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Finding the Titanic

Finding the Titanic. Vocabulary 4 th grade Bailey. funnels. Smokestacks; a device used to pour liquids into a container with a small neck We saw the funnels of the ship before we boarded. plaques. Flat markers that are engraved with words

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Finding the Titanic

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  1. Finding the Titanic Vocabulary 4th grade Bailey

  2. funnels • Smokestacks; a device used to pour liquids into a container with a small neck • We saw the funnels of the ship before we boarded.

  3. plaques • Flat markers that are engraved with words • Kevin received a plaques for most improved player at the sports banquet.

  4. shipwrecks • Wrecked ships • The hurricane caused a shipwreck.

  5. survivors • People who have stayed alive • The survivors of the Titanic were able to get into a lifeboat. Lifeboat filled with survivors of the Titanic waiting to be rescued

  6. unsinkable • Impossible to sink • Many believed the Titanic was unsinkable.

  7. voyage • A long journey to a distant place • Columbus went on a voyage to find a new route to India. Map of the route Columbus took on his voyage. Many people like take voyages on a cruise ship.

  8. wreckage • Remains of something that has been destroyed • We were able to see the wreckage of the Titanic by using a robotic submarine.

  9. newscast • Broadcast news report • We watched the 6 o’clock newscast to learn more about the wildfire.

  10. commute • To travel by car, bus, train, or plane from your house to your job • Mike’s commute took an hour on the freeway.

  11. continue • To keep on doing something, to go farther, to begin again after stopping • The Harry Potter story will be continued in book 7. Many students continue their education by going to college. The ball continues to bounce.

  12. attitude • A way of thinking or behaving • A positive attitude is necessary for success.

  13. slumber • To sleep • We went to a slumber party but didn’t sleep at all.

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