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2016 Join Scout Night Thursday, September 15 th

2016 Join Scout Night Thursday, September 15 th. Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. 2016 Join Scouting Night Pack Coordinator Orientation. Setting the Stage for JSN: The Plan.

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2016 Join Scout Night Thursday, September 15 th

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  1. 2016 Join Scout NightThursday, September 15th Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. 2016 Join Scouting Night Pack Coordinator Orientation

  2. Setting the Stage for JSN: The Plan Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. Equip Pack Leadership to conduct a successful Join Scouting Night (JSN) Campaign District 2016 JSN Goals! Help Units set JSN Goal! Districts coordinate with Packs to recruit manpower to cover targeted public/private elementary schools, ensure they are trained & have needed materials Get New Vols to Cub Basic Leader Training Turn in applications at District Turn in location. See schedule.

  3. 2016 JSN Organization: • New Format for Sign up Night • To address current perceptions, attitudes and beliefs of elementary aged moms and employ new strategies to refocus efforts and resources on Cub Scout membership growth • Increase awareness and understanding of the Scouting Program & Fulfill the promise of adventure in Cub Scouting shortly after joining • The goal to increase long term retention in the program • Shift from a presenter style format to a station to station, round robin type model. An open house format, increases flexibility, and encourages relationship building in an intimate setting. Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  4. Modification of JSN: New Sign Up Plan Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  5. JSN Plan: Execution • Open Targeted Elementary Schools, Public and PRIVATE to invite youth and families to join. • Each targeted School will have a LEAD PERSON (School/Pack Coordinator) to coordinate the joining effort. • KEY UNIT LEADERS are recruited to serve as Station Chiefs for each of the 5 stations in new plan. Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time.

  6. 2016 JSN Organization: • Council Organization • Council Sign Up Night Coordinator • School Board Support Letters • District Sign Up Night Coordinator • Pack Sign Up Night Coordinator - Station Chiefs 1-5 Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2016. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  7. 2016 JSN Organization:Pack Sign Up Night CoordinatorPosition Description • Attend District JSN Training • W/ District Executive, Contact Principal to set Scout Night & Rally, hang up posters, coordinate flyer distribution • Recruit Station Chiefs • Invite local Troops to assist. • Turn in applications & money at District Turn-In locations the night of Sept 15thor when held in your district • Prepare Pack Sign Up Night Info, Calendar, Pack Leadership, When & Where we Meet, Leader Needs Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  8. 2016 JSN Organization:Welcome & Sign InPack Sign Up Night Coordinator • Have welcome sign & Sign In Sheets and Pens displayed • Have copies of Parents Orientation Guide available at station • Greet every family that comes in • Ask each family to sign in • Tell each family that there are 5 Stations that they will visit to complete the sign-up process and that it will take 20-30 minutes • Direct them to Station 1 and monitor stations to be sure chiefs keep the crowd moving, answering additional questions at the end when they meet with Den Leaders Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  9. 2016 JSN Organization: Station 1 Chief Welcome & What is Cub Scouting? Station Chief Briefing: That means that you are outgoing, smile at everyone and are friendly. Here are your tasks: • Make sure the Station 1 sign is visible • Use pages 2-5 in Parent Orientation Guide to explain What is Cub Scouting? What You Want To Have: Station Sign Welcome Sign Parents Orientation Guide brochure to refer to pages 2-5 Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  10. 2016 JSN Organization: Station 2 - Chief What we Do & Where We Meet? Station Chief Briefing: You are outgoing and friendly, you know about the activities the pack has planned for the year. You have experience having fun in Cub Scouts! Here are your tasks: • Make sure the Station 2 sign is visible • Provide Everyone with a Pack Calendar(cover p.7-10 in Guide) • Provide Each Family with a copy of “When / Where We Meet” • Provide Each family with Activity flyers – Family Fun Day, Haunted Forest and Unit flyers ( if available) • Inform Families that we would like them attend as many functions as possible, but they are not required to make every event and meeting • Popcorn flyer/Family Guide • Direct them to Station 3 What You Want To Have: Station Sign – Parent Orientation Guide Pack Calendar Event Fliers “When / Where We Meet” handout with meeting times & locations When Available – have on hand a list of other packs, their info meeting times and contact information to work around scheduling conflicts Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  11. 2016 JSN Organization: Station 3 – Chief - Our Leaders, Participation cost, Registration forms Station Chief Briefing: You are outgoing and friendly, and that you want to see every boy join Cub Scouts! Here are your tasks: • Make sure the Station 3 sign is visible (p.11-12 in Guide) • Have copies of “Pack Leadership” to give out • Scout Shop Guide to the Uniform • Sample Boy’s Life Mags or Mini Mags • Have BSA Youth Application Forms and Pens • Have copies of Participation Cost and of “What Other Costs Are There?” • Be Prepared to Answer Questions about Pack Fee payment plans • Direct them to Station 4 Station 3 Supplies: Station Sign & Parent Guide “Pack Leadership” handout BSA Youth Applications Pens “Participation Cost and “What Other Costs” handout Scout Shop Guide to the Uniform Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  12. 2016 JSN Organization: Station 4 – Chief - Checkout complete applications, pay registration fees You are friendly, detailed oriented and organized! • Make sure the applications are properly completed, without any missing information, including signature of parent / guardian, date of birth and grade • Collect BSA Membership Fee (Boy’s Life if added) (p. 11) (Have Packs wait to request pack fees until later, following weeks) Direct them to Station 5 • Assist Sign-Up Night Coordinator with forms and payments, get signed by the CUBMASTER, the local council copy separated and put in the Envelope along with the BSA Registration Fees collected • Your Nickname: The Closer! • Supplies Needed at your Station: Station Sign & review p. 11 in Parent Guide Age Appropriate Handbooks Calculator Family Fun Day/Haunted Forest Sign-Up List Sign-Up Night Envelope for applications and fees turn in Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  13. 2016 JSN Organization: Station 5 – Chief - Meet Den Leaders, Questions, Vol Opportunities… • Station Chief Briefing: • So, you are the Station Chief for Information Station 5. Your goal is to be there to answer the questions that are not addressed through the rest of the Sign-Up Night process, and give families a chance to meet existing Den Leaders. Here are your tasks: • Make an effort to have as many Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders on hand to talk about their dens and give families a chance to get to know them (p.13-17 in Guide) • Answer questions about the type of activities their child will be doing • Share cool experiences you have had with your child through the Scouting program • Assist the Pack Sign-Up Night Coordinator with room clean-up after the Sign-Up Night Time Window • Have Parent Help Sheet available, encourage parent participation where needed Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  14. 2016 JSN Organization: • Principal Visit • District JSN Coordinator, DE & Pack, Coordinate Setting the Appointment • Do thank them for their time and what they do • Briefly Highlight Pack Activities, Program in the community • Don’t talk too much, hit highlights and finalize purpose for being there • Items to cover • Set Rally Date/ Morning Announcement/Lunch Room Rally/E-mail Flyers home via School • Set JSN Date • Confirm Custodian knows the date • Coordinate use of posters / yard signs Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  15. 2016 Join Scouting Night • September 15th, target date to open the majority of your targeted schools. • Sept. 15th, 22nd , & 29th Plan to attend your District Turn In immediately after your joining night • Each Pack to open their school • Back to the Pack Event • Fun Activity • Recharter Unit • Complete Sign Up Night Info Sheets • Leader Needs – Complete Info Sheet • Recruit leaders as Station Chiefs 1-5 Recruit from local Troops – Maximize Vol involvement • Get info to join in each School, Flyers, e-mails, Posters, etc… • Houses of Worship, Super Saturday locations Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time.

  16. JSN Promotion • The Districts/Council will provide all Posters, Flyers, Yard Signs, School Board Approval Letters, Join Night material packets at District JSN Training. • Super Saturdays – Put up Posters and flyer distribution at high traffic locations: malls, parks, grocery stores, Home Improvement stores, etc… • Super Sundays – Put up Posters and flyer distribution at local Houses of Worship and faith based institutions • Send Promo Videos available thru Scouting.org • Send a press release to local paper on your unit & JSN Night (Who, What, When , Where ,Why, How) • Prep info for parents on joining night Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time.

  17. Modification of JSN: New Sign Up Plan Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  18. 2016 JSN Organization: District Turn in Location • Pack/School Coordinators to turn in applications at District Turn In’s each week • Coordinate with your District to save a trip to the Council Office. We want to report to our School officials our results. We cannot do so without your cooperation. Thank you! Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time.

  19. 2016 JSN : • JSN Follow Up • Our Aim is to set most dates prior to Sept. 15thMake Up & Follow up dates 22nd& 29th • All JSN’s completed and apps turned in by month end – weekly Turn In’s set • District Turn Ins are the official time to get new youth registered (insurance, record keeping, Boy’s Life Mag delivery) • Follow up / get New Leaders Trained • New Unit follow up • Delivering the Promise – Activities • Family Fun Day • OA Haunted Forest • Popcorn Sale • Fund your adventure! Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  20. 2016 JSN Organization: • Next Steps: • Meet with School Principals – schedule JSN • Schedule Rally dates and JSN’s by Aug. 10th • Submit Flyer Order Request • Set Sign Up Night Goal • Host a successful Joining Night (JSN) Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time. .

  21. 2016 JSN Goals Review 2015 District JSN Results Look at 2015 Year end Memb. Review 2016 Dec. Goals Establish JSN Goals for 2016 Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time.

  22. 2015 Join Scouting Night Pack Coordinator Orientation Thanks for Coming! Let’s help our community’s youth be Prepared for Life! Registration Fees: $25 per Scout includes Registration & Insurance thru Sept. 30, 2017. $25 per Adult No other $ transactions at this time.

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