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Dr. Helmut Fluhrer, Founder, CEO brainmate GmbH Brussels , Juni 2013. LT-INNOVATIVE SUMMIT 2013 Towards the Multiligual Digital Single Market. „ Where would Europe stand today if not the monetary , but the language integration would have been firstly promoted ?“
Dr. Helmut Fluhrer, Founder, CEO brainmate GmbHBrussels, Juni 2013 LT-INNOVATIVE SUMMIT 2013 TowardstheMultiligual Digital Single Market
„Wherewould Europe stand todayif not themonetary, but thelanguageintegrationwouldhavebeenfirstlypromoted?“ Helmut Fluhrer toTheo Waigel, former German Minister forFinanceand „Mr. Euro“ LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 2
Background: Media, Industry and IP Language Barriers everywhere: in Private TV, Media, Internet, Industry and IP • Publisher of Youth Magazine with 17 years • 1985 - Axel Springer Publishing: Newspapers and Magazines: starting globalization in 14 countries on three continents • 1985 Founding co-manager SAT 1, First German Private TV • 1990 Building Europe‘s Business Magazine Group „Eurexpansion“ with 25 companies and 40+ titles, supporting launch of „Kommersant“, Moscow • 1994-Burda Media: „Health Online Service“: First b-to-b Online Service, Expansion in Europe • 1998 – Internet Companies in Europe and USA: Media Professionals: Building the first “Cloud” • 2002 – Technology Transfer to Australia, United Arab Emirates, USA • 2011 – Intellectual Property Business • 2011 - Language Technologies • Member World Economic Forum, „Europe‘s 500“, Knight of St.John Helmut Fluhrer LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 3
ELTG “brainmate”- Tool toForeseethe Future Überblick The Key toknowWho will ProduceWhatandWhere in 5 Years on theGlobe Problem: • Companies in high fragmented markets have often no idea who is their competitor on a global scale: brainmate can evaluate LT companies and markets • For technology transfer, co-operation and strategic partnership there are many potential partners: difficult to find them Solution: • Intellectual Property / Patents /Know How is not only the „Raw Material“ of the Future, already today it became the most valuable data • Investors, entrepreneursorinventors: everyonewantssecurityforhisplans, moneyanddecisions; Evaluation forsecuring IP bythebest patent strategies • Core Business: M&A, Financing/ Sponsoring, bringingtherightpartnerstogetherforbuildingtheperfect solutions- incl. LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 4
Europe: Masterpiece of Language Barriers Markt Marktsegment There will be an European Integration onlywithmuchlessLanguage Barrieres Problem: The 23 official languages have the same legal status, but only five languages dominate the communication • What impact does it has on the self-confidence of the people with the other 18 language ? • What happens to the 253 translation combinations ? Solution: • English is not the solution! • All big states and economic powers have only one official language: China, USA, Russia Language Technologies have to provide help for better communication and integration! LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 5
Coverage of Translators and Interpreteurs Marktsegment Thereis a huge Lack of Human Translatorsif Europe wantstostaycompetitive Problem: • The European economies have very different support by own translators and interpreteurs • The Western World is facing a problem: Europe USA/CA/AUS Total Potential 75.000 80.000 155.000 Employed 41.000 22.000 63.000 Undercoverage 34.000 45% 58.000 72% 92.000 60% Solution: The evolution of automatic translation has to speed up and include Speech-to-Speech! LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 6
EU: Trying the Best for Language Integration ? Marktsegment Especially East European Countries havetobecome „European speaking“ Status: The EU Institutions like Commission, Parliament, etc: • Budget of app € 2 Billion for Translation annually • Translators and interpreters are the biggest part of EU staff • Still not enough human help for (timely) processes in legislation, executive, cooperation, communication, exchange Solution: • EU research frameworks like „Horizon 2020“ have to focus more on LT: Role of LT innovate • National programs for education have to use another approach for easier learning: use digital devices! LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 7
EU vs USA: Big Data, Big Trouble or Big Chance? Überblick The experienceofEurope‘s LT companiesisveryvaluable Status: The big US Players have little interest in the complex multilingual European Market: • Too small individual markets • No knowledge about these languages • No sense for the culture behind these languages Solution: It is the chance for European LT companies to create products and services on an European scale. This experience and know-how will open other multilingual markets in Asia, Africa, Latin America LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 8
Language Barriers vs EU Integration Marktsegment Most challenging: FindingJobs fortheworklessYouth of Southern Europe • Status: • There is a ticking bomb in Europe „which has no lobby“: • app. 53 million young people with no chance to get a job ever • There are 2,5 Million open jobs in Europe • The problem is often qualification, but more often the missing language for a job in another country • Solution: • New learning methods based on modern online services, sponsored by the EU, as „Enabler for Mobility“ • One example: 75 Spanish young people for job education in Bavaria in 2013 Süddeutsche Zeitung JUGENDARBEITSLOSIGKEIT: Ärmel hoch und los! Sechs Milliarden Euro gegen 6 Millionen junge Arbeitslose in Europa: Mit ihrem „New Deal” gegen Jugendarbeitslosig-keitreagieren Deutschland und Frank-reich auf einen absoluten Notfall. Doch um einer ganzen Generation Arbeit und neue Hoffnung zu geben, braucht es einen kollektiven Willen. LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 9
Many Tasks for EU’s LT companies Überblick Security s oneofthemostimportantAreas tofightLanguage Barriers Status: In all security sectors people have very often increasing problems of language barriers: • Lack of communication increases unsecurity • No language knowledge on both sides creates misunderstandings Solution: Individual training for all employees in public sector by easy to use LT translation devices LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 10
Next Generation of Big LT Buyers Marktsegment Information and Communication soon in newForms and Formats Media: • New Input: new journalism • New Output: new media E-Commerce: Language barriers stop business Handicapted: No barriers- if physical or in languages Corporation, from SMEs to global conglomerates: • Internal: Availability of all information in all languages • External: Exploring, conquering and securing new markets for export Administration: • Inhouse / crossborder: fromexpert to public information LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 11
EU’s LT Companies: Chance for Global Player? Überblick Itis not a Questionof Money only, itis a Strategic Fight vsFragmentation Status: The Race for Talents and Profits: „Invented in Europe, commercialized in the US“ • The Big Players like Apple, Google, Microsoft built important parts of their products / services on European inventions – often paid by EU tax payers • They pay higher salaries and offer incentives • Research and Development address the needs of the potential user • Marketing and Sales catch the attention of mass user markets Question: • How to create an economic successful „first mover advantage“ for European LT companies to become global players? Pooling assets and resources! LT-Innovate Summit Dr. Helmut Fluhrer June 2013 12
ThankYouForYourAttention For Further Information: brainmate GmbH Dr. Helmut Fluhrer Founderand CEO helmut.fluhrer@brainmate.de www.brainmate.de 13