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Overview of NSF and the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)

Overview of NSF and the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) Tom Brady Division Director Integrative Organismal Biology October 21-22, 2005 www.nsf.gov The National Science Foundation (NSF) Is an Independent Agency of the Federal Government

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Overview of NSF and the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)

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  1. Overview of NSF and the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) Tom Brady Division Director Integrative Organismal Biology October 21-22, 2005 www.nsf.gov

  2. The National Science Foundation (NSF) • Is an Independent Agency of the Federal Government • Was established in 1950 to promote and advance scientific progress in the United States by sponsoring scientific research and by supporting selected activities in science and engineering • Does not conduct research itself.

  3. U.S. President Science Advisor Office of Management and Budget Other boards, councils, etc. Office of Science and Technology Policy Science Advisor Major Departments Health and Human Services Commerce Agriculture Interior Homeland Security Defense Energy Independent Agencies National Aeronautic and Space Administration Environmental Protection Agency Nuclear Regulatory Commission Smithsonian Institution Other agencies

  4. NSF Mission NSF Act of 1950 • To promote scientific progress • To advance national health, prosperity and welfare • To secure national defense

  5. National Science Foundation • Supports education and trainingat all levels • Promotes public understanding of science, engineering and math • Ensures a world-class science, engineering and technology workforce for the U.S.

  6. National Science Foundation National Science Board Inspector General Director Deputy Director Staff Offices Computer & Info. Science & Engineering Mathematical & Physical Sciences Biological Sciences Geosciences Engineering Budget, Finance & Award Management Information Resource Management Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Education & Human Resources

  7. Growth in NSF Budget FY 2000-2006 (millions)

  8. Who receives awards? • Universities and colleges • Academic consortia • Nonprofit institutions • Small businesses • University and industry collaborations • National research centers • International research and education efforts

  9. National Science Foundation • Welcomes proposals from all qualified scientists and engineers • Strongly encourages women, members of groups underrepresented in science and engineering, and persons with disabilities to compete fully in NSF programs

  10. NSF FY 2006 Budget Priorities • Strengthen Core Disciplinary Research • Provide broadly accessible cyberinfrastructure and other world class facilities • Broaden participation in the science and engineering workforce

  11. Directorate for the Biological Sciences

  12. Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) Information and Automation Resources Unit (IAR) Division of Biological Infrastructure (DBI) Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) Division of Integrative Organismal Biology (IOB) Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB) Ecological Biology HumanResources BehavioralSystems Biomolecular Systems Developmental Systems Ecosystem Science Research Resources Cellular Systems Population & Evolutionary Processes Genes and Genome Systems Environmental &Structural Systems Plant Genome Research Program Systematic Biology &Biodiversity Inventories Functional & Regulatory Systems Emerging Frontiers (EF) Effective September 2004

  13. Major BIO Responsibilities • Long-term Ecological Research • Systematic Biology; Biodiversity • Evolutionary Biology • Environmental Biology • Plant Biology • Microbial Biology (not medical) • Bioinformatics

  14. BIO Core Areas Molecular and Cellular Biosciences • Genes and Genome Systems • Biomolecular Systems • Cellular Systems

  15. BIO Core Areas Integrative Organismal Biology • Behavioral Systems • Developmental Systems • Environmental and Structural Systems • Functional and Regulatory Systems

  16. BIO Core Areas Environmental Biology • Ecological Biology • Ecosystem Science • Population & Evolutionary Processes • Systematic Biology & Biodiversity Inventories

  17. Target Dates for Unsolicited Proposals in Core Areas • January 10-12 • July 10-12

  18. Biological Infrastructure • Human Resources • Postdoctoral Fellowships • Research Experiences for Undergraduates Sites (REU Sites) • Undergraduate Mentorship in Environmental Biology (UMEB) • Collaborative Research in Undergraduate Institutions (C-RUI)

  19. Biological Infrastructure • Research Resources • Field Stations and Marine Labs • Instrument Development • Multi-user Equipment & Instrumentation • Biological Databases & Informatics • Living Stock Collections • Biological Research Collections

  20. Plant Genome Research Program • Supports research on the structure, organization and function of plant genomes; elucidates fundamental biological processes. • Accelerates acquisition and utilization of new knowledge and innovative technologies. • Focuses on plants of economic importance and plant processes of potential economic value.

  21. National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) • NEON will be a national network of observatories located continent-wide, providing research platforms for integrated studies in field biology • Each observatory will have state-of-the-art infrastructure to support interdisciplinary, integrated research. • NEON is in early stages of development.

  22. NSF-wide Opportunities • Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) • Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) • Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER) • Integrative Graduate Education & Research Traineeships (IGERT) • Major Research Instrumentation

  23. Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) • Supports teacher-scholars committed to the integration of research and education. • Proposals present research plans that integrate research and education. • BIO minimum award of $100,000 per year for 5 years. • Deadline annually in July (New Program Solicitation will be released soon.)

  24. Ongoing Funding Opportunities • Arabidopsis 2010 Project • Microbial Genome Sequencing • Microbial Observatories & Microbial Interactions and Processes • Ecology of Infectious Diseases • Frontiers in Integrative Biological Research (FIBR) • Assembling the Tree of Life • Research Coordination Networks

  25. NSF FY 2006 Priority Areas • Biocomplexity in the Environment • Nanoscale Science and Engineering • Mathematical Sciences • Human and Social Dynamics

  26. New BIO Program Solicitation Research Initiation Grants (RPG) and Career Advancement Awards (CAA) for Broadening Participation

  27. Research Initiation Grants (RIG) Career Advancement Awards (CAA) • Broadening Participation – Especially faculty from underrepresented groups or minority serving institutions • RIG – New Investigators • CAA – May have previously been PI • $150k - 24 months, $25k equipment

  28. For More Information http://www.nsf.gov

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