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Vocabulary Unit 11. Sophomores Level E. Allude. Verb To refer to casually or indirectly In class today, Mrs. Sullivan alluded to the possibility of a quiz being given the following day. Allude. Synonyms Suggest Insinuate Hint at intimate. Clairvoyant. Adjective
Vocabulary Unit 11 Sophomores Level E
Allude • Verb • To refer to casually or indirectly • In class today, Mrs. Sullivan alluded to the possibility of a quiz being given the following day.
Allude • Synonyms • Suggest • Insinuate • Hint at • intimate
Clairvoyant • Adjective • Supernaturally perceptive • Noun • One who possesses extrasensory powers, seer • The show Ghost Whisperer is about a woman with clairvoyant powers who guides earthbound spirits into the light.
Synonyms Adj. Insightful Discerning Uncanny Noun visionary Antonyms Adj. Blind Unseeing Myopic Dense Imperceptive Clairvoyant
Conclusive • Adjective • Serving to settle an issue; final • The test results held conclusive evidence that the patient’s tumor was in fact malignant.
Synonyms Decisive Indisputable Convincing Definitive Antonyms Unsettled Provisional Indefinite Conclusive
Disreputable • Adjective • Not respectable, not esteemed • Chris Brown’s disreputable actions against Rhianna have brought about a decline in his popularity.
Synonyms Disgraceful Discreditable Shady Antonyms Honest Aboveboard Respectable Creditable Disreputable
Endemic • Adjective • Native or confined to a particular region or people; characteristic of or prevalent in a field. • In countries outside of North America, it is difficult to obtain a turkey for Thanksgiving as the fowl is endemic to that region.
Synonyms Indigenous Restricted to Antonyms Alien Foreign Extraneous Endemic
Exemplary • Adjective • Worthy of imitation, commendable; serving as a model. • Because of her exemplary academic performance over a four year period, Little Flower named Gail the valedictorian of the graduating class.
Synonyms Praiseworthy Meritorious Sterling Illustrative Antonyms Infamous Notorious Scandalous Disreputable Exemplary
Fathom • Verb • To understand, get to the bottom of; to determine the depth of • Noun • A measure of depth in water • I cannot fathom why students do not manage their time better in order to get all of their homework done.
Fathom • Synonyms • Grasp • Comprehend • Figure out • Plumb
Guile • Noun • Treacherous cunning, deceit • In the Crucible, Abigail Williams’ guile ties the noose around many a Puritan neck.
Synonyms Trickery Duplicity Chicanery Antonyms Candor Artlessness Naïveté Plain dealing Guile
Integrity • Noun • Honesty, high oral standards; an unimpaired condition, completeness, soundness. • Many colleges have academic integrity policies in order to deal with occurrences of plagiarism.
Synonyms Rectitude Probity Antonyms Dishonesty Corruption Turpitude Integrity
Itinerary • Noun • A route of travel; a record of travel; a guidebook • I employed the help of a travel agent when planning an itinerary for my upcoming trip to the Bahamas.
Itinerary • Synonyms • Schedule • Program
Misconstrue • Verb • To interpret wrongly, mistake the meaning of • The student misconstrued the instructions for writing the in-class essay and was penalized for her faulty interpretation.
Misconstrue • Synonyms • Misjudge • Misinterpret
Obnoxious • Adjective • Highly offensive, arousing strong dislike • Using foul language is considered an obnoxious habit by many.
Synonyms Disagreeable Repugnant Hateful Odious Antonyms Agreeable Pleasing Engaging Personable Obnoxious
Placate • Verb • To appease, soothe, pacify • Realizing his customers were getting impatient, the waiter brought the table more bread to placate them.
Synonyms Satisfy Mollify Allay Conciliate Antonyms Vex Irk Provoke Exasperate Annoy Placate
Placid • Adjective • Calm, peaceful • Lullabies are placid songs meant to soothe an upset child into sleep.
Synonyms Undisturbed Tranquil Quiet Serene Antonyms Stormy Agitated Turbulent Tempestuous Placid
Plagiarism • Noun • Passing off or using as one’s own the writing (or orther materials) of another person. • Colleges and universities use sites like turn-it-in.com to detect instances of plagiarism in student writing.
Plagiarism • Synonyms • Piracy • Theft
Potent • Adjective • Powerful; highly effective • Some advocates of the death penalty think it is a potent crime deterrent.
Synonyms Mighty Formidable Forceful Antonyms Weak Inept Feckless Powerless Ineffective Potent
Pretext • Noun • A false reason, deceptive excuse • The girl faked sick in the morning as a pretext to get out of her English test.
Pretext • Synonyms • Pretense • Cover story • Rationale • Evasion
Protrude • Verb • To stick out, thrust forth • Emaciated woman look as though their collar bones protrude from their bodies.
Protrude • Synonyms • Project • Jut out • Bulge
Stark • Adjective • Harsh, unrelieved, desolate; • Adverb • Utterly • The failure warning was a stark reminder to the girl that she needed to be a more diligent student.
Synonyms Adj. Sheer Downright Grim Bleak Adv. Absolutely Antonyms Adj Bright Cheerful Embellished Ornate Stark
Superficial • Adjective • On or near the surface concerned with or understanding only what is on the surface, shallow. • Students often have a superficial grasp on vocabulary because memorize words for a test instead of making longer lasting connections.
Synonyms Skin-deep Insubstantial Cursory Slapdash Antonyms Deep Profound Thorough Exhaustive Superficial