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Gilded Age Gallery Walk

Gilded Age Gallery Walk. Bellringer. What was the goal of this quote? What problem(s) in the Gilded Age does the author address?

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Gilded Age Gallery Walk

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gilded Age Gallery Walk

  2. Bellringer • What was the goal of this quote? What problem(s) in the Gilded Age does the author address? • “To unprecedented prosperity . . . there is a seamy side of which little is said. Thousands of wage earners, men, women, and children, [are] caught in the machinery of our record breaking production and turned out cripples. . . . Other thousands [are] killed outright. . . . How many there [are] none can say exactly for we [are] too busy making our record breaking production to count the dead.”

  3. Muckraker Journalists • Point out problems during the Gilded Age • Exaggerate facts and play on emotions • Want a big reaction from the audience

  4. Gallery Walk • Visit each station (A-M) • Take Cornell Notes on the pictures and primary sources using your graphic organizer. Focus on what problems the documents and pictures deal with and what facts they use • You must have three notes per picture and per paragraph on what you see and what you read

  5. Muckraking • Write your own muckraker articles on the three pictures or primary sources you chose using your notes. You must have at least a one paragraph article for each document you chose and must use the information from your sources. • OR • Create a muckraking political cartoon based on the three pictures or primary source documents you chose. You must include information from the sources in your cartoon.

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