthusiasm for life were at the heart of the Renaissance.
I. The Renaissance (pages 245–246) D. Noted Renaissance artists were LeonardodaVinci and MichelangeloBuonarotti.
I. The Renaissance (pages 245–246) E. During the Renaissance, writers began to use the language they spoke every day instead of Latin or French, the language of the educated.
I. The Renaissance (pages 245–246) F. The printingpress with moveable type was invented around 1450 by JohannesGutenberg. The printingpress made books more numerous and less expensive, thereby encouraging more people to learn to read and write.
I. The Renaissance (pages 245–246) G. Western European rulers became more powerful.
II. The Protestant Reformation (pages 246–247) A. Some people during the Renaissance believed that Church leaders were more interested in wealth than religion. Others disagreed with corrupt practices of the Church.
II. The Protestant Reformation (pages 246–247) B. Because these Christians “protested” Catholic teachings, they came to be called Protestants. The movement to reform, or change, the Catholic Church was called the ProtestantReformation.
II. The Protestant Reformation (pages 246–247) C. Two Protestant leaders were MartinLuther, who organized his own new Christian Church that taught in German, and JohnCalvin, whose followers included the American Pilgrims.
III. The Age of Exploration (page 247) A. By the mid-1400s, Europe began to reach out beyond its boundaries in a great age of discovery and exploration.
III. The Age of Exploration (page 247) B. In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain sent an Italian navigator, Christopher Columbus, westward across the Atlantic searching for another way to Asia.