3. COMPETITIONS Talking with the LIV about engaging the profession as judges.
Can we get it counting for CPD points?
Looking at the needs of competitors and feedback from the past few years.
How to ensure the whole week is valuable.
What services need to be provided to competitors.
What is the structure and layout of the week.
4. PUBLICITY No handouts at 2011 conscious decision to conserve funds for o-week.
Asking each uni to nominate someone for us to liaise with for conference marketing.
Presidents will get all emails (through council@alsa.asn.au) but seeking to be less reliant on those who are busy.
How can we work to engage each law school and provide a collegiate atmosphere as exists in AMSA.
5. EDUCATION Have commenced contacting speakers.
Looking to jam-pack the week full of educational events, even when council is not free to attend.
6. CAREERS Looking towards careers forums and have commenced contacting speakers.
Keeping separate from ALEFs due to ALSA Constitution.
Waiting for new ALSA Exec so we can discuss how 2011 careers events have gone and how best to progress careers as part of ALSA Conference.
7. ADMINISTRATION Draft plan of the week created.
Again, waiting for new exec to discuss structure of the week and how it will best run.
Will be seeking feedback from 2011 as to what worked well and what could be changed.
8. COUNCIL Specific appointment in committee.
Should help to ensure all councils needs are met.
9. EVENTS Have not been forgotten about but are currently subject to budgets before we move forward with this.
Will be much more concrete at October Council.
10. FEEDBACK It is REALLY important now that we get as much information as possible about 2011 so that we have a sense of what worked well and what can be improved.
Please encourage everyone who attended to fill out the Conference Survey when it is released.
Anything else you want to tell us, please send an email to alsafeedback@vclss.com