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Berclair Elementary School School-wide PBIS Plan (Discipline Plan) 2013-14. 810 N. Perkins Memphis, TN 38122. Guiding Principles. Beliefs Student learning is the chief priority for our school and is the primary focus of all decisions and policies impacting our school.
Berclair Elementary School School-wide PBIS Plan(Discipline Plan) 2013-14 810 N. Perkins Memphis, TN 38122 Revised 9/10
Guiding Principles • Beliefs • Student learning is the chief priority for our school and is the primary focus of all decisions and policies impacting our school. • High expectations are an essential element for student success and must be held by all stakeholders. • An immaculate responsive climate that is conducive for teaching and learning includes both the school and the grounds. • Interventions, support, and enrichment are important for all students to achieve. • Curriculum and instructional practices incorporate a variety of learning activities to accommodate differences in learning styles. (continued on next page)
Guiding Principles • Beliefs (cont’d) • Goal setting and problem solving provide direction and energy for learning. • Assessments of student learning provide students with opportunities to demonstrate achievement and progress and are essential to monitor progress and effectiveness of instruction. • School Character Points • A student’s self esteem is enhanced by positive relationships and mutual respect among and between students and staff. • High levels of accountability increase rates of success for all persons. (continued on next page)
Guiding Principles • School Character Points (cont’d) • Establishing a sense of ownership in Berclair ensures a safe and healthy learning environment where students feel invested in school and desire to learn and make good decisions. • Values • Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs. • All students can learn, achieve, and succeed. • Quality leadership promotes quality students. • All stakeholders will overcome cultural and language barriers.
Vision • At Berclair Elementary school we envision a learning community composed of parents, students, faculty, neighborhood stakeholders and adopter stakeholders who support the idea that all students will reach their full potential academically, socially and vocationally.
Mission Berclair’s mission is to educate students, Embrace diversity, Strive with high expectations, and Teach students to work together.
Philosophy Statement • A positive school climate supports social and academic growth for all students. Positive school-wide behavior management is necessary if learning is to take place. Positive school-wide behavior management requires a discipline plan, applying successful interventions, and training students in procedures. • We must provide guidance to help children choose appropriate behavior choices. Our expectations of students’ behavior must be taught to students and reviewed frequently. • In handling behavior issues, we must keep in mind the importance of building strong relationships with students. How we treat one student can effect our relationship with all students. Therefore, we must handle all situations in a caring and professional manner.
Previous Results • Berclair met our 2012-13 goals of maintaining the “red zone” below 10% and keeping our “green zone” above 90%. Our school-wide attendance rate stayed above 93%, with a 2012-13 final rate of 94.8%.
Goals or Objectives • Berclair’s goals for 2013-14 are: • To maintain our “green zone” above 90%. • To motivate students to strive for personal excellence through reward and recognition events each month. • To decrease cafeteria referrals.
MCS School-wide PBIS (Discipline) Team Worksheet2013-14 Name of School: Berclair Elementary PBIS Team is representative of the school faculty and includes an administrator. Fill in the names of team members and designate counselor who will serve as Team Leader (TL) / Internal Coach *Indicates members mandated by MEA contract; others may be invited as needed See next slide for further instructions Revised 8/13
Please insert names of Team members below: (A) Data should be entered promptly to enable review of accurate data. Deadline for data entry is the Friday following the end of the reporting period. Principal should identify person responsible for entering behavior data. Name and title of data entry designee: Nancy Neal, Secretary (B) Committee should meet within one week of final data entry for reporting period. Enter projected meeting dates in this column. Identify team member responsible for data summary to report to SW PBIS Team. Name and title: Nikole Baker, Professional School Counselor Determine how you wish to examine your data: by location, by student, by infraction, by time of day, number of referrals per day per reporting period. Also consider office referral procedures and data integrity. (C) Faculty meeting to discuss behavior should be held within a week of the SW PBIS Team’s Meeting. Enter projected dates in this column. Identify persons responsible for sharing data trends for previous reporting period with the faculty. Name and title: Dr. Sam Shaw, Principal Team may wish to lead faculty in brainstorming intervention strategies based on data. Share successes and areas of continued efforts.
Monitoring Process • Data is used by the School-wide Discipline Committee to determine progress toward goals. The team considers information from the Self-Assessment Survey, SMS, and the SCS PBIS data website as well as staff observations and suggestions. The Action Plan can then be updated to reflect progress and new needs. The team meets at the end of each 20-day period or as needed.
Meeting Schedule Revised 7/12
Self Assessment Survey Analysis of School-Wide System 99 96 90 91 91 89 95 92
Celebration • School-wide success is celebrated/communicated through: • Morning Announcements • Bulletin Boards • Faculty/parent meetings • Information to SCS publications and media • Berclair Banner • Marquee Sign • Celebration Assemblies
School Rules • Be respectful and be safe. • Use acceptable language. • Follow directions the first time given. • Keep your hands, feet, objects, and hurtful comments to yourself.
Pre-referral Flow Chart Observe problem behavior Is behavior major? Find a place to talk with student(s) NO YES Ensure safety Problem solve Write referral & send to office Problem solve Determine consequence Determine consequence Follow procedure documented Follow documented procedure NO YES Does student have 3? Follow through with consequences File necessary documentation Send referral to office File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week
How we teach the Rules and Procedures • Morning meetings • “Hopes and Dreams” • Post procedures and rules • Character Education program (including character education contained in student planners) • Teaching procedures from the book: “The First Days of School” • Communications to parents through our “Berclair Banner” newsletter, marquee sign, “easy caller” phone system, student planners, Wednesday folders, telephone calls to parents, notes to parents, parent conferences, and school webpage • Writing assignments
School Procedures • Entering school • Students line up at assigned doors at 7:35 a.m. • Students eating breakfast proceed directly to cafeteria when doors open and are to sit at assigned tables for the breakfast line • Restroom use restricted with exceptions for emergencies only • Teachers assigned specific duties in either the cafeteria, hall, or outdoors • Once they have their breakfast trays, students stay seated in cafeteria until their grade is called to dismiss them to their classes • Students not eating breakfast line up outside assigned doors, based on grade, and may enter the building at 7:55 a.m. • All teachers are to remain at their morning duty assignment or they are to monitor the halls until 8:00 a.m. • Support teachers will continue to monitor cafeteria as needed until breakfast is complete.
School Procedures • Closing of school • Each grade level is responsible for establishing a rotating schedule of dismissal supervision for car riders, Strafford walkers, and Perkins walkers. • Teachers will escort their students to the grade-level designated dismissal area and will proceed to his or her dismissal duty post. • Support teachers will participate in dismissal duty and will establish a rotating schedule to supervise the areas of car riders, Strafford walkers, and Perkins walkers. • A number system will be used for car-rider dismissal. • All students will receive a car-rider number at registration. • Car riders will silently stand in grade-level lines in the front of school while waiting for his or her car-rider number to be called. (continued on next page)
School Procedures • Closing of school (cont’d) • Parents will stay in their cars and move up the line along the sidewalk on Perkins. • When a number is called out, the grade-level teacher will tell the student to move to his or her car. • Teachers will keep the students in line and some significant space between lines. • During inclimate weather dismissal, teachers scheduled for car rider duty will escort children to the cafeteria where regular car-rider dismissal procedures will be used with support staff assisting by escorting students from the cafeteria to his or her car.
School Procedures • Passing Classes • Classes are to walk on the right side of the hallways in a single file line. • Teachers are to follow their classes while they move in line and not proceed their students. • Restrooms • Teachers remain central to both restrooms (boys and girls) as their students, as a class, are present. • Student monitors are present in each restroom with his/her class. • In an emergency, students use a buddy system and a hall pass to leave their class and go directly to the restroom.
School Procedures • Lunchroom • Teachers are to take their students to the restroom before lunch. Restroom use during lunch is restricted unless there is an emergency. • Students are not to return additional times to the lunch lines for snacks, drinks or other food items. Students must get all items when in line. • Students are to stay seated during their lunch time and are to raise their hands if they need assistance. • Food and drink are to remain in the cafeteria. • Students are not to leave the cafeteria without supervision. (continued on next page)
School Procedures • Lunchroom (cont’d) • Supervising staff and selected students are to clean the table tops and bring the trash cans to the tables when it is time to dismiss the class. • Supervising staff are to assign time-outs, alternative seating, quiet times, detentions, and send notes to classroom teachers as necessary. • Supervising staff will complete office referrals for serious offenses. • Cafeteria staff will report any student incidents to the homeroom teacher when he/she picks the class up from lunch. • Supervising staff will be assigned specific tables or classes to monitor.
School Procedures • Assemblies • Teachers are to escort their classes in an orderly and quiet manner as they enter and exit the assembly. • Teachers are to sit with their classes. • Support teachers are assigned specific areas to monitor. • Students on stage are not to wear outerwear. • Students are to be attentive and remain seated on cafeteria benches or in chairs.
School Procedures Referrals • Referral forms are to be sent to the office. • Students being referred are to remain in the classroom until called for by the office. • Teachers are to signal the office through the intercom system for assistance with extremely disruptive student behavior. • For incidents involving multiple students, each student is to have his or her own referral form. • Teachers are not to use phrases like “misconduct” or “inappropriate behavior,” but rather use specific language relating the incident , including language used by the student/s. • Teacher’s are not to include any student’s name on the form other than the name of the student for whom the referral is being made. • Teachers are to obtain written statements from every student involved in an incident, including witnesses.
School Procedures • Hall passes • Each teacher will provide any student leaving the classroom with a hall pass identify the student as coming from his/her class. • All students are to use the “buddy system” when leaving the class without the teacher. • Ongoing Orientation for New Students • As new students are registered at Berclair, the student and parent will meet the teacher, be provided an opportunity to meet the principal and be assigned a classmate to assist him/her in learning classroom and school wide procedures. • During the first day of school new students will meet the counselor and be show where the counselor’s office is located. The counselor will monitor the new student for appropriate behavior and assist in any transitional difficulties.
Classroom Procedures • Teachers are to use appropriate verbal and nonverbal ques in classroom and group management. • Hall Passes are to be given to students who have to leave the room and no more than 3 students are to be out of the classroom. • All K-2 classes are to conduct Morning Meetings. • Students in all classes sign in a spiral notebook as they enter the classroom once each morning. • Students are to write something to publishing level and the work is to be posted in or outside classrooms. • Students are to journal each day. (continued on next page)
Classroom Procedures (cont’d) • Teachers are to facilitate picking up the trash on the classroom floor at the end of each day. • Teachers are to use cooperative learning whenever appropriate. • Teachers are to create, with their students when developmentally appropriate, and post their own classroom procedures that cover what is deemed necessary including the following: interruptions, safety drills, announcements, transitions, sharpening pencils, turning in homework, Wednesday folders, cooperative groups, centers, cleaning up, and dismissal.
School Wide Incentives • For exceptionally good behavior, students may receive recognition in the classroom or at assemblies. If a staff member observing exception behavior of a class or student not in her homeroom, praise will be give orally to the student/class and will be noted by the classroom teacher and incorporated into her tracking system. • All staff will participate in a “caught being good” ticket system. Each staff member will award a ticket every other week to a child in any class or grade. Each Friday the students who have been “caught being good” will have their names read over the intercom during morning announcements and will receive a prize. All tickets will be saved for drawings for larger prizes at the end of each semester. The PBIS team will track how often each student receives a ticket by marking on a classroom roster in the PBIS notebook.
Teacher Incentives • Teachers help plan and execute classroom celebrations, ensuring the activity is age-appropriate and also something he or she will enjoy. • Administrative recognition • Recognition during morning announcements • Early-bird access to donations from adopters and community organzations
Resources for Incentives • Adopters • Community agencies & businesses • Restaurants • Fundraisers • Churches • Parent organizations
Communication with Parents & Community • Information and resources about PBIS and the School-wide Discipline Plan is available to parents and community members through the school’s counseling office. • Parents are informed during registration, conferences, and through the Berclair Banner about Berclair’s rules and expectations.
Communication with Parents & Community • Avenues for communication and activities with parents and community members regarding PBIS include • Letters Home (approved by principal or designee) • Website • Parent Newsletter (the Berclair Banner) • Parent Meetings • E-mail • ParentCONNECT
Character Education • Character Education is supported at Berclair through : • morning announcements which include the word of the week, which is then expanded in classroom curriculum • Guest speakers • Age-appropriate programs through the counseling office
ATOD Prevention • Berclair students participate in Healthy Choices Week, the D.A.R.E. Program, a Basketball Team through Second Presbyterian Church, a soccer team, Health & P.E. lessons and classroom health lessons. • Information regarding community resources and tips for healthy living are available through the counseling office.
Bullying Prevention • Training with faculty on bullying prevention includes defining bullying/intimidation, recognizing early stages, and providing strategies for addressing is done in a professional development setting during a faculty meeting in the fall and is reviewed in the spring. • Training of students on bullying prevention is to be implemented by the school counselor with the support of classroom teachers. Training can be done through classroom guidance, small group, and individual counseling as well as through regular classroom education practices throughout the school year and special assemblies.
Violence Prevention Programs • Second Step, Responsive Classroom, bullying prevention programs, Peer Mediation, conflict resolution, Peaceable Schools, Logical Consequences and lessons on tolerance are used to address comprehensive violence prevention. • The school counselor, school social worker, and representatives from the community work with students to recognize, avoid and respond appropriately to violent situations. • Safety plans and no-harm contracts are implemented as needed for students displaying verbally or through actions any behaviors of concern.
Tier 2/Intervention Team • The school counselor, administrator, appropriate instructional staff and behavior related personnel participate in the Tier 2 Intervention Team. • The team facilitates and monitors interventions. • The team evaluates the outcomes of interventions and make adjustments and recommendations for teachers and students.
Intervention Strategies • Secondary interventions (Tier 2) for students who have been referred to the office 2 - 5 times, or those who have been referred through Behavior Plus, include: • Group and/or individual counseling (through the school counselor or school social worker) • Targeted intervention programs for select students (i.e., Check In, Check Out), • Behavior Plus implementation and monitoring • Behavior plans for repeated minor infractions and over 5 days out of school suspension (using BIM and other resources), • In School Suspension/Alternative classroom
Additional Tier 2 Interventions • Self monitoring programs • Think sheets • Increased academic/behavioral supports & practices • Parent Training & collaboration • Self management training and support • Social skills instruction • Behavioral Contract
Secondary Intervention Evaluation • The PBIS Team uses the following as indicators of progress & success for students who participate in secondary interventions (Tier 2) and tertiary interventions (Tier 3): • Office referral details • Observation data • Student surveys • Teacher and school counselor input • Functional Behavior Assessments and comprehensive Behavior Intervention Plans • S-Team referrals and recommendations
In-School Suspension Plan(Alternative Placement) • The principal, or person acting on his behalf, will determine the use of ISS. • Berclair’s teaching staff will serve as ISS substitutes for each other. The principal or designee will determine where a student goes to serve an ISS consequence. • A notebook will be kept in the office to document what student from what homeroom is serving an ISS consequence in what other room on what day/s. • Parents will be notified through written communication when a student is assigned ISS. • Teachers will send daily assignments for students assigned to ISS. • Students will be under constant adult supervision while in ISS.
Tertiary Interventions (Tier 3) • Berclair’s School Support Team (S-Team) identifies and plans for these students through teacher requests, office referrals and behavior patterns. • Number of expulsions 2012-13: 7 • Number of suspensions 2012-13: 33 • The success of interventions is monitored through teacher feedback, office referral data and monitoring by the support team.
Office Referral Comparison Students with 6 or more office referrals Students with 2-5 office referrals Students with 0 or 1 office referrals