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Chapter 3 Section 2

Chapter 3 Section 2. Language and Culture. Symbols, Language, and Culture. What are symbols? Can symbols mean different things to different people? Symbols are things that stand for or represent something else. Symbols, Language, and Culture. How are language and culture related?

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Chapter 3 Section 2

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  1. Chapter 3 Section 2 Language and Culture

  2. Symbols, Language, and Culture • What are symbols? • Can symbols mean different things to different people? • Symbols are things that stand for or represent something else.

  3. Symbols, Language, and Culture • How are language and culture related? • Language allows us to create culture. • Through language we can read, discuss, and recombine existing ideas and technology. • With language experiences, ideas, and knowledge can be passed along.

  4. Language’s affect on Culture • The Spair- Whorf Hypothesis also known as the Hypothesis of linguistic relativity. • According to theory: • Language is our guide to reality. • Perceptions of the world depend on our language. • How we think depends on the number of words or complexity of words available to describe things.

  5. The Sapir- Whorf Hypothesis or Hypothesis of linguistic relativity Defined-theory stating that our idea of reality depends largely upon language.

  6. Hypothesis of linguistic relativity & Language • According to this theory are we prisoners of our language? • Exposure can alter peoples view of the world. • Most people do confine themselves and don’t change their views. • It’s your choice- you can limit it or expand your view.

  7. Language • What does vocabulary tell you of a culture? • When something is important to a society, its language has many words to describe it. • What are some words in our culture that are important?

  8. Cultural Relativism • Learning to look at things from a different point of view and not making value judgments. • Why might this be difficult?

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