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Hormones Sexual Behavior

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Hormones Sexual Behavior

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Hormones & Sexual Behavior Lecture 26

    3. Organizational Effects of Hormones SDN & SNB Critical periods Humans - prenatal Rats - Perinatal easily manipulated ~

    4. Hormones: Sexual Behavior Gonadectomy at birth Adult males testosterone ? no male behavior estrogen ? lordosis Adult females estrogens ? no female behavior testosterone ? male behavior ~

    5. Human Sexual Behavior No stereotypical M & F behaviors Men are like rats Testosterone: activational role Women Estrogens no activational effects Testosterone levels correlated with frequency of intercourse ~

    6. Homosexuality Sex hormones role? rats - yes Humans? no difference in circulating hormones Learning experiences? or biologically determined?

    7. Homosexuality Simon LeVay Brains of male AIDS victims Anterior Hypothalamus Anterior Commissure Suprachiasmatic nucleus SDN (rats) Humans: 3rd interstitial nucleus of the Anterior Hypothalamus INAH-3 ~

    8. Anterior commissure larger in females Similar relationship ~

    9. Homosexuality: 2 Hypotheses 1. Prenatal androgen levels low in XY fetuses that? gay high in XX fetuses ? lesbian ~

    10. 2. Inherited Genes MZ twin concordance approx. 50% DZ twins approx. 20% Xq28 - tip of the X chromosome 33 of 40 pairs of gay brothers fetal brain response to androgens ~ Homosexuality 2 Hypotheses

    11. Nature vs. Nurture John/Joan penis destroyed during circumcision 1960s - Gender deemed neutral at birth constructed female genitalia hormone treatment 12 yrs old: positive results reported ~

    12. Nature vs. Nurture By 14 yrs old: living as male reconstructive surgery male hormone treatment married by 25 Reassessment in 1996 rejected female role much earlier Pendulum swings back toward nature sex/gender not so malleable ~

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