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Understand AIV principles, model philosophy, GSE usage, and testing strategies for successful space technology development.
Corso di Tecnologie Spaziali – Lezione 8 AIV e GSE Dr. Emanuele Pace Aprile 2009
AIV • AIV stands for Assembly, Integration and Verification procedures • AIV is planned following the “AIV Development Plan” • The AIV “Development Plan” concerns the whole instrument, its different models, the sub-systems and the components • The AIV includes • Model philosophy • Qualification tests • Integration procedures • Ground Support Equipment (GSE) • Database E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Product tree (esempio WSO/UV) E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Product tree of UVO channel E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Model philosophy e qualifiche • Qualifica dei componenti • Electrical Model (EM): electrical tests EMC tests Procedure di check pre-lancio • Structural & Thermal Model (STM): thermo-vacuum test vibration tests • Flight Model (FM) Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) Proto-Flight Model E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
GSE: Ground Support Equipment Strumentazione di terra necessaria a verificare le prestazioni dei sottosistemi e dei sistemi che andranno nello spazio. Tipi di GSE: • MGSE: Mechanical GSE – Verifiche delle prestazioni meccaniche e strutturali • EGSE: Electrical GSE – Verifiche delle prestazioni elettriche e di compatibilità elettromagnetica dei sistemi • OGSE: Optical GSE – verifiche delle prestazioni ottiche e calibrazioni dei sistemi ottici E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Attività di GSE • Define and understand your test specification. • Assist with the design and manufacture of test fixtures. • Adapt the facilities to meet your exacting test requirements. • Provide cost and schedule information. • Make the qualification and calibration measurements E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Development Plan E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Field Camera Unit FUV Detector Core NUV Detector Core UVO Detector Core Electronics Optical Bench Assembly ICU Detector Head Detector Head Detector Head Pick UP Mirror(rotating/mosaic) FCU Optical Bench PSU FEE FEE FEE NUV Path: Fixed Mirror, filter wheel (2), adj mirror UVO Path: Fixed Mirrors (2), filter wheel (3), adj mirror Interconnecting harness(ICU-PSU, ICU-Detectors, PSU-Detectors) Housing Housing Housing Calibration Unit:optics, mechanisms, lamps FUV Path: filter wheel AIV strategy Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Assembly flow E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
AIV: environmental testing E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
AIV: spectral calibration E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Instrument Units manufactured byPACS Consortium Partners AIV on Unit level GEN-AIV-T01 Delivery Readiness Review (acceptance tests passed at manufacturers site) GEN-AIV-T02 Delivery of Units to MPE GEN-AIV-T03 Delivery to ESA GEN-AIV-T05 Integration and Instrument Level Test (ILT-AVM/CQM/PFM/FS) Responsibility of MPE (cryovibration/functional and performance test/spectral calibrationat TBD / MPE / LENS using special test equipment at different test sites) GEN-AIV-T04 General instrument AIV sequence E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
manufacture and assembly of 24 QM 1x16 detector modules at ANTEC QMDET-Array-T01 warm functional check QMDET-Array-T02 relative spectralresponse measurements QMDET-Array-T03 QM FEE delivery from IMECfor performance verification and check-out of test electronics at MPE / MPIA QMDET-Array-T04 delivery QM FEEs to ANTECassembly ofQM detector modules + FEEs QMDET-Array-T05 delivery of 24 QM modulesfor verification tests:12 to MPE, 12 to MPIA QMDET-Array-T06 integration with cryostats/OGSE1(MPE: 2+1 cool-downs, each with 4 h.s.modules)measurements at MPE/MPIA,delivery back to ANTEC QMDET-Array-T07 assembly of arrays (2 QMs à 12 modules) at ANTEC delivery to MPE QMDET-Array-T08 assembly of QM arrays with baffles+filters at MPE delivery to KT QMDET-Array-T09 AIV sequence of QM detector array E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
PFM instrument AIV sequence E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Mechanical testing E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Test di vibrazione Table 2. Random Vibration Table 3. Sine Burst Table 1. Sine Sweep (Normal mode search) E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Sine sweep x direction Sine sweep z (vertical) direction Test di vibrazione Random vibration x direction Random vibration z (vertical) direction E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Cicli termici E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Cicli termici One of the two systems for thermal cycling under vacuum. The system is provided with viewing ports and electric feed through connection and is able to cycle between -150°C and +150°C with a heating/cooling rate of 40°C/min. The heating and cooling is provided by a hot/cold plate and hot/cold shrout. E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
EMI/EMC tests • System and unit designers should he aware that unique tests and considerations are required for the space qualification of any electronic unit. These invariably include a group of tests that are called electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests. The EMI/EMC qualification test phase is usually performed on an engineering model and for the first flight unit. • An EMI/EMC qualification test phase is comprised of four major tests: • Conducted Emissions • Conducted Susceptibility • Radiated Emissions • Radiateii Susceptibility E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Radiated emission E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Conducted emission E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
On ground calibration The primary goal of on-ground calibration is to perform a comprehensive instrument characterization to verify the system performance, to understand the operational characteristics of the instrument, and to create calibration reference files that will serve as a baseline for on-orbit calibrations and data pipeline processing. This led to identify the following classes of measurements to be performed along with the various phases of development, assembly and testing of the instrument (AIV procedures): • Detector characterization and properties • Shutter performance • Geometric calibration • PSF characterization • Photometric calibration at field center • Photometric calibration over field • Dispersion of spectral elements • Polarisation analyser calibration • Stray light characterisation • Mechanisms functionality, repeatability • System monitoring test E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Calibration Definition “Calibration” is measurements to determine the transfer function to get the incident photon flux from the photo-electron signal. Calibration concerns: Optical systems Focal surface detectors / Filters FE electronics e= collection efficiency k = geometry factor = quantum efficiency Tl = Transmissivity of optics Tf = Transmissivity of filters Te = Interacting photon flux or electron losses Ta = Transmissivity ofatmosphere E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Contributions to the overall efficiency • Transmissivity and uniformity variations of the telescope • Variation of the UV filter characteristics • Transmissivity or reflectivity reduction of optical components • Efficiency variation of detectors due to vibrations, possible damage, misalignments, increased scattering power, etc. • Variations of the detector gain and photocathode QE • Failure of some pixels • Increase of the stray light level • Electronics performance E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
GSE Calibration steps • Pre-flightcalibration • Optical & electronic sub-systems • Point source simulator • Absolute calibration • On-board calibration • Spectroradiometry • Polarimetry • High stability and long life • Limited power / mass / size E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Calibration System In orbit Pre-flight Telescope On-board Sources & detectors Internal source Sub-systems: Optical tests Sub-systems: Electrical tests Sky sources Calibration System alignment & tests Database E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Electronics Pre-flight calibration Optical Sub-systems Electronic Level 1: OC Level 2: NUV Gain & Threshold Level 4: FCU+Tel. Level 3: FUV Optical systems Pol. efficiency Filters & polarizers Calib. system Time response FEE Dark counts Absolute Calibration Spectral resolution Spatial resolution Detectors OS reflectance Filters transmitt. Detector efficiency OGSE + EGSE Stray-light Alignment Saturation E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
In-flight calibration Absolute Relative On-board reference Source Detector Source Detector Pre-flight absolute reference Optical Systems Detectors + Pol + Filters FEE electronics Monitor E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Requirements: example • Spectro-radiometry in the range 100 nm ÷ 600 nm • Photon counting (support DC mode and Pulsed mode) • Time resolution (pulsed mode): ? s • Background: < 104 photons / (pixel s) ? • Uncertainty of absolute light intensity: < 10% • Light intensity range • DC mode: 0.01photo-electron ~ 0.1 photo-electron • Pulse mode: 0.1photo-electron ~ 100 photo-electron • Very low impact on the mass budget • Low power consumption • Small numbers of movable components (rotation) • Monitoring function for the light source intensity • Fitting the WSO/FCU structure E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Constraints: example • Calibration performed during the off time of the observation • During that time, the main shutter of the telescope is closed (could it support some optics) • A uniform AND point-like wave front is needed • The light source and the optical system must be simple and light-weight • Reference detectors must be arranged on the focal plane • Light sources could have limited lifetime or instabilities: specific pre-flight measurements must be performed • ….. E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Calibration setup The calibration system can be composed of a few components: • A radiation source with a monitoring detector added • An optical system to focus/diffuse radiation on the focal plane • Some photon counting UV detectors on the focal plane Activities on the following aspects must be planned: • Measurement procedure • Database • System updating procedure • Optics • Radiation source • Detector • Electronics and power supply E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Calibration design in the Red Book Flux on FS = 5 x 109 ph/s = 950 ph on FS = 0.2 ph / MAPMT ~10-2 ph / px E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Electronics box 30 mm 50 mm Multiple-LED source E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
8 mm 0.5 mm Lab for testing E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
DAFNE-L: synchrotron beam facility for optical calibration from MIR to X-rays. Optical systems up to 4 m. Large beamline facility UV facility X-ray facility IR facility SOURCE: OGSE E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
The radiation sources DXR-2 branchline is composed by 3 channels: 1. The UV-VIS monochromatic radiation source (180-650 nm) already existing and to be upgraded before the end of February 2008 2. The VUV monochromatic radiation source (120-250 nm) that will be mounted in a 10000-class cleanroom and completed before the end of april 2008 3. The UV-VIS radiation source (200-650 nm) that will be mounted in a 10000-class cleanroom and completed before the end of June 2008. This channel will be used to measure the performance of large and very large optical systems (up to 4 meters). E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Laboratori di supporto • XUVLab -DASS • INOA • INFN E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali
Detector calibration DB • Data contents • Detector: basic scheme and main parameters Requires some basic assumptions... Which calibration information will we have? • Collected information • Information to be used on reconstruction • Information used to generate configuration parameter for uploading E. Pace - Tecnologie Spaziali