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Genre Rituals and Myths: Unraveling Film Genres Through Cultural Symbols

Explore the ritualistic nature of film genres, from horror to Westerns, uncovering symbolic associations and narrative structures deeply embedded in our cultural psyche.

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Genre Rituals and Myths: Unraveling Film Genres Through Cultural Symbols

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  1. Genre Film *follows familiar or established narrative structures, uses familiar characters types, and communicates through familiar images or icons *shares its subject matter, thematic concerns, plot formulas and settings, etc. with other films

  2. Genre as Ritual 1. rituals have meaning because they are cumulative Example: the more horror films you see, the more you understand about horror films

  3. Genre as Ritual 2. genres are also like rituals in that they are symbolic -they make use of objects or signs to evoke complex associations

  4. Genre as Ritual 3. rituals are predictable -the reason we attend certain genre films is because we know what will happen at the end

  5. The final episode of The Sopranos was not predictable, making some fans angry.

  6. Genre as Ritual 4. Finally, ritual is functional -rituals provide us with temporary psychological, emotional or social ease AND -gives us sense of belonging to a group with the same goals or feelings

  7. rituals provide us with temporary psychological, emotional or social ease

  8. Binary oppositions are the basic conflicts found in genre films: The Western:CIVILIZATION VS SAVAGERY

  9. Binary oppositions are the basic conflicts found in genre films: The Gangster Film: Society vs Individual

  10. Binary oppositions are the basic conflicts found in genre films: The Horror Film:Self vs Other

  11. REMEMBER: these terms only take on meaning when opposed with another term Self vs Other Normality vs. Monstrosity Faith vs Reason

  12. Genres are Problem Solving Operations • All film genres deal with a certain basic conflict which because of its complex nature remains unresolved in life, but can be easily resolved on screen • the sustained popularity of any genre indicates the essentially unresolvable nature of the conflicts it addresses

  13. Genre as Myth Genre films are the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves: Westerns: the story of settling America Gangster films: the story of American industry Horror films: the story of what we fear

  14. Classic Horror Films of 1930s/40s: The Monster is an External Threat

  15. 1960/70s: The Monster is human, the family, inside us

  16. Late 90s/2000s: the Monster is in technology, the internet

  17. Now: the Monster is our destruction of the environment


  19. Wood believes genres represent “different strategies for dealing with the same ideological tensions” BASIC REPRESSION: “DON’T MURDER PEOPLE!” SURPLUS REPRESSION:“DON’T LET PEOPLE KNOW I AM DIFFERENT FROM THEM!”

  20. “the true subject of the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization represses or oppresses: its re-emergence dramatized, as in our nightmares, as an object of horror, a matter for terror, and the 'happy ending' (when it exists) typically signifying the restoration of repression”

  21. Robin Wood’s Concept of the Other 1. OTHER PEOPLE Any zombie film 2. WOMEN Alien 3. WORKING CLASS OR POOR PEOPLE Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4. OTHER CULTURES The Mummy 5. ETHNIC GROUPS WITHIN OUR CULTURE Candyman 6. ALTERNATIVE IDEOLOGIES AND POLITICAL BELIEFS 50s scifi and monster films are allegories about communism 7. ALTERNATIVE SEXUALITIES Bride of Frankenstein 8. CHILDREN Rosemary’s Baby, Exorcist

  22. Horror Iconography

  23. Genre changes the meaning of images

  24. Setting

  25. Setting

  26. Western: Who is the “lady” and who is the prostitute?


  28. Via Daily Dot: “Slender Man can be viewed as a manifestation of what scares us most in the digital age. In his presentation as a pseudo-realistic, heavily documented figure, he underscores how unreliable online information is, how detached we’ve become from reality, and how much the Internet and the tangible world have begun to overlap.”

  29. Slenderman

  30. Slenderman Fan Art

  31. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F18-WFYzOQ4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiTKIbR69ss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXldafIl5DQ http://vimeo.com/7138423

  32. Horror The Descent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jf_-vwIrsQ The Exorcist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpyg94OzHK0 Harbinger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKNr9agljYI Monster threatens normality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6EMALvJQVc Threat is determined https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAyF7zmJXjA Cabin in the Woods:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufF5p8VBsVk Destruction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssvgMHCa45s The Rules:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvLpbHKV1_8

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