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Causes of WW II

Causes of WW II. Long-term Causes. WW I Treaty of Versailles / Paris Peace Great Depression Breakdown of Collective Security Breakdown of International Relations & Concerns. Intermediate Causes. Aggressive Foreign Policies of Germany, Japan, & Italy Violations of the Treaty of Versailles

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Causes of WW II

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  1. Causes of WW II

  2. Long-term Causes • WW I • Treaty of Versailles / Paris Peace • Great Depression • Breakdown of Collective Security • Breakdown of International Relations & Concerns

  3. Intermediate Causes • Aggressive Foreign Policies of Germany, Japan, & Italy • Violations of the Treaty of Versailles • Appeasement & U.S. Isolationism

  4. Short-term & Immediate Causes • Axis Power Alliance • Hitler’s Foreign Policy towards Czechoslovakia & Poland • Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact • Blitzkrieg in Poland

  5. Long-term Causes • WW I • Were the causes of WW I satisfactorily addressed? • New map of Europe based on national self-determination • Victors, “Victors,” Losers

  6. Long-term Causes • Treaty of Versailles / Paris Peace • Treatment of Germany: too harsh or too lenient • Der Diktat • Peace of Revenge? • Stability or Instability (esp. eastern Europe) •  Nationalist Interest or Desire for Peace?

  7. Long-term Causes • Breakdown of International Relations & Concerns • France wanted security: • Encirclement: surround Ger. w/friendly countries (Little Entente: Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia & Romania) • Rearmed & strengthened Rhineland border: Maginot Line combined w/disarmament • “won the war, but lost the peace”

  8. Long-term Causes • Breakdown of International Relations & Concerns • Britain wanted: • maintain empire • maintain naval power • recover economically via trade • desire to be isolationist vis-à-vis the Continent

  9. Long-term Causes • Breakdown of International Relations & Concerns • Germany wanted to recover: • militarily, economically, politically, diplomatically • need to break Treaty of Versailles

  10. Long-term Causes • Breakdown of International Relations & Concerns • Italy wanted to recover from Mutilated Victory: • economically, politically, diplomatically • seen as major power, esp. in Mediterranean • territory promised in Treaty of London • colonies in North Africa

  11. Long-term Causes • Breakdown of International Relations & Concerns • USA wanted to isolationism: • political involvement in Europe • yet, economically involved: war loans, post-1924 investments, esp. in Ger.

  12. Long-term Causes • Breakdown of International Relations & Concerns • Japan wanted to security & respect: • saw selves as major power • empire means to security (ABCD Encirclement) • strengthened position in China •  militarism, esp. after Great Depression

  13. Long-term Causes • Breakdown of International Relations & Concerns • USSR rather indifferent until 1930s: • Stalin’s Socialism in One Country • Five Year Plans • Rapallo Treaty, 1922—renounces Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, economic ties, military ties for pariah countries

  14. Long-term Causes • Breakdown of International Relations & Concerns • What conclusions can we make from this information as well as what we have already studied?

  15. Long-term Causes • Great Depression • 3rd Global Catastrophe of the 20th Century (Robert Boyce) • weakened economic & social stability • weakened progress on international cooperation •  aggressive foreign policies • delayed rearmament, esp. in democracies • international trade collapsed •  assertion for territorial expansion (Ger, It, Jap)

  16. Long-term Causes • Breakdown of Collective Security • League of Nations • Disarmament Conferences • Manchurian Crisis • Abyssinian Crisis • Spanish Civil War

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