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NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR RABI CAMPAIGN 2012-13 24-25 September 2012 NEW DELHI Group discussion on Incentivizing Production & Procurement of oilseed & Pulses Group - IV. MADHYAPRADESH. 1. Agro Climatic Zones in Madhya Pradesh. NUMBER OF HOLDINGS IN PERCENTAGE.
NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR RABI CAMPAIGN 2012-13 24-25 September 2012 NEW DELHI Group discussion on Incentivizing Production & Procurement of oilseed & Pulses Group - IV MADHYAPRADESH 1
Kharif prospects 1. (a) Area (Lakh ha.)
Rabi Programme 2012-13 Area (Lakh ha.)
Crop Diversification in MP Area in lakh ha
Seed Grid Portal Production of Certified Seed and tracking the availability at different stages in MP Objectives To control the entire process of producing certified seed from breeder seed. To balance the demand and supply of certified Seed To make the process of seed certification transparent, easy and simple To ensure the availability of CS at different place and to get the analytical information Stake holders: Seed Certification Agency , Seed Producing Agencies, Department of Agriculture, KVV, Seed Producing Farmer's group, Seed Sellers, Farmers
Scenario of Agriculture in M.P. • Targeted Agriculture Growth Rate in XI five year plan for M.P. was 5% against achievement was 9.04%. • Ist position in the country in production of Soyabean(59%), Gram( 39.5% ), total pulses(25.3%) and oilseeds (25.2%). • 2nd position in production of lentil (28.4%), 3rd position in sorghum (7.9%) and 4th in mustard (10.2%),. • State is steadily improving wheat production every year. With an production of 127.20 lac MT during 2011-12 the state is slated to be included in the top 3 highest wheat producing states in the country. • SRR of soybean is 33.56, wheat 30.2, gram 9.97 and mustard is 42.8%. • At present average power consumption is 0.85k.w. per ha.
Scenario of Agriculture in M.P. • The Productivity of wheat 2705 Kg/ ha achieved in 2011-12, which is 42.74% more than the Productivity of 2008-09. • Wheat procurement in the state during 2008-09 was achieved 24.10 lakh metric ton increased to 49.65 lakh metric ton. It is a 106.05% increase. • Consumption of fertilizer was 31.22 lakh metric tons in 2008-09 increased to 45.38 lakh metric ton in 2011-12. It is a increase of 32.89%. • Madhya Pradesh achieved 40% area of the total agricultural land under organic farming of the country. • Irrigated area in the state is 9 Lakh ha. increased to 16.35 lakh ha. upto 2011-12 due to new projects. • Kisan call center are being run in the state. From the establishment of these call centres during the year 2008-09,2009-10,2010-11 and 2011-12 KCCs' received respectively 111699, 146281, 184261 and 154459 number of calls. • From 2008-09, 8 PP partner were working with the ATMA in the state which is increased to 25 in the year 2011-12.
Policy initiatives by State • Krishi Cabinet constituted at the state level to take immediate decision about Agriculture Policy matters during the year 2011-12 comprising of allied departments of the agriculture sector. • Credit to farmer for crop loan at 0 % interest through cooperatives. • Govt. announced special bonus on wheat and paddy @ Rs. 100/- per Qtl. • Direct transfer of subsidy to the farmers' Bank account. • Advance storage scheme of fertilizer – 1st March to 31st May (Kharif) & 1st Aug. to 15th Sep. (Rabi) 2012 to ensure adequate availability of fertilizers
Policy initiatives by State • To make agriculture profitable, having initiated number of new schemes and new strategies to achieve this goal. • Government of Madhya Pradesh is also introducing separate Krishi Budget in the State legislature from the year 2012-13. GoMP has also taken a conscious decision to introduce Agriculture Economic Survey of Madhya Pradesh from the year 2012.
Policy initiatives by State • Promoting sprinkler irrigation through 30% Topup subsidy. • Promotion of Hybrid Maize production through 90% subsidy on the distribution of hybrid maize seed to the SC/ST farmers. • Promoting Bullock drawn agricultural implements through 25% topup subsidy. • Promotion of the deep ploughing practice through assistance of Rs. 1500 per ha. under Haldhar Yajana. • 850 custom hiring centers are being run at district level to facilitate farmers with power drawn implements. • Unique programme on deep ploughing subsidy of Rs. 1500/- per ha. • Distribution of Farmer Soil health cards - 8.90 lakh (No.) • To adopt organic farming on large scale- Organic policy launched in the state since 2011.
Best Practices adopted by the State • Seed Treatment on large Scale. • Increasing seed replacement rate (SRR) • Water management and augmentation of Ground Water. • Balram Talab Scheme for life saving irrigation, with the assistance of upto Rs.1.00 Lakh. • Promoting sprinkler irrigation through Toping up subsidy. • Promoting IPM and INM technology. • Transfer of technology through various schemes. • Capacity building of field functionaries. • Establishment FFS on large Scale. • Conducting demonstration on Production / Protection Technology (at least one demonstration per village) • Distribution of soil health card on large scale under R.K.V.Y. to the farmers of all the district of the state. • Transfer of technology on large scale through kisan mitra who works as trainer1-
Best Practices adopted by the State • SRI – System of Rice Intensification has covered 1.81 lakh ha. area in the state in kharif 2012. • Special programme for Basmati Rice • Planting of Arhar (Pigeon Pea) on the field bunds • Replacement of upland Paddy area by Pulses • Utilization of Rice fallow area by Rabi Pulses • Inclusion of Pulses under inter-cropping system. • Ridge planting of Arhar (Pigeon Pea) • Promotion of Line Sowing in place of broadcasting system of sowing • Sowing with treatment of Rhizobium + PSB Culture + Molybdenum one gram per Kg. seed resulted into considerable • enhancement of yield per ha • 1217 Co-operative societies are contributing in seed availability in the State.
Agriculture Credit • M.P. is the first state in India make available credit to farmers at 0 % interest by cooperatives. • Credit given by cooperative bank was 1273 crores in 2003-04 which reached 7447 crore in 2011-12. • Kisan Credit Card • Total No. of Farmers in M.P. 73.23 Lakh • KCC issued by cooperative banks 42.95 lakh • KCC issued by commercial banks 28.42 lakh • Total KCC issued 71.37 lakh • Benefit to Consumers for Electrification & Energy in Agriculture • State government has waived off Rs. 1800 crores for Agriculture consumers. • Rs.7983 crores tariff subsidy has been given by State Govt. to MP state electricity companies through Niyaman Aayog for providing electricity in reduced rates to Agriculture consumers from 2004-12. Provision for 2013 is Rs. 1623 crores • Work of feeder separation is in progress for providing quality and continuous supply of electricity for 8 hours for the operation of agriculture purpose pumps.
(i) NORMAL AREA PRODUCTION & YIELD OF OIL SEEDS(Main Crop) AREA :- 000‘ Ha. PRODUCTION:-000‘ TONNES, YIELD: KG./Ha. * Due to exesse rain
PLANT PROTECTION • Annual programme for normal Plant protection work is drawn up every year and district-wise programme is worked out for • Seed treatment (ii) Crop treatment • (iii) Rat control (iv) Weed control. • Only recommended plant protection chemicals and weedicides are being provided by the public and private sector. • Pest surveillance and monitoring is an important part of integrated Pest management approach. Its an effective tool for Pest intelligence information of Plant Protection programmes. Proper diagnosis and detection of pest or disease at an early stage and timely warning of likely peat build up enables plant protection functionaries and farmers to adopt timely and need based control measures. For above reason a Ste Pest Surveillance and advisory unit and District Pest Surveillance and advisory units are formed and diagnostic team make visit.
AVAILABILITY OF BIO-FERTILIZERS Supply of Rhyzobium culture/ phosphate solublising Bacteria/ Azotobactor. (No.) AVAILABILITY OF FERTILIZERS (Proposed) Unit Lakh ton
Critical identified Production & Protection technologies to be adopted in Rabi 2012-13 for Oilseeds • Intercropping:- Intercropping with Gram+Mustard is popular more emphasis will be given. • Crop protection :- Rapeseed and Mustard is mainly grown particularly in Chambal and gird reason. There is a problem of insect in initial stage more emphasis will be given for crop protection. • High quality of Variety :- High quality of variety NRCHB-101, Laxmi, Bic 902, Pusamahak, and Varuna are popular and high potential varieties. • Spacing and Plant population :- It is very important to maintain the population of plant and spacing to get targeted yield. • Assured Irrigation :- Even though Rapeseed and Mustard can be grown in dry condition but to get the maximum production efforts will be made to assure at least one or two irrigation should be available. • Timely sowing and Harvesting:- Timely sowing and timely harvesting is very important because available moisture and temperature has to be kept in mind. As far as Harvesting is concern there is a sat ring problem. • Use of Micronutrient:- Being a oilseed crop use of Zinc Sulphate is very important.
Strategy for enhancing cost benefit ratio in Oilseeds for making oilseeds crops profitable • To ensure remunerative prices • To ensure proper Marketing • To ensure timely supply of input . • To establish Agri-processing unit will be encouraged Issues experienced in procurement & marketing of oilseeds • There is problem of Marketing where little area of Rape musturd is increasing. Just to encourage to the cultivator proper marketing arrangement has to be made.
Steps taken for reduction in cost of cultivation of oilseeds • Use of early variety • Bio-fertilizer • Bio-pestricites INM, IPM • Efficient use of water • Timely sowing • Timely harvesting • Assured irrigation Impact of deficient/excess rains on Kharif and prospects for Rabi oilseeds • In the year 2012-13 actual rainfall is 1134.7 m.m. in comparison to 938.4 m.m. normal range. • There is no district is under deficient where oil seed crops will be sown.
Strategy for increasing area under oilseeds • Replacement of low yielding traditional crop by high yielding crop varieties • Replacement of upland paddy by oilseed crops. • Fallow land has to be converted in cultivated oilseed area. Innovative technology to be taken at farmers field in Rabi 2012-13 • Ridge and furrow system is being followed in Soybean but in case of irrigated area efforts are being made in oilseed crop of Rapeseed and musturd. • Efforts will be made to popularized hybrid musturd. Such as variety NRCHB-101
Funds utilization under ISOPOM during XI Five Year Plan (2007 - 08 to 2011 - 12)
Major Constraints in oilseed production 1. Heavy demands of P.P. Chemicals/ Insecticide and P.P. Equipment in oilseed crop particularly in Soybean because it covers 80% area of the oilseed crop, but required fund is not available. 2. Shortage of suitable varieties seed for Niger, Sesamum, Linseed & Mustard etc. released with in 10 years. 3. Required quantity and Timely supply of mini kits is very necessary form NSC/SFCI . 4. There should be no restriction to changing Intern component. 5. Pattern of subsidy should be similar for all GOI schemes.
Special Thrust • Use of Hybrids varieties . • Proper spacing row to row and plant to plant. • Timely sowing & Balance use of fertilizer. • Emphasis on plant protection & weed control. • Timely supply of mini kits form NSC/SFCI is very important.
Special activities OILSEED 1. To emphasis about conduction of demonstration in Balram villages. Use of ridge & furrow method in soyabean crops. Inter cropping. Proper seed rate in soyabean. Emphasis on plant protection & weed control. Spacing Protective Irrigation in Soyabean. Use of micronutrient.
Area Production & Yield of Pulses in M.P. (AREA:Lakh Ha., PROD.:Lakh 'TONNES, YIELD:Kg./Ha.)