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ACE. Aerosol, Cloud, & Ocean Ecosystem Mission. A cross-disciplinary mission focused on climate forcings of the Earth system. Mission Chief Scientist David Starr, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Ocean Lead: Charles McClain, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
ACE Aerosol, Cloud, & Ocean Ecosystem Mission A cross-disciplinary mission focused on climate forcings of the Earth system Mission Chief Scientist David Starr, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Ocean Lead: Charles McClain, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Aerosol Lead: Lorraine Remer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Cloud Leads: Jay Mace, University of Utah & Graeme Stevens (Colorado State University Suborbital Science Lead: Jens Redemann, NASA/Ames Research Center Mission Study Leads: Lisa Callahan (NASA/GSFC) & Deborah Vane (Jet Propulsion Lab) NASA Headquarter Leads Hal Maring & Paula Bontempi
Decadal Survey Mission Overview • Tier 1 • Climate Absolute Radiance and Reflectivity Observatory (CLARREO) -- DELAYED • Soil Moisture Active-Passive (SMAP) • Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite – II (ICESat-II) • Deformation, Ecosystem Structure, and Dynamics of ICE (DESDynI) -- DELAYED • PACE: Ocean biology data continuity mission (2018 or 2019) • Tier 2 • Aerosol, Cloud, Ecology (ACE, ocean ecology) • Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) • Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) • Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) • Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) • Tier 3 • Lidar Surface Topography (LIST) • Precision and All-weather Temperature and Humidity (PATH) • Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE-II) • Snow and Cold Land Processes (SCLP) • 3D-Winds • Global Atmospheric Composition Mission (GACM)
Decadal Survey ACE Mission Objectives Objectives: 1. “…better constrain aerosol-cloud interaction by simultaneous measurement of aerosol and cloud properties with radar, lidar, a polarimeter, and a multiwavelength imager.” 2. “…estimate carbon uptake by ocean ecosystems through global measurements of organic material in the surface ocean layers.” Ocean Ecology Spectrometer (OES) NAS Decadal Survey pg 90
ACE & PACE Ocean Biogeochemistry Derived Products • Normalized water-leaving radiances or reflectances (discrete bands) • Chlorophyll-a • Diffuse attenuation coefficient (490 nm) • Primary production • Inherent optical properties (IOPs; spectral absorption, scattering coefficients, beam-c) • Spectral diffuse attenuation • Spectral normalized water-leaving radiances or remote sensing reflectances • Particulate organic carbon concentration • Calcite concentration • Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) • Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) • Fluorescence line height (FLH) • Euphotic depth • Total suspended matter (TSM) • Trichodesmium concentration • Particle size distributions & composition (biogenic, mineral, etc.) • Taxonomic group distributions (needs to be defined) • Phytoplankton carbon • Dissolved organic matter/carbon (DOM/DOC) • Physiological properties (e.g., C:Chl, fluorescence quantum yields, growth rates) • Other plant pigments (specific pigments need to be identified) • Export production Current CDRs Candidate CDRs (presently lack validation data sets) Research Products
ACE Mission Scenarios • Decadal Survey Baseline Mission: 4 recommended sensors • Lidar for aerosol/cloud heights & aerosol properties • Two options: multi-beam system or high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL) • HSRL favored • Ocean profiling & particle loads (proposed by ACE ocean working group) • Dual frequency cloud radar for cloud properties and precipitation • Polarimeter for imaging aerosol and clouds • Multi-angle, multi-spectral wide swath • Ocean ecosystem spectrometer (OES) • Augmented Mission: 4 baseline sensors plus 1 to 4 additional cloud sensors • IR multi-channel imager: cloud temperatures and heights • High frequency microwave swath radiometer: cloud ice measurements • Microwave temperature/humidity sounder for clouds • Low frequency microwave swath radiometer: cloud water & precipitation measurements
ACE Ocean-related Working Groups Ocean Ecology Working GroupChuck McClain (NASA/GSFC): Chair Ocean-Aerosol Interaction Working GroupChuck McClain (NASA/GSFC): Chair Santiago Gassó (U. of Maryland/BC): Co-chair Zia Ahmad (NASA/GSFC) Bob Barnes (NASA/GSFC) Mike Behrenfeld (Oregon State U.) Emmanuel Boss (U. of Maine) Steve Brown (NIST) Jacek Chowdhary (NASA/GISS) Robert Frouin (UC/San Diego) Stan Hooker (NASA/GSFC) Yong Hu (NASA LaRC) Stephane Maritorena (UC/Santa Barbara) Gerhard Meister (NASA/GSFC) Norm Nelson (UC/Santa Barbara) Dave Siegel (UC/Santa Barbara) Dariuz Stramski (Scripps Inst. Oceanography) Rick Stumpf (NOAA/NOS) Menghua Wang (NOAA/NESDIS) Toby Westberry (Oregon State U.) Zia Ahmad (GSFC) Mike Behrenfeld (Oregon State U.) Jacek Chowdhary (NASA/GISS) Yuan Gao (Rutgers U.) Santiago Gassó (U. of Maryland/BC) Yong Hu (NASA LaRC) Natalie Mahowald (Cornell U.) Paty Matrai (Bigelow Lab. for Ocean Sci.) Nicholas Meskhidze (NC State U.) Norm Nelson (UC/Santa Barbara) Joe Prospero (U. of Miami) Lorraine Remer (GSFC) Eric Saltzman (UC/Irvine) Dave Siegel (UC/Santa Barbara) Currently Inactive
ACE Atmosphere-related Working Groups Aerosol Working GroupLorraine Remer (NASA/GSFC): Chair Cloud Working GroupJay Mace (U. of Utah) & Graeme Stevens (Colorado State U.): Co-Chairs Zia Ahmad (NASA/GSFC) Brian Cairns (NASA/GIS) Pete Colarco (NASA/GSFC) David Diner (JPL) Rich Ferrare (NASA/LaRC) Ann Fridland (NASA/GISS) Santiago Gassó (U. of Maryland/BC) Steve Ghan (DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Chris Hostetler (NASA/LaRC) Yong Hu (NASA/LaRC) Ralph Kahn (NASA/GSFC) Sejii Kato (NASA/LaRC) Robert Levy (NASA/GSFC) Norm Loeb (NASA/LaRC) Jay Mace (U. of Utah) Vanderlai Martins (U. of Maryland/BC) Michael Mishchenko (NASA/GISS) Jeff Reid (Naval Postgraduate School) Jens Redemann (NASA/ARC) Wenying Shu (NASA/LaRC) Graeme Stevens (Colorado State U.) Chien Wang (MIT) Menghua Wang (NOAA/NESDIS) Judd Welton (NASA/GSFC) Steve Ackerman (U. Wisconsin) Eric Jensen (NASA/ARC) Roger Marchand (U. Washington) Steve Platnick (NASA/GSFC) Dave Starr (NASA/GSFC) Graeme Stevens (Colorado State U.)
ACE Working Groups cont. Suborbital Working GroupJens Redemann (NASA/ARC): Chair Norm Nelson (UC/SB) & Eric Jansen (NASA/ARC): Co-chairs Brian Cairns (NASA/GISS) Rich Ferrare (NASA/LaRC) Santiago Gassó (U. of Maryland/BC) Stan Hooker (NASA/GSFC) Norm Nelson (UC/SB) Chris Hostetler (NASA/LaRC) Yong Hu (NASA/LaRC) Jay Mace (U. of Utah) Lorraine Remer (NASA/GSFC) Eric Saltzman (UC/Irvine) Judd Welton (NASA/GSFC) • Suborbital activities include: • Focused process-oriented field campaigns • Interdisciplinary • Discipline-specific • Calibration & validation data collection • Prelaunch for algorithm development • Post-launch for on-orbit sensor calibration & product/algorithm validation
ACE White Paper Draft Outline • Chapters have been submitted by the discipline working groups and are being • synthesized for final editing and publication. • Charter # Chapter Topic • Executive Summary • Chapter 1. Aerosols, Climate and Long-range Transport • Chapter 2. Cloud Properties and Processes • Chapter 3. Aerosol-Cloud Interactions • Chapter 4. Ocean Ecosystems and Carbon Cycle (with appendix) • Chapter 5. Aerosol-Ocean Interactions • Chapter 6. Essential Synergistic Science • Chapter 7. Science Synthesis and Linkages • Chapter 8. Instrument Requirements • Chapter 9. Mission Formulation • Chapter 10. Calibration and Validation • Chapter 11. Mission Cost and Phasing Options
ACE Science Traceability Matrices • Each discipline working group is responsible for developing a Science Traceability Matrix (STM) • STM provides a roadmap from science questions to sensor and mission requirements. • STM elements: Category (e.g. Aerosols), Focused Questions, Approach, Measurement Requirements, Instrument Requirements, Platform Requirements, & Other Needs • Will use Ocean Ecosystems STM as an example
1 2 6 2 3 Six Focused Ocean Science Questions 2 4 1 3 2 Each question maps to the OBBP plan 3 4 5 6 1 4 2 5 3 6 Ocean Ecosystems STM Goddard Space Flight Center Measurement Instrument Platform Other Category Focused Questions* Approach Requirements Requirements Requir’ts Needs Maps to Science Question Quantify phytoplankton biomass, pigments, optical properties, key groups (functional/HABS), and productivity using bio-optical models & chlorophyll fluorescence Measure particulate and dissolved carbon pools, their characteristics and optical properties Quantify ocean photobiochemical & photobiological processes Estimate particle abundance, size distribution (PSD), & characteristics Assimilate ACE observations in ocean biogeochemical model fields of key properties (cf., air-sea CO2 fluxes, export, pH, etc.) Compare ACE observations with ground-based and model data of biological properties, land-ocean exchange in the coastal zone, physical properties (e.g., winds, SST, SSH, etc), and circulation (ML dynamics, horizontal divergence, etc) Combine ACE ocean & atmosphere observations with models to evaluate (1) air-sea exchange of particulates, dissolved materials, and gases and (2) impacts on aerosol & cloud properties Assess ocean radiant heating and feedbacks Conduct field sea-truth measurements and modeling to validate retrievals from the pelagic to near-shore environments • 5 nm resolution 350 to 755 nm • 1000 – 1500 SNR for 15 nm • aggregate bands UV & visible • and 10 nm fluorescence bands • (665, 678, 710, 748 nm centers) • 10 to 40 nm width atmospheric • correction bands at 748, 765, 820, • 865, 1245, 1640, 2135 nm • 0.1% radiometric temporal stability • (1 month demonstrated prelaunch) • 58.3o cross track scanning • Sensor tilt (±20o) for glint avoidance • Polarization insensitive (<1.0%) • 1 km spatial resolution @ nadir • No saturation in UV to NIR bands • 5 year minimum design lifetime Global data sets from missions, models, or field observations: Measurement Requirements (1) Ozone (2) Total water vapor (3) Surface wind velocity (4) Surface barometric pressure (5) NO2 concentration (6) Vicarious calibration & validation (7) Full prelaunch characterization (2% accuracy radiometric) Science Requirements (1) SST (2) SSH (3) PAR (4) UV (5) MLD (6) CO2 (7) pH (8) Ocean circulation (9) Aerosol deposition (10) run-off loading in coastal zone What are the standing stocks, composition, & productivity of ocean ecosystems? How and why are they changing? [OBB1] How and why are ocean biogeochemical cycles changing? How do they influence the Earth system? [OBB2] What are the material exchanges between land & ocean? How do they influence coastal ecosystems, biogeochemistry & habitats? How are they changing? [OBB1,2,3] How do aerosols & clouds influence ocean ecosystems & biogeochemical cycles? How do ocean biological & photochemical processes affect the atmosphere and Earth system? [OBB2] How do physical ocean processes affect ocean ecosystems & biogeochemistry? How do ocean biological processes influence ocean physics? [OBB1,2] What is the distribution of algal blooms and their relation to harmful algal and eutrophication events? How are these events changing? [OBB1,4] Water-leaving radiances in near-ultraviolet, visible, & near-infrared for separation of absorbing & scattering constituents and calculation of chlorophyll fluorescence Total radiances in UV, NIR, and SWIR for atmospheric corrections Cloud radiances for assessing instrument stray light High vertical resolution aerosol heights, optical thickness, & composition for atmospheric corrections Subsurface particle scattering & depth profile Broad spatial coverage aerosol heights and single scatter albedo for atmospheric correction. Subsurface polarized return for typing oceanic particles Ocean Biology Orbit permitting 2-day global coverage of ocean radiometer measurements Sun-synchronous orbit with crossing time between 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Storage and download of full spectral and spatial data Monthly lunar calibration at 7o phase angle through Earth observing port 1 Ocean Radiometer 2 3 • 0.5 km aerosol vertical resolution • 2 m sub-surface resolution • < 0.3% polarization misalignment • 0.0001 km-1sr-1 aerosol backscatter sensitivity at 532 nm after averaging • < 4 ns e-folding transient response • Brillouin scattering capability; Receiver FOVs: 0-60 m; 0-120 m. 2 ** Lidar 4 • Observation angles: 60o to 140o • Angle resolution: 5o • Degree of polarization: 1% Polarimeter 5 • Supporting Field & Laboratory Measurements • Primary production (NPP) measurement & round-robin algorithm testing • Inherent optical properties (IOPs) instrument & protocols development, • laboratory & field (coastal and open ocean) measurement comparisons • Measure key phytoplankton groups across ocean biomes (coast/open ocean) • Expanded global data sets of NPP, CDOM, DOM, pCO2, PSDs, IOPs, • fluorescence, vertical organic particle fluxes, bio-available Fe concentrations 4 5 6 • Ocean Biogeochemistry-Ecosystem Modeling • Expand model capabilities to assimilate variables such as NPP, IOPs, and • phytoplankton species/functional group concentrations. • Improve model process parameterizations, e.g., particle fluxes * ACE focused questions are traceable to the four overarching science questions of NASA’s Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program [OBB1 to OBB4] as defined in the document: Earth's Living Ocean: A Strategic Vision for the NASA Ocean Biological and Biogeochemistry Program (under NRC review) ** See ACE Ocean Ecosystem white paper for specific vicarious calibration & validation requirements
Ecosystem stocks & changes Characterize phytoplankton communities & rates 1 2 Particulate & dissolved carbon 6 Changes in ocean biogeochemical cycles Numbers link Approaches to Science Questions 2 Photochemistry & photobiology 3 2 4 1 3 Coastal systems & land-ocean exchange Particle abundance & size 2 Assimilate ACE data in models Ocean-atmosphere interactions Comparison of ACE retrievals with ground-based & model data 3 4 5 6 Interaction of ocean physics & ecosystems Evaluate air-sea exchange & aerosol/cloud properties with obs. Ocean radiant heating & feedback Phytoplankton blooms & eutrophication Field measurements & models to validate retrievals 1 4 2 5 3 6 Ocean Ecosystems STM Goddard Space Flight Center Measurement Instrument Platform Other Category Focused Questions* Approach Requirements Requirements Requir’ts Needs Maps to Science Question Quantify phytoplankton biomass, pigments, optical properties, key groups (functional/HABS), and productivity using bio-optical models & chlorophyll fluorescence Measure particulate and dissolved carbon pools, their characteristics and optical properties Quantify ocean photobiochemical & photobiological processes Estimate particle abundance, size distribution (PSD), & characteristics Assimilate ACE observations in ocean biogeochemical model fields of key properties (cf., air-sea CO2 fluxes, export, pH, etc.) Compare ACE observations with ground-based and model data of biological properties, land-ocean exchange in the coastal zone, physical properties (e.g., winds, SST, SSH, etc), and circulation (ML dynamics, horizontal divergence, etc) Combine ACE ocean & atmosphere observations with models to evaluate (1) air-sea exchange of particulates, dissolved materials, and gases and (2) impacts on aerosol & cloud properties Assess ocean radiant heating and feedbacks Conduct field sea-truth measurements and modeling to validate retrievals from the pelagic to near-shore environments • 5 nm resolution 350 to 755 nm • 1000 – 1500 SNR for 15 nm • aggregate bands UV & visible • and 10 nm fluorescence bands • (665, 678, 710, 748 nm centers) • 10 to 40 nm width atmospheric • correction bands at 748, 765, 820, • 865, 1245, 1640, 2135 nm • 0.1% radiometric temporal stability • (1 month demonstrated prelaunch) • 58.3o cross track scanning • Sensor tilt (±20o) for glint avoidance • Polarization insensitive (<1.0%) • 1 km spatial resolution @ nadir • No saturation in UV to NIR bands • 5 year minimum design lifetime Global data sets from missions, models, or field observations: Measurement Requirements (1) Ozone (2) Total water vapor (3) Surface wind velocity (4) Surface barometric pressure (5) NO2 concentration (6) Vicarious calibration & validation (7) Full prelaunch characterization (2% accuracy radiometric) Science Requirements (1) SST (2) SSH (3) PAR (4) UV (5) MLD (6) CO2 (7) pH (8) Ocean circulation (9) Aerosol deposition (10) run-off loading in coastal zone What are the standing stocks, composition, & productivity of ocean ecosystems? How and why are they changing? [OBB1] How and why are ocean biogeochemical cycles changing? How do they influence the Earth system? [OBB2] What are the material exchanges between land & ocean? How do they influence coastal ecosystems, biogeochemistry & habitats? How are they changing? [OBB1,2,3] How do aerosols & clouds influence ocean ecosystems & biogeochemical cycles? How do ocean biological & photochemical processes affect the atmosphere and Earth system? [OBB2] How do physical ocean processes affect ocean ecosystems & biogeochemistry? How do ocean biological processes influence ocean physics? [OBB1,2] What is the distribution of algal blooms and their relation to harmful algal and eutrophication events? How are these events changing? [OBB1,4] Water-leaving radiances in near-ultraviolet, visible, & near-infrared for separation of absorbing & scattering constituents and calculation of chlorophyll fluorescence Total radiances in UV, NIR, and SWIR for atmospheric corrections Cloud radiances for assessing instrument stray light High vertical resolution aerosol heights, optical thickness, & composition for atmospheric corrections Subsurface particle scattering & depth profile Broad spatial coverage aerosol heights and single scatter albedo for atmospheric correction. Subsurface polarized return for typing oceanic particles Ocean Biology Orbit permitting 2-day global coverage of ocean radiometer measurements Sun-synchronous orbit with crossing time between 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Storage and download of full spectral and spatial data Monthly lunar calibration at 7o phase angle through Earth observing port 1 Ocean Radiometer 2 3 • 0.5 km aerosol vertical resolution • 2 m sub-surface resolution • < 0.3% polarization misalignment • 0.0001 km-1sr-1 aerosol backscatter sensitivity at 532 nm after averaging • < 4 ns e-folding transient response • Brillouin scattering capability; Receiver FOVs: 0-60 m; 0-120 m. 2 ** Lidar 4 • Observation angles: 60o to 140o • Angle resolution: 5o • Degree of polarization: 1% Polarimeter 5 • Supporting Field & Laboratory Measurements • Primary production (NPP) measurement & round-robin algorithm testing • Inherent optical properties (IOPs) instrument & protocols development, • laboratory & field (coastal and open ocean) measurement comparisons • Measure key phytoplankton groups across ocean biomes (coast/open ocean) • Expanded global data sets of NPP, CDOM, DOM, pCO2, PSDs, IOPs, • fluorescence, vertical organic particle fluxes, bio-available Fe concentrations 4 5 6 • Ocean Biogeochemistry-Ecosystem Modeling • Expand model capabilities to assimilate variables such as NPP, IOPs, and • phytoplankton species/functional group concentrations. • Improve model process parameterizations, e.g., particle fluxes * ACE focused questions are traceable to the four overarching science questions of NASA’s Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program [OBB1 to OBB4] as defined in the document: Earth's Living Ocean: A Strategic Vision for the NASA Ocean Biological and Biogeochemistry Program (under NRC review) ** See ACE Ocean Ecosystem white paper for specific vicarious calibration & validation requirements
Ocean Ecosystem Spectrometer • UV/Vis high spectral resolution • Fluorescence capability • NIR & SWIR bands • Sensor tilt 1 2 6 2-day global coverage near-noon orbit full data downlink monthly lunar viewing 2 3 2 4 1 3 2 Lidar: aerosol profiling @ ½ km subsurface scattering @ 2 m res. Requirements for Polarimeter defined by Aerosol Team 3 4 5 6 Expanding field component critical to new ACE products Value of ACE data for models & Value of models for ACE science Value of ACE data for models & Value of models for ACE science 1 4 2 5 3 6 Ocean Ecosystems STM Goddard Space Flight Center Measurement Instrument Platform Other Category Focused Questions* Approach Requirements Requirements Requir’ts Needs Maps to Science Question Quantify phytoplankton biomass, pigments, optical properties, key groups (functional/HABS), and productivity using bio-optical models & chlorophyll fluorescence Measure particulate and dissolved carbon pools, their characteristics and optical properties Quantify ocean photobiochemical & photobiological processes Estimate particle abundance, size distribution (PSD), & characteristics Assimilate ACE observations in ocean biogeochemical model fields of key properties (cf., air-sea CO2 fluxes, export, pH, etc.) Compare ACE observations with ground-based and model data of biological properties, land-ocean exchange in the coastal zone, physical properties (e.g., winds, SST, SSH, etc), and circulation (ML dynamics, horizontal divergence, etc) Combine ACE ocean & atmosphere observations with models to evaluate (1) air-sea exchange of particulates, dissolved materials, and gases and (2) impacts on aerosol & cloud properties Assess ocean radiant heating and feedbacks Conduct field sea-truth measurements and modeling to validate retrievals from the pelagic to near-shore environments • 5 nm resolution 350 to 755 nm • 1000 – 1500 SNR for 15 nm • aggregate bands UV & visible • and 10 nm fluorescence bands • (665, 678, 710, 748 nm centers) • 10 to 40 nm width atmospheric • correction bands at 748, 765, 820, • 865, 1245, 1640, 2135 nm • 0.1% radiometric temporal stability • (1 month demonstrated prelaunch) • 58.3o cross track scanning • Sensor tilt (±20o) for glint avoidance • Polarization insensitive (<1.0%) • 1 km spatial resolution @ nadir • No saturation in UV to NIR bands • 5 year minimum design lifetime Global data sets from missions, models, or field observations: Measurement Requirements (1) Ozone (2) Total water vapor (3) Surface wind velocity (4) Surface barometric pressure (5) NO2 concentration (6) Vicarious calibration & validation (7) Full prelaunch characterization (2% accuracy radiometric) Science Requirements (1) SST (2) SSH (3) PAR (4) UV (5) MLD (6) CO2 (7) pH (8) Ocean circulation (9) Aerosol deposition (10) run-off loading in coastal zone What are the standing stocks, composition, & productivity of ocean ecosystems? How and why are they changing? [OBB1] How and why are ocean biogeochemical cycles changing? How do they influence the Earth system? [OBB2] What are the material exchanges between land & ocean? How do they influence coastal ecosystems, biogeochemistry & habitats? How are they changing? [OBB1,2,3] How do aerosols & clouds influence ocean ecosystems & biogeochemical cycles? How do ocean biological & photochemical processes affect the atmosphere and Earth system? [OBB2] How do physical ocean processes affect ocean ecosystems & biogeochemistry? How do ocean biological processes influence ocean physics? [OBB1,2] What is the distribution of algal blooms and their relation to harmful algal and eutrophication events? How are these events changing? [OBB1,4] Water-leaving radiances in near-ultraviolet, visible, & near-infrared for separation of absorbing & scattering constituents and calculation of chlorophyll fluorescence Total radiances in UV, NIR, and SWIR for atmospheric corrections Cloud radiances for assessing instrument stray light High vertical resolution aerosol heights, optical thickness, & composition for atmospheric corrections Subsurface particle scattering & depth profile Broad spatial coverage aerosol heights and single scatter albedo for atmospheric correction. Subsurface polarized return for typing oceanic particles Ocean Biology Orbit permitting 2-day global coverage of ocean radiometer measurements Sun-synchronous orbit with crossing time between 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Storage and download of full spectral and spatial data Monthly lunar calibration at 7o phase angle through Earth observing port 1 Ocean Radiometer 2 3 • 0.5 km aerosol vertical resolution • 2 m sub-surface resolution • < 0.3% polarization misalignment • 0.0001 km-1sr-1 aerosol backscatter sensitivity at 532 nm after averaging • < 4 ns e-folding transient response • Brillouin scattering capability; Receiver FOVs: 0-60 m; 0-120 m. 2 ** Lidar 4 • Observation angles: 60o to 140o • Angle resolution: 5o • Degree of polarization: 1% Polarimeter 5 • Supporting Field & Laboratory Measurements • Primary production (NPP) measurement & round-robin algorithm testing • Inherent optical properties (IOPs) instrument & protocols development, • laboratory & field (coastal and open ocean) measurement comparisons • Measure key phytoplankton groups across ocean biomes (coast/open ocean) • Expanded global data sets of NPP, CDOM, DOM, pCO2, PSDs, IOPs, • fluorescence, vertical organic particle fluxes, bio-available Fe concentrations 4 5 6 • Ocean Biogeochemistry-Ecosystem Modeling • Expand model capabilities to assimilate variables such as NPP, IOPs, and • phytoplankton species/functional group concentrations. • Improve model process parameterizations, e.g., particle fluxes * ACE focused questions are traceable to the four overarching science questions of NASA’s Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program [OBB1 to OBB4] as defined in the document: Earth's Living Ocean: A Strategic Vision for the NASA Ocean Biological and Biogeochemistry Program (under NRC review) ** See ACE Ocean Ecosystem white paper for specific vicarious calibration & validation requirements
“Multispectral” Ocean Bands CZCS: 4 SeaWiFS: 8 MODIS: 9 VIIRS: 7 O: 26 (required for ACE) Comparison of “Heritage Sensors” and OES spectral coverage for ocean color applications HERITAGE SENSORS OES 82 “hyperspectral” bands + 3 SWIR bands CZCS (1978-1985) MODIS (2002- )* SeaWiFS (1997- ) Products VIIRS Absorbing aerosols Dissolved organics Phytoplankton pigments Functional groups Particle sizes Physiology Pigment fluorescence Coastal biology Atmospheric correction (clear ocean) Atmospheric Correction (coastal) & Aerosol/cloud properties Ultraviolet Products No Measurements Ultraviolet Total pigment or Chlorophyll-a (but major errors due to absorption by dissolved organics) Atmospheric Correction/ MODIS chlorophyll fluorescence Visible Visible 5 nm resolution (345 – 755 nm) 26 required “multispectral” bands Atmospheric Correction (clear ocean) NIR NIR Atmospheric Correction (coastal)** SWIR 3 SWIR bands SWIR * MODIS on Terra was launched in 2000, but does not yet provide science quality ocean data MODIS/Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) SWIR bands are not optimized for oceans **
The PACE Mission • A data continuity mission, not one of the Decadal Survey missions • Separate budget line item • PACE mission announced in June 2010 as part of the Administration’s focus on climate and carbon cycle research • Proposed launch date of 2018 (currently 2019) • May include a CNES (France) contributed aerosol polarimeter • Not clear CNES has the funds allocated for a PACE mission collaboration • PACE ocean radiometer expected to be very similar to the ACE radiometer • HQ still getting organized on how to proceed with PACE planning • Initial start up funding in FY11 • Serious funding beginning in FY12 • Working group to formulate PACE mission requirements (probably work from ACE ocean science & sensor requirements • Ocean radiometer selection in FY12 (?)
ACE Aerosol, Cloud, & Ocean Ecosystem Mission Thank You
Aerosol flux to ocean 1 2 Deposited aerosol physical & chemical properties Aerosol transformation in atmosphere Ocean aerosol emission & link to ecosystem structure Feedbacks between ocean emissions & atmopheric radiative properties 1 4 2 3 Aerosol-Ocean STM Goddard Space Flight Center Maps to Science Question Measurement Instrument Platform Other Category Focused Questions Approach Requirements Requirements Requir’ts Needs • Satellite • Radiances & polarization at selected UV, visible and SWIR bands for aerosol types (dust, smoke, etc.), complex index of refraction, effective height, optical thickness, and size distribution with 2-day global coverage to resolve temporal evolution of plumes • Active (lidar) measurements of aerosol properties along orbit track to refine height distribution and composition • Drizzle detection and precipitation rates coincident with lidar & polarimeter data • Global phytoplankton pigment absorption, dissolved organics absorption, total & phytoplankton carbon concentration, ocean particle size distribution, phytoplankton fluorescence, Chl:C, and growth rate • Particle scattering & vertical distribution through active (lidar) subsurface returns • Spectrometer • requirements as stated in ocean STM • Polarimeter • requirements as stated in aerosol STM • Lidar • requirements as in ocean STM • Duel frequency Doppler radar • requirements as stated in cloud STM 1) Identify microphysical and optical properties of aerosols, partition natural and anthropogenic sources, and characterize spectral complex index of refraction and particle size distribution 2) Characterize dust aerosols, their column mass, iron content and other trace elements, and their regional-to-global scale transport and flux from events to the annual cycle 3) Conduct appropriate field observations to validate satellite retrievals of aerosols and ocean ecosystem features 4) Use ACE space and field observations to constrain models to evaluate (1) aerosol chemical transformations and long range transport, (2) air-to-sea and sea-to-air exchange and (3) impacts on ocean biology 5) Characterize aerosol chemical composition and transformation during transport (including influences of vertically distributed NO2, SO2, formaldehyde, glyoxal, IO, BrO) and partition gas-derived and mechanically-derived contributions to total aerosol column 6) Monitor global phytoplankton biomass, pigments, taxonomic groups, productivity, Chl:C, and fluorescence; measure and distinguish ocean particle pools and colored dissolved organic material; quantify aerosol-relevant surface ocean photobiological and photobiochemical processes 7) Relate changes in ocean biology/emissions to aerosol deposition patterns and events 8) Demonstrate influences of ocean taxonomy, physiological stress, and photochemistry on cloud/aerosol properties, including organic aerosol transfer • Supporting Global data • Humidity profiles • Precipitation • Formaldehyde • Glyoxal • IO • BrO • NO2 • SO2 • Other Data • Ground-based aerosol observational network Aerosol -Ocean Inter- action Orbit permitting 2-day global coverage for passive radiometer & polarimeter measurements Sun-synchronous orbit with crossing time between 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Storage and download of full spectral and spatial data Monthly lunar calibration at 7o phase angle through Earth observing port Additional platform requirements for polarimeter, lidar and radar as detailed in Ocean, Aerosol, and Cloud STMs What is the flux of aerosols to the ocean and their temporal and spatial distribution What are the physical and chemical characteristics, sources, and strengths of aerosols deposited into the oceans? How are the physical and chemical characteristics of deposited aerosols transformed in the atmosphere? What is the spatial and temporal distribution of aerosols and gases emitted from the ocean and how are these fluxes regulated by ocean ecosystems? (Links to Ocean Ecology Question 4) What are the feedbacks between ocean emissions and the microphysical and radiative properties of the overlying aerosols and clouds? How are these feedbacks changing? 1 5 2 3 2 4 4 5 • Supporting Field & Laboratory Measurements • Dust chemical properties/solubility/ chemical transformation • Aerosol optical properties, heights, chemical composition, and partitioning of gas-derived and mechanically-derived contributions to total column load • DMS flux and dissolved concentration and precursors • Atmospheric boundary layer trace gases, NO2 / SO2 height distribution • Diffuse irradiance and in-water optics • Surface layer plankton species, phytoplankton carbon, fluorescence • observational network representative of global range in properties • process/mechanism oriented field and laboratory studies • sustain time series field measurements of key properties over active lifetime of mission 2 3 4 5 4 5 • Modeling • Conduct model tracer studies to determine sources, composition, and chemical attributes of aerosols • Model height distribution of NO2 & SO2 and dust chemistry • Use satellite data to constrain model aerosol source strengths • Model air-sea exchange rates and temporal variability, including sources of aerosols to atmosphere • Run coupled ocean biogeochemistry model to assess impacts and compare to observed response of ocean ecosystems 3 4 1 2 3
ACE Ocean Ecology Working Group Activities Spring 2008-Spring 2011 • Formulated the Ocean Ecology Science Traceability Matrix (STM) • Science questions, approaches, measurement requirements, instrument requirements, mission requirements, other • Formulated the OES performance specifications • Spectral bands, signal-to-noise, saturation, polarization, etc. • Drafted the Ocean Ecology White Paper • Science objectives & rationale, sensor requirements (appendix) • Submitted mission support study proposals (theoretical analyses, field studies, instrument development, and lab work that clarify how science objectives can be met) • Outlined product suite • Geophysical parameters with baseline & desired ranges • Assessments on field and laboratory measurement capabilities and accuracies • Held weekly telecons
ACE Ocean Radiometer Minimum Requirements • 5 nm resolution 350 to 775 nm (functional group derivative analyses) • 300 – 1000:1 SNR aggregate bands UV & visible • 300:1 for 350 nm @ Ltyp • 1000:1 for bands between 360- 710 nm @ Ltyps • 1400:1 SNR for 678 @ Ltyp (chlorophyll fluorescence band) • 10 to 40 nm bandwidth aerosol correction bands at 748, 765, 820, 865, 1245, 1640, 2135 nm • 600:1 SNR for 748, 765, 820 & 865 nm @ Ltyps • 250:1 SNR at 1245 nm and 1640 nm, 100 SNR at 2135 @ Ltyps • Stability • 0.1% radiometric stability knowledge (mission duration) • 0.1% radiometric stability (1 month prelaunch verification) • 58.3o cross track scanning • Sensor tilt (±20o) for glint avoidance • Polarization: < 1.0% sensor radiometric sensitivity, • < 0.2% prelaunch characterization accuracy • < 2% prelaunch radiance calibration accuracy (minimum) • Goal: 0.5% prelaunch calibration accuracy • 1 km spatial resolution @ nadir • No saturation in UV to NIR bands • 5 year minimum design lifetime