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A Different Type of Utility Coordination? by Mark Porter

A Different Type of Utility Coordination? by Mark Porter. Design Process. Why Are Utilities in the ROW

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A Different Type of Utility Coordination? by Mark Porter

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  1. A Different Type of Utility Coordination?byMark Porter

  2. Design Process • Why Are Utilities in the ROW • Utility facilities and services are recognized by the Florida Legislature as serving the public welfare. As such, Statutes provide for the use of public rights of ways by utility companies. SS 125.42, 337.401, 362.01.

  3. Design Process • Determination of who will perform Utility Work • Assure compatibility of all components of the project to effectively plan a safe, viable, and balanced facility • Determine UAO’s with facilities within the project ROW • Begin coordination meetings with the respective participants • Develop utility involvement either by work schedules/JPA’s or no conflict letters

  4. Design Process • FINAL COORDINATION OF UTILITIES • Planned Utility Relocations With Contract Provisions. Every DOT project will include in the special provisions package copies of utility relocation schedules if utility work was anticipated. These schedules specify each utilities existing and proposed facilities, as well as the activities and time frames needed to install, relocate or adjust them • Certification process packaged and submitted

  5. Utility Construction Management • Purpose: • To establish a uniform procedure to act as a liaison between the Department and the Utility Agencies/Owners • Represent the Department’s best interest for the success of the project • Develop a common ground for both the Department and the Utility Owner. We both serve the same public interest • Reduce conflicts, minimize cost and significantly reduce the amount of construction delays • Claims avoidance!

  6. Utility Construction Management • Identify a program data base that provides route, location, nature of improvements, probable dates of construction • Additional constructability reviews especially against phasing • Evaluate the most economical sequence of construction relative to affected utilities requiring relocation/adjustments • Develop a logical sequence of construction efforts between the effected utility agencies

  7. Utility Construction Management • Utility schedules may not include all the work necessary on a particular project. • Utility schedules vary in their correctness and detail from utility to utility. Some utilities will provide very precise details as to their phases of work, how they tie in with the contractors work and the time frames for the phases. Others merely give an overall estimate of time for the overall activity. • Utility companies have as much difficulty understanding our plans as we do theirs, and therefore do not know what is involved with the project. Especially urban intense projects involving major design features. • All of the plans package may not have been available to the utility when they were preparing the relocation package. Example - Structure plans. • Utilities do not know how the contractor intends to build roads and bridges. • The utility work may not have been properly coordinated between utility companies.

  8. Utility Construction Management • DOT’s Side of Conflict’s • Production Date!! • Have to use Utility information provided by the UAO’s • Don’t know how contractors build what they design • Don’t get contractors’ schedules • Expect Utilities to properly identify conflicts

  9. Utility Construction Management • Contractors Side of Things • Outside their control • Causes delays • Don’t know how utilities relocate or build • Expect the Department to solve

  10. Utility Construction Management • Utility Side of Things • Don’t know where they are • bad as-builds • took over other companies • Don’t confirm plans to reality • Don’t know how to read our plans • Don’t get all of our plans

  11. Utility Construction Management • There hasn't been a project designed yet that has clearly identified every possible utility conflict or relocation. • We identify possible problem areas before they become a problem/cost and assist with scheduling the utility work accordingly.

  12. Utility Construction Management • How do we anticipate where utility conflicts may occur? • Obviously, you need to be able to anticipate this in order to minimize delays and claims due to "unforeseen" conflicts. We try and get ahead of the game as far in advance as possible.

  13. Utility Construction Management • We tear apart plan sheets (throw away the sheets that are confusing) • Walk the site • Uncover/locate • Review field finding locations against “Utility Work Schedule” locations. • Value Engineering • Is there any simple design changes that could be put in place to avoid a costly adjustment? Determine real perspective (how wide are pipes) Ditch width and slope Construction method Piles, lights, signals, sign bases not shown

  14. Utility Construction Management CSX Assist with coordinating utility adjustments adjacent or direct crossings within CSX ROW including CSX permitting. Vincent Montgomery is also available to help you by using his charm to get you your CSX permit faster than imagined!

  15. Utility Construction Management Bridges

  16. Utility Construction Management • Be involved • Attend Meetings • E-Mail • Write down everything. If an agreement is reached in the field ‑ document it and copy everyone. Talk to the Utility Engineer or Construction Coordinator when you have the problem • Try and stay ahead of the contractor and be aware of their schedule

  17. Utility Construction Management • Success Stories • SR 436, Altamonte Springs, FL • Awarded FTBA, Pat Bolton and APAC • Finished 9 Months ahead of schedule • SR 436, Orlando, FL (OIA) • Also received FTBA Award • Another incentive project completed ahead of schedule • I-4/408 Interim, Orlando, FL • Several key stakeholders • Utility Adjustments were completed far in advance of original project schedule and under budget • It’s currently nominated for the FHWA Award “Excellence in Highway Utility Relocation and Accommodation”

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