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Help Us Stop It!. Bullying is the act of hurting one person or a group of people repeatedly as a way for the bully to feel superior. Usually the bully is bigger or stronger than his/her victim.
Help Us Stop It!
Bullying is the act of hurting one person or a group of people repeatedly as a way for the bully to feel superior. Usually the bully is bigger or stronger than his/her victim. Bullying is not just having a single disagreement with someone; it is when someone continues to pick on someone else. Often, bullies do not care about their actions and the effects of their actions on the person they are bullying. When being bullied, the victim usually feels that he or she does not have any power to be able to stop being bullied.
Types of Bullying Direct Bullying Physical: hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting Verbal: taunting, teasing, racial slurs, verbal sexual harassment Non-verbal: threatening, obscene gestures Indirect Bullying Physical: getting another person to hurt somebody Verbal: spreading rumours Non-verbal: deliberate exclusion from a group or activity, cyber-bullying Indirect Bullying Physical: getting another person to hurt somebody Verbal: spreading rumours Non-verbal: deliberate exclusion from a group or activity, cyber-bullying
Why do children bully? There are many reasons why kids bully. Did you know that bullying behaviour is often a cry for help?Another reason kids bully is that they may fall into a trap by thinking that bullying is just "the cool thing to do," especially in front of their friends. Unfortunately, there are people who reward others who bully. Also kids bully others because adults don't give kids the skills they need to be able to tolerate and appreciate the differences of others. Bullies also tend to continue their behaviour throughout their lives.
Accept me the way I AM Being different from your classmates can be hard for a lot of kids. It's important to remember that every single one of us is different. Each of us has special talents, backgrounds, and understandings. In order to create a more peaceful and tolerant world, we need to celebrate our differences!
Now that you know what bullying is and you have read about the consequences of bullying, it is time for you to learn if you are a bully. Take this quiz to find out!
Have you ever…. • Called someone a name? • Threatened to hurt someone emotionally or physically? • Used your size to hurt or scare other kids? Physically hurt someone • Taken someone else's belongings without their permission? • Damaged or destroyed someone's property? • Made fun of or criticized others who are different than you? Tried to make someone cry?
What do you do if you are bullied? If you are bullied you have to ignore the person and remember that it is not your fault . When a person reacts to a bully then you are just giving him what he wants attention ! If the bully is making you cry , mad, scared or angry it will only encourage them to continue. If you are being bullied tell someone you can trust and that will do something to help, its not tattling because you are just saying the truth.
Sources: http://www.slideshare.net/RockyS11/antibullying http://library.thinkquest.org/07aug/00117/bullyingpresentation.html https://www.google.gr/search?q=bullying&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=8hWfUu3ELYSihgf62IGwCg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1680&bih=911
The end! • By: • Dina Batsouli • Danae Papadopoulou • Sofia Contomichalos • Katerina Kompotis • Maria Charalambous