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ACCESS to AGORA. AGORA is an initiative to provide access to major scientific journals in agriculture and related biological, environmental and social sciences to public institutions in developing countries. Launched in October 2003, AGORA provides access to over 800 journals from the world's leading academic publishers.Led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the goal of AGORA is to increase the quality and effectiveness of agricultural research, education and tra23
1. How to Find Journal Articles Using AGORA?Atifa Rawan – University of ArizonaKabul, Afghanistan - May 2005 Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture
3. AGORA Journal Publishers More than 30 publishers participate in AGORA, and additional publishers are invited to join
The founding publishers provide access to over 400 of their journals:
Blackwell Publishing
CABI Publishing
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Nature Publishing Group
Oxford University Press
John Wiley & Sons
4. AGORA Journals Include full-text online
scholarly literature
the most current issues available
major international journals
free registration for eligible institutions
free access to full-text articles
journals covering all aspects of agriculture
5. Journals Pagehttp://www.aginternetwork.org/en/journals.php
6. Browse by Journals Titles If you know the first word of the journal title you are looking for, use this to get the journal. Click on a letter for a journal title starting with that letter. You will get an alphabetical list of journal titles starting with that letter. Click on a title to go directly to that journal.
Note that for journal titles beginning with “The,” “A,” “An,” “Le,” these initial ‘articles’ are not included in the titles in the list of journals. Look for the second word in the title if it starts with an ‘article’.
If you aren't sure of the journal title, or know only some of the words, use the Search journal title box that appears in the upper right corner of the page. (Remember to leave out initial ‘articles,’ such as “The,” “A.”) Be careful about the spelling, singular or plural form, etc. If you type two or more words, then, these have to be in the same order as they appear in the title.
7. Browse by Journals Titles-Cont. Use "Browse journals by subject category" for subject searching of titles. View journals by subject area.
(Do not use the Search journal title box for subject searching of titles. For example, if you type "veterinary" to find all veterinary journals, you will miss journals with "animal" in title.)
The separate Subject Area lists of journal titles are also alphabetical, and the journal title is followed by the publisher’s name (in parentheses). For example, in the Forestry category, the first journal listed might look like this: Agricultural and Forest Entomology (Blackwell Publishing). You can view the list as well as go directly to the journal by clicking on its title.
8. Journal Title Browsing (click on a letter)
9. For example, in journals beginning with the letter ‘J,’ select Journal of Arid Environments
10. Journal Volumes for Journal of Arid Environments
11. Volume Articles for Journal of Arid Environments
12. Accessing Article Full-text and Links
13. Browse Journals by Subject Subject categories are based on the broad scope of AGORA journals.
Journals are grouped according to broad subject categories, according to their subject content.
Journal titles are repeated under different categories, as and when necessary.
Scope notes include topics covered under each subject category, and are not ordered in any specific manner.
Scope notes will help you to select the appropriate subject category/categories. For example, if you are looking for journals on "Oceanography", you would see that you can find these under "Fisheries/Aquatic Science" subject category, as "Oceanography" is in its scope notes.
You can also click on a subject category directly from the displayed subject categories. Clicking on a subject category will give you an alphabetical list of journal titles on that subject. Click on the titles of your interest, one by one, to get to those journals.
14. Browse Journals by Subject (Scope notes)
15. Browse Journals by Subject-Cont.
16. Browse Journals by Subject-Cont.
17. Subject category: Plant Science/Soil Science Journals (Agriculture Water Management)
18. Viewing Specific Issues of Journals
19. Viewing Article Citations
20. Viewing a Full-text Article in PDF Format
21. Browse by PublisherOpen the drop down alphabetical list and click on a publisher to browse its journals offered in AGORA. Click on a title to go directly to the journal
22. Journal Listings (example, Blackwell Publishing)
23. Journal Volumes (example, Blackwell Publishing)
24. Journal Article Citation (example, Blackwell Publishing)
25. Full-Text Article (example, Blackwell Publishing)
26. Questions