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CRIME IN THE UNITED STATES. UNIT 2. ORIGIN OF CRIME. Why do you think people commit crimes? Poverty Permissive court systems Unemployment Lack of education Gangs Alcohol and drug abuse Rising population Bad parenting Breakdown in morals Ineffective correctional system

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  2. ORIGIN OF CRIME • Why do you think people commit crimes? • Poverty • Permissive court systems • Unemployment • Lack of education • Gangs • Alcohol and drug abuse • Rising population • Bad parenting • Breakdown in morals • Ineffective correctional system • Influence of the internet, TV and movies

  3. CRIME RATES • Lets look at our crime rate handouts.

  4. CAUSES OF CRIME • The U.S. economic system is a major factor in the rate of crime? • WHY? • The bigger the difference between Rich and Poor, the more likely crime happen • The higher Unemployment = higher crime rate • What other MAJOR factor contributes to crime? • FAMILY INSTABILITY!

  5. REDUCING CRIME • How does a city or a country reduce crime? • More police? • Stricter laws - stricter punishments? • Many experts believe that tougher punishments are not the answer. They believe that the swiftness is more important? • Do we agree? • Drug laws? • 1980’s Ronald Reagan's “War on drugs” • Lasting effect of Reagan's war on Drugs • Attempt to stop the flow of drugs, by putting stiffer penalties on drug users, sellers • Many believed that this was a race issue

  6. REDUCING CRIME • THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON CRIME AND DELINQUENCY (NCCD) • Studied crime since 1907, and has these strategies: • Build safer communities with special attention to safer schools, community policing, and prevention of domestic violence and child abuse • Reduce the costs and improve the fairness of the criminal justice system • Develop cost-effective alternatives to incarceration • Create effective drug-control polices. Repeal mandatory prison sentences for drug possession.

  7. CRIME ON CAMPUS • 2006 : • 3 incidents per 100 students • 10% of public schools had at least 1 threat of attack with a weapon • Middle school had 2x the rate of violent incidents than in grade school or high school • Why are middle schools the most violent? • Lets look at the handout on “Weapons at School”

  8. CRIME ON CAMPUS • Drugs: • Big schools (1000 or more students) (like limestone!): • 75% reported at least 1 incident of distribution, possession or use of illegal drugs. • Less serious in small schools.

  9. 25 most crime filled colleges Bradley university Not on the list!! But… a beautiful college • Crime on campus

  10. VIRIGNIA TECH shooting • HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN SOMEONE IS ABOUT TO GO ON A VIOLENT SPREE? • Past problems? • Mental disorders? • Social problems? • Warning signs • http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1syw8_60-minutes-the-mind-of-an-assassin_shortfilms

  11. NORTHERN ILLINOIS shooting • report

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