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Encroachment Impacts on OT&E of Advanced Weapon Systems

Encroachment Impacts on OT&E of Advanced Weapon Systems. Bill Egan Institute for Defense Analyses 20 th Annual Test & Evaluation Conference & Exhibition March 1-4, 2004. SECDEF VIEW. Testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, January 11, 2001.

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Encroachment Impacts on OT&E of Advanced Weapon Systems

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  1. Encroachment Impacts on OT&E of Advanced Weapon Systems Bill EganInstitute for Defense Analyses20th Annual Test & Evaluation Conference & ExhibitionMarch 1-4, 2004

  2. SECDEF VIEW Testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, January 11, 2001 Encroachment “is a problem that is real, it is serious. The United States needs bases, it needs ranges, it needs test ranges. And it cannot provide the training and testing that people need before they go into battle unless those kinds of facilities are available.” “Each year that goes by, there are greater and greater pressures on them.”

  3. ENCROACHMENT PRESSURESWork Both Ways Commercial Development Light Pollution Maritime Needs Population Encroachment Cultural Interests on Military Lands Air Quality Dust & Smoke Mission Realignment & Consolidation Noise Generation & Abatement Noise Generation & Abatement Radio Frequency Needs Radio Frequency Requirements Military Ability to Test & Train Military Airspace Commercial Airspace Munitions Constituents Wilderness Designations Endangered Species and Provision of Wildlife Habitat Alternative Energy Sources Need for Water Reduced Flexibility for the Military and the Community


  5. RUNNING OUT OF SPACE • Indirect impact of increasing scarcity of public lands in the east….

  6. AIR, LAND & SEA SPACE 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 25 20 15 Land Attack Cruise Missile (Notional) 10 ERGM CROSSRANGE (nmi) 5 0 -5 5” Gun -10 -15 -20 -25 Altitude 250-400 meters Canards Deploy Submunition Dispense Guided Flight Begins Target Dispense Pattern Based on IMU & GPS Motor Burn • Weapon Footprints getting larger • Need large contiguous area for end-to-end testing ERGM DOWNRANGE (nmi)

  7. RANGE SPACE REQUIREMENTS • Higher performance systems • Stand-off & long-range weapons • Increasingly sophisticated training Smaller Force Doesn’t Mean Reduced Range/Airspace Need

  8. 100,000 310 SM-2 IVA 10,000 290 F/A-18 E/F The data rate requirements for future hypersonic aircraft will be astronomical F-22 270 1,000 B-2 JDAM Bit Rate (Kbps) Spectrum Allocation (MHz) 250 • In 1997, the data rate for the F-22 was 5 Mbps • Transducer data • Avionics bus data • Video data • Heads Up Display data C-17 SM-2 II 100 230 F-15 F-16 210 10 • In 1986, the data rate for the F-15 was 256 Kbps • Transducer data (Accelerations, pressures, temperatures, vibrations, stress, fluid quantities, fluid flows, voltages, currents) • Avionics bus data 190 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 * FREQUENCY SPECTRUM NEEDS



  11. OFFICE of NAVAL RESEARCH LITTORAL TESTS DELAYED • Over the last 6 years, 78% of research of mine and shallow water submarine detection delayed, scaled back, or cancelled • The last 4 years, 9 of 10 tests affected and 17 associated projects scaled back • Navy sued by an NGO in Fall 2001 to stop shallow water testing • Court sided with Navy but left each individual test open to litigation over environmental compliance • Court also ruled NEPA applies outside US Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Predecisional – DRAFT for discussion

  12. WHAT ARE WE DOING?? We Must Not Respond to Encroachment By Retreating to Our Base Boundary. Standing In Your Bathtub As Your House Burns Around You Is A Good Way to Be Incinerated. DoD Is Actively Pursuing A Readiness And Ranges Preservation Initiative (RRPI)

  13. Questions ? Serving our Country… Preserving our Freedom…

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