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What Happened to the Sanctuary Doctrine in the Last 35 Years?

What Happened to the Sanctuary Doctrine in the Last 35 Years?. Part 2. Richard M. Davidson Gospel Study Group October 21, 2016. Chiastic Literary Structure of Heb 6:19-10:20. The Veil (6:19-20) The Priesthood (7:1-25) The Sacrifice (7:26-28) The Sanctuary (8:1-5) The Covenant (8:6-13

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What Happened to the Sanctuary Doctrine in the Last 35 Years?

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  1. What Happened to the Sanctuary Doctrine in the Last 35 Years? Part 2 Richard M. Davidson Gospel Study Group October 21, 2016

  2. Chiastic Literary Structure of Heb 6:19-10:20 • The Veil (6:19-20) • The Priesthood (7:1-25) • The Sacrifice (7:26-28) • The Sanctuary (8:1-5) • The Covenant (8:6-13 F. The Sanctuary (9:1-10) F. The Sanctuary (9:11-14) • The Covenant (9:15-22) D. The Sanctuary (9:23-28) C. The Sacrifice (10:1-10) B. The Priesthood (10:11-18) A. The Veil (10:19-20)

  3. Chiastic Literary Structure of Hebrews 6:19 – 10:20 • This structure was adapted from an unpublished paper by William Shea • Note how the two entrance passages of Heb 6:19-20 and Heb 10:19-20 match each other as parallel “A” members in the chiasm. • Heb 6:19-20 = Heb 10:19-20 • Scholars generally recognize that these two passages refer to the same event • But scholars almost always see this event as the antitype of the OT Day of Atonement, when Jesus entered within the veil of the Most Holy Place • Is the majority opinion of scholars correct?

  4. Chiastic Literary Structure of Hebrews 6:19 – 10:20 • What is the OT background event? • Heb 6:19-20 does not tell us explicitly • But Heb 10:19-20 is the KEY! • This passage identifies Christ’s work as He enters as evgkaini,zw (enkainizō, v. 20) = “to inaugurate”! • This word group evgkaini,zw [enkainizō] is used in a technical sense in the Septuagint (LXX) which was the version of the OT from which the author of Hebrews consistently quoted

  5. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary evgkaini,zw [Enkainizō] • Throughout the Pentateuchal references to sacrifices (LXX), the word group evgkaini,zw [enkainizo] is found in only ONE chapter: • Numbers 7 (vv. 10, 11, 84, 88) –which describes the INAUGURATION of the sanctuary, as its services started up. • The word evgkaini,zw [enkainizō] NEVER refers to the Day of Atonement in the OT!

  6. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary • The immediate context of evgkaini,zw [enkainizō] in Heb 10:20 verifies this identification • Heb 9:18: evgkaini,zw [enkainizō] clearly means “inaugurate” or “dedicate” and describes the setting up of the sanctuary services and NOT the Day of Atonement • Thus Heb 10:19-20 and its chiastic parallel passage (Heb 6:19-20) refer to INAUGURATION and not Day of Atonement

  7. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary • This is a fulfillment of Dan 9:24: “anoint the Most Holy Place” • It doesn’t matter which veil Heb 6:19-20 and Heb 10:20 refer to (second or first), contra Ballenger and more recent detractors, since at the inauguration of the sanctuary Moses (acting in his priestly function before the ordaining of Aaron) went into both the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place (Exod 40:9-10; Num 7:1)

  8. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary Heb 9:12 • “The Blood of goats and calves” –what does this refer to? • A goat and (bull) calf were indeed sacrificed at the time of Day of Atonement (Lev 16:6, 15) • Does Heb 9:12 therefore refer to the Day of Atonement? • NO! Not if one looks at the original Greek

  9. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary Heb 9:12 • “Goat” = tra,goj [tragos] • “Calf” = mo,scoj [moschos] In the LXX the word mo,scoj [moschos]is used for both the inauguration and the Day of Atonement (7 times in Lev 16 and 17 times in Num 7 & 8)

  10. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary Heb 9:12 In the LXX there are TWO words for “goat” used in reference to the sacrificial system: Tra,goj [tragos]and ci,maroj [chimaros] • Which one is used for the Day of Atonement in Lev 16? • Ci,maroj [chimaros]! Not tra,goj [tragos]

  11. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary Tragos (The “Goat” of Heb 9:12) • In the LXX the word appears in only ONE chapter of the Pentateuchal material describing sanctuary rituals: • Numbers 7 (13 times) • The setting of Num 7 = Inauguration of the sanctuary!

  12. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary Tra,goj [tragos](The “Goat” of Heb 9:12) Heb 9:19 verifies this interpretation of Heb 9:12, as it uses the same two words “calves” and “goats,” (mo,scoj [moschos] and tra,goj [tragos]) clearly in the context of the inauguration of the covenant (v. 18)

  13. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary Heb 9:12 and the Word ta. a[gia (ta hagia, “The Holies”) • The term ta hagia does not refer to the Most Holy Place by itself • In LXX usage (also Pseudepigrapha, Philo, and Josephus) ta hagia NEVER refers to the Most Holy Place by itself • It is the regular term for the entire sanctuary as a whole

  14. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary Heb 9:12 and the Word ta. a[gia (ta hagia, “The Holies”) • In the LXX ta hagia appears109 times referring to the sanctuary, and 106 times refers to the entire sanctuary, and 3 times refers to the Holy Place (1 Ki 8:8; 2 Chr 5:9,11) • See Carl Cosaert, “A Study of ta. a[gia in the LXX, Pseudepigrapha, Philo, and Josephus, and Its Implications in Hebrews,” Nazarene Theological Seminary, 2000; idem, “The Use of ‘Agios for the Sanctuary in the OT Pseudepigrapha, Philo, and Josephus,” AUSS 42/1 (Sp 2004): 91-103.

  15. The Inauguration of the Sanctuary Summary: • When Christ entered the heavenly sanctuary, He entered to inaugurate it, to officially start up its services as Priest-King • He went into the entire sanctuary, as in the type (Num 7:1; Exod 40) • Day of Atonement is still future for the author of Hebrews (9:27; 10:25-31)

  16. The Basic Contours of Sanctuary Typology in Hebrews Conclusions: • The basic contours of sanctuary typology in Hebrews are consistent with Leviticus, with Daniel, with Revelation, and with the SDA doctrine of the investigative judgment based on these passages • The author of Hebrews does not indicate the exact time of the future Day of Atonement judgment; for this we need to go to Daniel 8 & 9

  17. 7. The Practical Message of Hebrews Sanctuary Typology We can NOW enter by faith into the heavenly sanctuary!! • Heb 4:16 • Heb 6: 19 • Heb 10:19-20 • Heb 12:22-24 Christ invites us to His house, and we may come with boldness!

  18. B. Temple of Truth: The Veracity of the Message of the Sanctuary (esp. in Daniel and Revelation) 1. Investigative Judgment: Biblical? Consistent with the Gospel?

  19. 1. Investigative Judgment of God’s people in Scripture • Genesis 3:God comes for a “legal process” • in the midst = the Gospel (3:15)! • Non-SDA scholars recognize this • Investigative judgment not just in Genesis 3 • Genesis 4 : Cain • Genesis 6 : Flood • Genesis 11: Tower of Babel • Genesis 18: Sodom and Gomorrah

  20. The Investigative Judgment in Ezekiel • First eleven chapters of Ezekiel • All the essentials of investigative judgment • Also shows God’s heart of love (18:30-32) • Ezekiel 40-48 • cleansed and restored Temple • vision given on Yom Kippur (40:1) • That year, Yom Kippur was Oct 22! • See study notes of AU Study Bible

  21. Technical Terminology and Structure of Investigative Judgment: The Divine Rib • Heb. rib = “covenant lawsuit” (investigative judgment) • 44 OT references to a divine rib • 35 of these divine lawsuits are positive, i.e., God’s legal proceedings lead to vindication or deliverance of His people! • The investigative judgment is good news!

  22. Covenant Lawsuit (Investigative Judgment) Macro-Structures of Scripture • Job • Ezekiel • Daniel • Malachi • Gospel of John • Book of Revelation • 320+ mini-investigative judgments in OT!!

  23. Investigative Judgment Is God’s Regular Procedure in Scripture • Before God executes judgment (either positively or negatively) He first conducts legal proceedings, not for Him to know the facts, but to reveal in open court, as it were, that He is just and fair in all of His dealings, and that He has done all that He can to save as many as He can. • Daniel 7 and 8 is the final, cosmic demonstration of this regular procedure

  24. Investigative Judgment Is God’s Regular Procedure in Scripture, and Consistent with the Gospel For further study: • Davidson, Richard M. “The Divine Covenant Lawsuit Motif in Canonical Perspective.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 21, nos. 1–2 (2010):45–84.

  25. 2. Year-day Principle—Biblical? 1. Time prophecies in Daniel and Revelation are always expressed in a manner that is not used for expressing ordinary literal time: • 2300 “evening-mornings”, not 6 yrs., 3 mos., 20 days (Dan 8:14) • “time, times, and ½ a time” (Dan 7:25; Rev 12:14) • 70 weeks, not one year, 4 ½ months (Dan 9:24) • 1290 days, not 3 years and 7 months (Dan 12:11) • 1335 days, not 3 years, 8 months, 15 days (Dan 12:12) • 42 months, 1260 days (Rev 11:2, 3; 12:6, 14; 13:5) • The only time NOT used is years!!

  26. Year-day Principle (cont.) 2. Khazon “Vision” in Daniel 8 • The khazon refers to the entire vision (3 times in vv. 1-2) • Dan 8:13 asks “until when” (‘ad mattai) is the khazon, i.e., how long does it last from the time when it started in the time of the kingdom of Medo-Persia. • The answer in Dan 8:14, “unto 2300 evenings-morning” must cover at least the periods of Medo-Persia and Greece (539 BC to 168 BC = 371 years). • 2300 literal days (6 yrs., 3 mos., 20 days) does not cover this period; neither does 2300 weeks (44 years), nor 2300 months (191 2/3 years); the only time unit left is years! Only the day-for-a-year covers this period.

  27. Year-Day Principle (cont.) Conclusion: • The Year-day principle is biblically sound. • William Shea: 23 biblical evidences (DARCOM vol. 1)! • The Historicist view, with its unique employment of this year-day principle in apocalyptic literature, is consistent with Scripture. • The Year-day principle, and the historicist view of apocalyptic prophecy, is the consistent view of the early church and the Reformers (Calvin, Luther, Zwingli, etc.) • The Seventh-day Adventist Church is virtually the only church left that still holds aloft the biblically-based, Reformation torch on apocalyptic prophecy!

  28. 3. Beginning of 2300 Days: 457 or 458 BC? 457 (fall to fall reckoning) or 458 (spring to spring reckoning of Artaxerexes) BC? • Ezra-Neh = Fall –to Fall reckoning (Neh 1:1—2:1) • Elephantine Papyrii—double dating (Egyptian solar and Semitic lunar) • Only 457 is a jubilee year! Research of Doug Waterhouse

  29. 4. Beginning of 2300 Days:When in 457? • When in 457 did the decree go into effect? • Ezra 7: emphasis on offering sacrifices (v. 17) • First activity upon return, sacrifices (Ezra 8:35) • Sometime between Aug 22 and 41/2 months later • Pattern of sacrifices fits only those offered on Day of Atonement and Feast of Trumpets (Num 29) • Fall of 457 = Jubilee year of “return” • Jubilee starts on Day of Atonement • Ezra probably “returns” to celebrate jubilee!

  30. Beginning of 2300 Days:When in 457? (cont.) • 457 was a year when they added a “leap-month” to make the lunar year keep up with the solar year • If not, then Ezra starts traveling on Sabbath, and counts money on Sabbath when he arrives • So Day of Atonement comes late in October in 457 BC

  31. 5. Ending of 2300 Days: September 23 or October 22? • Start of the 2300 years (late October 457) is an exact match with 2300 years later in1844: October (22) date for Day of Atonement, with added “leap-month” • Witness of Karaites in Jerusalem in 1844! (New evidence that in 1844 it was necessary to add an intercalated month, and Day of Atonement was on October 22, not Sept 23) • Oct 22, 1844 marks the beginning of the antitypical Day of Atonement

  32. 6. Daniel 8:14—Meaning of Nitsdaq • “Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed [nitsdaq]” • Nitsdaq has three basic nuanced meanings: 1. “Restore” (Isa 46:13) 2. “cleanse” (Job 4:17) 3. “vindicate” (Isa 50:8) • Three problems summarized in Dan 8:13: 1. Tamid (“daily”) taken away –v. 11. 2. Transgression (pesha‘ ) –v. 12 3. Trampling of sanctuary and host –v. 10

  33. Daniel 8:14 Daniel 8:14 is the precise answer to the three problems summarized in v. 13:1. the daily is “restored” 2. the transgression is “cleansed” 3. The God of the sanctuary and host is vindicated sanctuary doctrine summarized in one word: NITSDAQ!

  34. Daniel 8:14 For further study: • Davidson, Richard M. “The Meaning of Nitsdaq in Daniel 8:14.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 7, no. 1 (1996): 107–119. • Livingston, Eric M. “A Study of Tsadaq in Daniel 8:14, Its Relation to the ‘Cleanse’ Semantic Field, and Its Importance for Seventh-day Adventism’s Concept of Investigative Judgment.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of New England, 2007.

  35. 7. “Little Horn” = Antiochus Epiphanes? • Jiri Moskala’s dissertation in Czech Republic, evaluating the “Maccabean Hypothesis,” and showing how it is not consistent with the evidence from the book of Daniel. (not yet translated from Czech language) • Antiochus Epiphanes does not fit the data of Daniel 7 and 8 (see esp. William Shea’s research in DARCOM vol 1)

  36. C. “Great House” of Goodness: The Good News of Yom Kippur (Practical Relevance) Personal experience: • Judgment message not good news! • Daniel 7:10 • Ecclesiastes 12:14 • 2 Corinthians 5:10 • Shudder at the judgment • Avoid preaching the judgment

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