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Eastern Washington University. 1. A rigorous and engaged student learning experience. Integrate education with career preparation. Integrate multicultural and international perspectives into the learning experience.
Eastern Washington University 1. A rigorous and engaged student learning experience Integrate education with career preparation Integrate multicultural and international perspectives into the learning experience Foster more engaged student learning by providing opportunities for student interaction, immersion, and integration • Expand use of classroom technologies that support rigorous, active learning, especially in classes of 100 students or more. • Foster partnerships among academic units, athletics and student life initiatives. • Expand advising services by exploring alternative delivery methods. • Support more undergraduate student engagement in research and scholarship. • Expand financial support for student grants to present research work. • Integrate service learning more broadly into the curriculum • Launch campus wide renewal of general education. • Integrate diversity, service learning, and student research into general education curriculum. • Expand use of e-portfolio technologies to enable students to create ongoing portfolios of learning outcomes. • Create an “exploratory student program,” for student undecided about a major. • Review size of majors to encourage academic exploration. • Expand graduate/undergraduate mentoring. • Support a full-time Faculty Fellow for Diversity. • Implement campus-wide work sessions on diversity. • Integrate multicultural perspectives into the curriculum. • Develop campus-wide diversity plan for faculty and staff recruitment. • Expand international partnerships to enhance international diversity on campus and to provide overseas opportunities for faculty and student study and research.
Eastern Washington University 1. A rigorous and engaged student learning experience Provide an environment supportive of learning and teaching excellence • Continue upgrade of administrative systems for student, instructional, and administrative functions. • Expand and monitor institution-wide assessment practice and its linkage to strategic goals. • Support integrated learning technology and physical plant enhancements. • Implement campus-wide wireless Internet. • Align library collections with academic goals. • Provide professional teaching support to faculty and graduate assistants in support of integrated learning. • Expand student academic support services. • Align budget with institutional priorities.
2. An academic community culture that supports and engages faculty and staff throughout their careers Encourage faculty and staff to be “institutional difference makers.” Support faculty teaching, research, and service activities. • Refine Faculty Fellows program to align opportunities for faculty leadership with institutional priorities. • Create strategic planning pool to award grants to faculty, staff, and students for initiatives to meet strategic priorities. • Recognize exemplary staff and faculty efforts to contribute to university goals. • Support scholars learning communities. • Enhance campus-wide communication. • Align Faculty Activity Plans to department, college, ad institutional strategic plans. • Expand involvement in Quality Service Initiative across all staff. • Support Teaching and Learning Center in providing leadership in professional development in instruction and assessment and the scholarship of teaching. • Support innovation using faculty time flexibly and creatively to foster research and enhanced teaching. • Engage the Faculty Fellow for Research and Scholarship in support of faculty research and scholarship. • Expand partnerships with community colleges, rural communities, tribes and regional organizations and corporations. • Implement nationally normed student evaluation system across academic units.
3. An institution-wide commitment to community engagement that benefits the university, the region, and the world. Identify and facilitate partnerships with Eastern’s communities in the region and state and communicate EWU’s engagement to external audiences Integrate community engagement into learning and discovery • Create an inventory of community engagement efforts. • Identify priority areas for EWU partnerships. • Support work of university centers actively engaged with the community. • Implement a public affairs plan to celebrate EWU achievements and increase positive presence of EWU throughout the state. • Expand alumni connections and involvement with the academic mission of the university. • Create center to support service learning, internship, and volunteer opportunities. • Integrate community engagement into renewal efforts for general education initiative. • Expand faculty and staff outreach to EWU communities.
4. Grow resources and capacity to enhance Eastern’s academic quality Plan for and manage Eastern’s enrollment growth Increase Eastern’s student retention and degree completion rates • Create Enrollment Management Team. • Create comprehensive and aggressive recruitment plan. • Assess the effectiveness of the recruitment plan. • Grow enrollment in identified markets. • Increase transfer rates and market share of freshmen in state. • Increase enrollment in 2+2 programs. • Increase percentage of students from underrepresented communities. • Benchmark data of graduating cohorts to better retain and graduate students. • Implement programs to support diverse student populations. • Create partnerships with K-12 for student preparedness. • Create a campus culture that serves all types of learners. • Implement new student orientation programs. • Provide student and faculty support services across all locations.
4. Grow resources and capacity to enhance Eastern’s academic quality Obtain additional state funding Increase non-state revenue • Create partnerships focusing on high-demand or state-need priorities or performance contracts. • Implement programs and projects to support EWU’s distinctive mission to the region and first-generation students. • Re-invest new state enrollment funding to support planned and managed enrollment growth as well as academic and service quality. • Increase non-state revenues from campus-based businesses and auxiliary services. • Increase revenue-generating contacts with private industry. • Increase community, educational, and scholarly partnerships to increase grant funding. • Create a “grant culture” by empowering deans and department chairs. • Increase grants and contracts in partnership with rural communities, local tribes, international programs and collaborative service and educational projects. • Increase participation in comprehensive campaign.
5. Allocate resources, capacity and people in support of EWU’s Mission and Academic Vision Integrate an academic strategic plan resource pool into Eastern’s resource allocation model to direct targeted funding to institutional priorities Adequately fund EWU’s libraries • Base funding supports academic priorities • Improve access and services to all EWU students, faculty and staff. • Create an Academic Strategic Plan Pool with presidential oversight. • Increase number and quality of proposals for initiatives to advance the academic strategic plan and make recommendations to the President’s Cabinet for allocation.
5. Allocate resources, capacity and people in support of EWU’s Mission and Academic Vision Funding structures support Eastern’s distinctive General Education program Self-support programs are integrated into the full academic mission • Create collaborative review process for integrating funding allocation. • Develop a funding model to support engaged learning, integrated career preparation, and timely degree completion • Implement funding support for general education modifications. • Refine university policy for self-support programs integrated into EWU mission and academic plans. • Complete review of university-wide policy for self-support program funding components
6. Manage resources, capacity and people effectively and efficiently Programs aligned with mission and academic vision Promote a campus culture of participation and engagement that recognizes and supports faculty and staff • Implement general education review to identify needs and redesign content to meet operational environmental demands. • Support Faculty Fellows program. • Implement assessment program to identify continuous improvement needs for programs, curricula and operations. • Implement electronic processes for course and program procedures. • Implement procedures to support diversity in service, teaching, and research, consistent with university mission and goals and those of operational units. • Establish regular planning processes that includes all faculty and staff. • Implement plan to ensure appropriate levels of faculty and staff to accomplish university mission and goals. • Implement professional development programs for faculty and staff. • Communicate institutional goals effectively and share achievements of faculty and staff to all constituents.
6. Manage resources, capacity and people effectively and efficiently Align hiring and recruiting practices with mission and academic goals Evaluate administrative structures for effectiveness and alignment with mission and vision • Implement proactive hiring practices that support EWU’s mission and goals. • Create interdisciplinary appointments. • Implement increased hiring of diverse faculty and staff. • Increase grant supported research appointments. • Include faculty and staff hiring practices in ongoing institutional assessment processes. • Benchmark administrative overhead and staffing with peer institutions. • Implement regular cycle for unit assessment for university mission and goal alignment. • Integrate student services and advising with needs of all constituents. • Communicate results of all administrative analyses and Cabinet decisions to entire campus community.
6. Manage resources, capacity and people effectively and efficiently Create and maintain supportive environments for learning, living, and working Integrate technology for learning, teaching, and working • Implement technology plan to support faculty and staff needs. • Implement teaching technologies to optimize effectiveness and efficiency. • Implement programs to increase student access to mobile computing. • Implement campus-wide WiFi. • Implement new media to communicate to all EWU constituents. • Implement faculty and staff professional development in technology application. • Implement process to more effectively use EWU resources more efficiently. • Implement “Spokane Strategy” for continuous improvement of Spokane presence. • Communicate activities and decisions of University Facilities and Planning Committee.
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