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Product Configurator Example and Data Flow

This documentation provides an overview of product configurators, including the levels of complexity, decision tree examples, realization, data flow, and coding. It is not officially endorsed by SAP.

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Product Configurator Example and Data Flow

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  1. 12a Product configuratorExample and data flow

  2. This documentation and training is provided to you by beas gmbh. The documents are neither approved nor in any way acknowledged or endorsed by SAP. For SAP Business One, only the documentation and training officially released by SAP shall be binding upon SAP. SAP shall not be responsible for any content of this documentation and training and this documentation and training shall not be binding upon SAP in any way. The official current SAP Business One documentation and training for SAP Business One is available at http://service.sap.com/sbocustomer/documentation and http://service.sap.com/sbocustomer/training.

  3. Requirements for this Tutorial What you need to know • The basics of SAP • The basics be.as • Bais commercial understanding

  4. Learning Targets After working through the lesson, you will be able to: • understand the possible levels of complexity • understand the process logic • know the data flow regarding the product configuration • you got an overview on coding

  5. Agenda Explanation of product configurator 1: Possible levels of complexity 2: Decision tree (bicycle example) 3: Realization 4: Data flow 5: Coding

  6. Possible levels of complexity - - - - Very simple Normal Complex Very complex • No graphical surface • enter data in UDF into SBO form • (measures, weight etc.) • assignemt of values stored in fields in BOM and item master • (formulas may be used) • based on maximum BOMs and routings • graphical surface, built up dynamically • in the item the creation of the surface is coded • based on maximum BOMs and routings • assignment of values ( via decisions YES/NO or • exchange) stored in BOM and item master in appropriate fields • (eg. via formulas) • graphical surface, built up dynamically • in the item the creation of the surface is coded • BOMs and routings are extendable dynamically • assignment of values stored in BOM and item master and can be extended by be.as-script-programming • static programmed • surface (incl. functional logic), • depending on the item • BOMs and routings are extendable dynamically • assignment of values stored in BOM and item master and can be extended by be.as-script-programming

  7. Agenda Explanation of product configurator 1: Possible levels of complexity 2: Decision tree (bicycle example) 3: Realization 4: Data flow 5: Coding

  8. Decision tree(Bicycle example, normal complexity) Ausführung 1. Frame 17 inches 19 inches 21 inches 23 inches 2. Wheel 26 inches 28 inches 2.1. Tires f. 26“ 2.2. Tires f. 28“ Dunlop Michelin Dunlop Goodyear Zubehör 3. Handlebar 4. Light 5. Bell M1 sportive M2 classic Standard LED 5.1 yes 5.2 no red blue

  9. Agenda Explanation of product configurator 1: Possible levels of complexity 2: Decision tree (bicycle example) 3: Realization 4: Data flow 5: Coding

  10. Realization(Bicycle example, Configuration block „execution“) Configuration block: execution • Frame „19 inches“ • Wheel „26 inches“ • Tires „Dunlop“

  11. Realization (Bicycle example, Configuration block „accessories“) Configuration block: accessories • Handlebar „Model 1“ • Light „standard“ • Bell „red“

  12. Agenda Explanation of product configurator 1: Possible levels of complexity 2: Decision tree (bicycle example) 3: Realization 4: Data flow 5: Coding

  13. Data flow (from / to product configurator) SAP-Form Data Data base Call from offer or customer order Item master data STL: BOM APL: Operation PK: Definition of Product configurator-GUI STL APL PK Data for configurator Variant data Header level Row level Product configurator Save configuration (as variant)

  14. Data flow (Creation of pre-calculation / work order Pre-calculation (be.as) Data base Item master data STL APL Porcessing data (at new creation) Variant Data Work order (be.as) Header level Row level

  15. Agenda Explanation of product configurator 1: Possible levels of complexity 2: Decision tree (bicycle example) 3: Realization 4: Data flow 5: Coding

  16. Coding (Product configurator surface)

  17. Coding (Assignment of parameters/Variables to single fields in BOM /routing)

  18. Summary You can now: • understand the possible levels of complexity • understand the process logic • know the data flow regarding the product configuration • you got an overview on coding

  19. Thank you for your cooperation!

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