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Pax Romana , “Roman Peace” -207 years of peace and prosperity for Rome (27 BC - 180 AD). A Time of Progress. 1. Roman borders measure 10,000 miles/enclosed area of 3 million square miles.
Pax Romana, “Roman Peace” -207 years of peace and prosperity for Rome (27 BC - 180 AD)
A Time of Progress 1. Roman borders measure 10,000 miles/enclosed area of 3 million square miles. 2. The population of the Roman Empire= between 70-90 million people. Population of Rome= 1 million people.
Augustus Caesar (Octavian) 1. His rule started the Roman Empire. 2. Augustus would die at the age of 76 in 14 AD. His adopted son Tiberius was hailed successor. 3. His speeches convinced people that he would restore Rome.
Augustus Caesar (Octavian) 4. His policies as a ruler: Encouraged trade: common coinage (denarius); eliminated taxes on all trade goods; built aqueducts. Glorified Rome with construction: used concrete to do so.
Augustus Caesar (Octavian) Created long-lasting system of government: center of imperial gov’t= senators were allowed to keep titles and money making positions in provinces but left the “real” duties of the running the empire to plebeians and slaves; set up civil service (salaried, experienced workers)
Building and Civil Service Public Building Program Created a new material (concrete) for building that was much cheaper than marble. Decorated outside with marble. Civil Service Made government jobs mostly for plebeians and slaves. Created a work force with people who were salaried and experienced in their jobs.
Succession Problem 1. The transfer of authority; every time an emperor died there was a potential crisis. 2. Sometimes the successor was selected by the senate, dying emperor, provincial army or Praetorian Guard.
The Julian Emperors 1. Tiberius (14-37) improved the government, later years marked by trials and executions. 2. Caligula (37-41)was assassinated after short rule. 3. Claudius (41-54) was an able leader who added Britannia to the empire.
The Julian Emperors 4. Nero (54-68) abused his power and had many of his political enemies murdered. Rebuilt Rome after the great fire in 64 AD. 5. Army Emperors: Galba, Otho, Vitellus all chosen by their armies (succession crisis)
The Five Good Emperors (Adopted) 1. Nerva (96-98) was appointed emperor by senate. 2. Trajan (98-117) saw the empire reach its greatest height by defeating the barbarians of central Europe. 3. Hadrian (117- 138) created stronger military defenses.
The Five Good Emperors (Adopted) 4. Antoninus Pius (138-161) expanded programs for education, army declined. 5. Under Marcus Aurelius (161-180) the empire was invaded for the 1st time, but defeated these barbarian tribes from the north. The end of the Pax Romana was marked by his death.