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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Study the transition from theocracy to monarchy in 1 Samuel, covering key themes, people, and events including Saul's reign and the rise of David.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ For PDF class notes, go to https://gracebibleny.org/old-testament-survey

  2. Introduction1 Samuel Judges teaches what happens when people “do what is right in their own eyes.” The theocracy failed because the people did not keep God’s laws on their own Ignorance led to violating God’s commands even by those trying to worship Him The cycle: Incomplete obedience  disobedience  idolatry  chastening  oppression  repentance  deliverance

  3. Introduction1 Samuel Out of the failure of the theocracy came a demand for a king “like all the nations” (1 Sam. 8:5), but this was in God’s plan as seen from the laws concerning a king in Deut. 17. First Samuel covers the period from Samuel’s birth (c. 1105 B.C.) through Saul’s death (1011 B.C.). It records both the transition to a monarchy under Saul and then its failure and the rise of David who will be the rightful king.

  4. The Book of 1 Samuel Author: Samuel, Gad (1 Chron. 29:29) Date: c.1067-971 BC Dates covered: 1105 - 1011 B.C. (Birth of Samuel to death of Saul) Theme: “To present the foundation of the monarchy and the house of David as its legitimate dynasty” Key People:Eli, Samuel, Saul, Jonathan, David

  5. 1 Samuel - Outline Preparation for the monarch 1-9 Transition from Eli to Samuel (1-3) Samuel’s Judgeship (4-9) Saul's rejected reign 10-31 Saul’s Reign is Established (10-12) Saul’s Failures (13-15) The Rise of David (16- 18) Saul’s Final Decline (28-31)

  6. A. Transition from Eli to Samuel (1-3)1. Birth of Samuel (1:1-2:11) Samuel was the result of the Lord answering Hannah’s prayer (1:1-19) Samuel sounds like a Hebrew phrase meaning “heard of God” She kept her vow, giving Samuel to Eli to serve the Lord when he was weaned(20-28) Hannah’s song of thanksgiving (2:1-11)

  7. A. Transition from Eli to Samuel (1-3)2.The Failure of Eli (2:12-36) Eli was not a good father, his sons were evil (2:12-17; 22-25) God blessed Hannah with 3 more sons & 2 daughters (2:18-21) A prophet declared the Lord’s judgment upon Eli & his household (2:22-36)

  8. A. Transition from Eli to Samuel (1-3)3. The Establishment of Samuel (3) God revealed Himself to Samuel when he was still a small boy – confirming the judgment on Eli & his family (3:1-18) Samuel grew and was confirmed as a prophet of the Lord (3:19-21)

  9. B. Samuel’s Judgeship1. Defeat by Philistines (4-6) a. Capture of the Ark (4) They treated the ark of the Lord as if it was a magical charm (4:1-9) Israel was defeated & the ark captured (4:10-11) As prophesied, Eli & his sons died, also d his daughter-in-law after giving birth to Ichabod (4:12-22)

  10. B. Samuel’s Judgeship1. Defeat by Philistines (4-6) b. The God of the Ark (5) The Philistines had the ark of the LORD, and He began to afflict them Dagon fell over before the ark of the Lord, then fell over again, with hands & head cut off (4:1-5) The Lord chastened the Philistines with tumors and many of them died (6-12)

  11. Dagon vs. the LORD1 Samuel 4

  12. B. Samuel’s Judgeship1. Defeat by Philistines (4-6) c. The Return of the Ark (6) The Philistine returned the ark to Israel along with guilt offerings of gold tumors and five golden mice The cows went directly to Beth-shemesh Those who looked in the ark were struck down – Abinadab of Kiriath-jearim brought the ark to his house

  13. Capture & Return of the Ark 1 Samuel 4-6

  14. B. Samuel’s Judgeship2. Victory over the Philistines (7) Samuel called the people to repent, then gather at Mizpah (7:3-6) Philistines gathered to attack, but the Lord thundered (9) and the Philistines were defeated bringing peace until near the end of Samuel’s judgeship (7-17)

  15. 1 – Samuel born in Ramah – grew up under Eli in Shiloh • 2 – Battle of Aphek – capture of ark • 3 – Ark of God among Philistines – returned to Beth-Shemesh, then Kiiath-jearim • 4 – Battle of Mizpah • 5 – Samuel’s Circuit

  16. B. Samuel’s Judgeship3. Israel’s demand for a King (8-9) a. Rejection of the Theocracy (8) Samuel’s sons were evil, the people demanded a king “to judge us like all the nations.” (8:1-5) God answered Samuel’s prayer - Israel was rejecting God in demanding a king – he was to do it but with warning & instruction (6-22) Deuteronomy 17:14-20 – laws for the king

  17. B. Samuel’s Judgeship3. Israel’s demand for a King (8-9) B. Finding a King (9) When looking for lost donkeys, Saul turns aside to get the “seers” help. (9:1-14) God and foretold Samuel about Saul, so he invites him to the feast & gives him a seat of honor (9:15-27) Saul was from Benjamin – the smallest tribe & he was from the least of its families. (21)

  18. II. Saul’s Rejected ReignA. Saul’s Reign is Established (10-12) 1. Saul is Made King (10) Samuel anoints Saul king (10:1) Saul is given 3 signs, including prophesying, that God is with him (10:2-16) Samuel calls the people to Mizpah & presents Saul as king (10:17-27) Saul was a head taller than the rest, but started well as a humble man (22-23)

  19. II. Saul’s Rejected ReignA. Saul’s Reign is Established (10-12) 2. Saul Defeats the Ammonites (11) Jabesh-Gilead is besieged by Ammon (1-4) When Saul hears, the Spirit of God comes upon him to mobilize Israel, attack & defeat the Ammonites (5-11)

  20. II. Saul’s Rejected ReignA. Saul’s Reign is Established (10-12) 2. Saul Defeats the Ammonites (11)

  21. II. Saul’s Rejected ReignA. Saul’s Reign is Established (10-12) 2. Saul Defeats the Ammonites (11) Saul shows restraint against detractors (12-13) Samuel calls the people to Gilgal to renew the covenant (14-15)

  22. II. Saul’s Rejected ReignA. Saul’s Reign is Established (10-12) 3. Saul is Confirmed (12) Samuel addresses Israel reminding them of how he has judged them (1-5), and incidents of God rescuing them when they cried out to Him (6-11) Saul is now king, they are to heed him to receive the Lord’s blessings (12-14) They have done wickedly in demanding a king, but they must now fear the Lord (15-25)

  23. B. Saul’s Failures (13-15)1. Saul’s Impatience - A Rejected Dynasty (13) Saul became king at 40 & reigned 32 years Saul’s first great moral failure was not waiting for Samuel, but making the sacrifices himself (2-12) Saul would not have an enduring kingdom (13-14) Saul only had about 600 men, and they were without weapons to face the Philistines

  24. 2. Jonathan’s Victory & Saul’s Rashness (14)Jonathan’s Victory – 14:1-23) Jonathan & armor bearer defeats Philistine garrison at Michmash – (14:1-14) Seneh Bozez

  25. 2. Jonathan’s Victory & Saul’s Rashness (14)Jonathan’s Victory – 14:1-23) An earthquake added to fear & confusion of Philistines (14:15-20) Saul attacked (600 vs. 36,000) Geba→ Michmash Gebeah

  26. 2. Jonathan’s Victory & Saul’s Rashness (14)b. Saul’s Rash Curse – 14:1-23) • Despite Saul’s rash curse on anyone that would eat before dark (24), they won (25-30)

  27. 2. Jonathan’s Victory & Saul’s Rashness (14)b. Saul’s Rash Curse – 14:1-23) The people had to be prevented from eating the meat with its blood (32-34) The Lord did not answer Saul (36-37), the lot fell to Jonathan, but the people protected him (40-46)

  28. 2. Jonathan’s Victory & Saul’s Rashness (14)c. Continued War – 14:47-52) Saul defeated enemy nations (47-48) He had 3 sons, 2 daughters, General Abner was his cousin (49-51) He had continued war with Philistines – he continued to add to army

  29. 3. Saul’s Incomplete Obedience – A Rejected Reign - 1 Samuel 15 Saul’s second great moral failure was not utterly destroying Amalek (Exodus 17:8-16) Confronted by Samuel, Saul falsely claimed to have obeyed (10-13) He made excuses, blamed others, feigned repentance (14-31) He was a failure - A leader must lead, not follow out of fear

  30. 3. Saul’s Incomplete Obedience – A Rejected Reign - 1 Samuel 15 To obey is better than sacrifice (22) Rebellion is as the sin of divination - (23) seeking a source of guidance other than the Lord Insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry - rejecting the Lord to follow the direction of another (23)

  31. 3. Saul’s Incomplete Obedience – A Rejected Reign - 1 Samuel 15 Saul still sought to be honored (24-30) Saul was rejected as king. It would be given to another (28-29) Samuel executes Agag (32-33) Samuel departs, will not see Saul again & grieves (34-35)

  32. C. The Rise of David (16-21)1. Samuel Anoints David – 1 Samuel 16 God tells Samuel He has chosen a son of Jesse as king – it turns out to be David, the youngest (1-12) David anointed king before his brothers & the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily (13) David demonstrated humility, though anointed king, he became Saul’s musician (14-23)

  33. C. The Rise of David (16-27)2. David & Goliath (17) – 1 Samuel 17 Philistines in battle array at Socoh (1-3) Bethlehem Israel Socoh - Philistines Elah Valley Elah valley from Tel Azeka

  34. C. The Rise of David (16-27)2. David & Goliath – 1 Samuel 17 Goliath challenges Israel (4-10) David, visiting his brothers, hears Goliath, and takes up the challenge (11-40) David has courage because he trusts God who has delivered him before (34-37) David defeated Goliath in the name of the Lord of Hosts with just a sling (41-51)

  35. C. The Rise of David (16-27)2. David & Goliath – 1 Samuel 17 Israel defeats Philistines (17:52-54) Jonathan & David became fast friends for life (18:1-4)

  36. C. The Rise of David (16-27) 3. David Protected from Saul - 1 Samuel 18-21 David’s military victories receive praise, & Saul became jealous seeking to kill him (18:6-17) David is humble & deferred taking Mereb as a wife, but took up the offer of Michal for 100 foreskins of Philistines (18:18-30) David is protected by Jonathan (19:1-7) David is protected by Michal (19:8-17) David is protected by Samuel (19:18-24)

  37. C. The Rise of David (16-27) 3. David Protected from Saul - 1 Samuel 18-21 The Covenant between David & Jonathan (20) David flees (21) Provided food by priests at Nob (21:1-9) Feigns madness before Achish (21:10-15) (See Psalm 34)

  38. C. The Rise of David (16-27) 4. David Builds an Army (22- 27) Initial Formation (22:1-5) Saul Slays the Priests (22:6-23) David Delivers Keilah (23:1-5)

  39. d. Saul Pursuit of David (23:6-29) • Nob & Gibeah • Keilah (1-14) • Horesh in Wilderness of Ziph (14-23) • Wilderness of Maon in the Arabah (24-29) • Engedi

  40. e. David Spares Saul at Engedi (24)

  41. C. The Rise of David (16-27) 4. David Builds an Army (22- 27) Samuel Dies (25:1) David Marries Abigail (25:2-44) David’s men protect Nabal’s property (2-11) Nabal rejects their request (9-12) David determines to destroy Nabal (13) Abigail intervenes (14-35) Nabal (fool) struck by Lord & dies (36-38) David marries Abigail (39-42)

  42. C. The Rise of David (16-27) 4. David Builds an Army (22- 27) David Spares Saul Again (26) Saul pursues David in wilderness of Ziph 1-3 David & Abishai take Saul’s spear & jug while he is sleeping (4-12) David calls & rebukes Abner for not protecting the king (13-16) Saul repents & leaves (17-25) David Joins the Philistines (27)

  43. D. Saul’s Final Decline (28-31)1. Saul and the Medium (28) The Philistines attack Israel, & Saul seeks out a medium to know what to do (1-14) Saul is rebuked & told he and his sons would die in battle the next day (15-19)

  44. 2. David Spared from fighting Israel (29-30) • Philistine kings send David away (29) • Ziklag has been raided (30:1-6) • David pursues & destroys raiders (30:7-20) • Spoil shared by all (30:21-31)

  45. 3. Saul & Sons Slain (31) Defeated & slain at Mt. Gilboa (1-6) Head cut off & body fastened to the wall at Beth-shan (7-10) Men from Jabesh-gilead retrieved the bodies of Saul & sons & buried their bones there (11-13)

  46. Conclusions The people rejected the theocracy – and got what Samuel warned them about Saul started humble & walking with God, pride caused his fall and dying under God’s judgment David remained humble and was exalted – he trusted God to fulfill His promises in His timing Will you be like Saul or David?

  47. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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