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David Irvine . CII Area Marketing Manager. Local Institute Toolkit. Project Outline Phase 1 – Branding Guidelines & Stationery Templates Phase 2 – Marketing Collateral Templates Phase 3 – Web Portal and Extranet Initial Results Next Steps Questions . Overview .
David Irvine CII Area Marketing Manager Local Institute Toolkit
Project Outline Phase 1 – Branding Guidelines & Stationery Templates Phase 2 – Marketing Collateral Templates Phase 3 – Web Portal and Extranet Initial Results Next Steps Questions Overview
Consistency and Clarity Recognition Professionalism Positioning Why introduce a local institute brand?
1. 2. 3. Phase 1 – Brand Development (Logo Positioning)
Phase 2 – Marketing Collateral (Newsletters) Your region’s title here Insert local story and image here Events listing National stories already pre-set
Phase 2 – Marketing Collateral (Posters and E-Flyers) Your institute brand/logo Insert relevant image here Insert relevant copy here Insert relevant image here Insert relevant copy here Your institute brand/logo
Phase 2 – Marketing Collateral (Events Guides) Insert relevant copy here Insert relevant copy here Your institute brand/logo
Phase 1 – Brand and Stationery No cost for utilising the LI brand Economies of scale - key dates for ordering stock Phase 2 – Marketing Collateral Dependent on design and volume Phase 3 – Web Portal and Extranet One off cost - dependent on institute size Under 1000 members - £500 1000 – 2000 members - £750 Over 2000 members - £1000 Associated Costs
Initial Tool Kit Results Very positive results gained across East Anglia & Scotland - awareness of LI activities in these areas is 20% above the national averageafter using elements of the toolkit. Are you aware of local institute activities? National Average – Yes 64% Scotland – Yes 84% East Anglia - Yes 88% Are you aware of local institute seminars and meetings? National Average – Yes 69% Scotland – Yes 85% East Anglia – Yes 88% Are you aware of local institute communications? National Average – Yes 60% Scotland – Yes 76% East Anglia – Yes 77% Initial Results
Q&A For more information contact David Irvine – 07921 234 323 david.irvine@cii.co.uk Julie Hicks – 07918 674 589 julie.hicks@cii.co.uk
Karen Rose, FCII FIRM Chartered Insurance Practitioner Director, Ametrine Management Consulting Ltd Current President of The Insurance Instituteof Reading The Role of the Deputy President
Your input The experience and advice of others Local Institute Manual and help Succession planning Exceptional Service Awards Deputy President checklist Summary Itinerary
What do you consider to be the attributes of a Local Institute Deputy President? Workshop Exercise
11 Questions Cross-section of Past Presidents and Presidents over the 60 UK Local Institutes Results an aide memoire for your year as Deputy and looking forward to Presidency 28 Questionnaires received back Deputy President Survey
Range 1989/90 to current year of office Some have done it twice or more! Some may be serving again this coming year due to unavailability of proposed candidate 1. When did you serve?
75% have done the role once 28% twice 10% have done the role twice for different Local Institutes 7% have done the role three times; one for one Local Institute and the other whilst a Local Institute was going through the merger with another Local Institute 2. How many times has the role of Deputy President undertaken?
67% of respondents had served between 2 and 7 years when asked 17% had served 6 years when asked 17% had been on council over 10 years before being asked 14% had served 11 years or more - one for 14 years 1 was brought on to be Deputy without serving on council prior to appointment 1 spent 8 years as Secretary out of 9 years before becoming Deputy 5 have served on two Local Institutes and been Deputy of which 3 have been President of both 3. Length of time on council prior to Deputy President role?
39% did the Deputy role and no other 61% undertook one or more additional role on council Included Secretary, Education Secretary, Dinner Secretary, Treasurer, Programme or Social Secretary, Charity Rep, Careers Officer, Young members committee 4. Multi Tasking – Deputy President and any other council role?
39% no specific role 32% felt underutilised Main function to chair council meetings/attend functions in President’s absence But additional roles on council in many cases Liaison between committees Organised Charity Ball Maintenance of member email directory Grace at Annual Dinner Preparing forthcoming year’s programme Shadowing the President Mentoring other council members to take over other existing roles 5. Specific role and duties as Deputy President
57% had a handover/planning meeting prior to AGM or just after Regular President/Deputy President meetings throughout year Involvement on events committee January - March meetings and involved new Deputy President elect once selected Plan council structure; remove ‘deadwood’ for coming year 6. President / Deputy President Forward Planning
For example: Events programme/manifesto/meeting dates Immediately I knew I was to be Deputy President -14% During Deputy President year - 67% After AGM -10% Rolling programme/planning process - 17% 3 months prior to year - though some said not long enough! - 39% 7. Deputy President Planning of own Presidential year – when?
President - 25% Immediate Past President - 7% Past Presidents - 64% Secretary - 14% Council members - 28.5% CII - 3% Officers’ Conference - 3% Institute Liaison (Peter Hutchinson) - 18% No support - 14% 8. Support and guidance during Deputy President year / prepare for Presidential year
Yes - 86% Once recovered from shock of being chosen A quiet, easy year for a few; busy for many Gave time to prepare for Presidency Allows you to analyse the time and commitment required for the forthcoming years BUT 9. Did you enjoy the role of Deputy President?
An agreed succession plan/more time to prepare Didn’t have long enough in the role - stepped in when Deputy President resigned half way through year A closer working relationship with President Exert pressure for more help from council members; make them more productive or say goodbye. No ‘CV’ council members! Hard to get involvement from people today - struggling to find a Deputy President and people to take on roles such as Dinner Secretary; Exam Secretary 10. If you had a chance to do it all again – what would you do differently?
Better contact with other Local Institute Deputy Presidents in region More definition of the role; be more proactive in assuming duties Would liked to have done more; more involved earlier in my year Be more relaxed Attend a public speaking course Attend Officers’ Conference and workshops for practical advice 10. If you had a chance to do it all again – what would you do differently? Continued…
Preparation, Preparation, Preparation! Use the year to plan your Presidency/events/manifesto Adopt, adapt, improve - don’t just accept the status quo Discuss with employer, life partner and family - gain their support Work closely with President/Secretary/Treasurer/Vice Presidents –continuous leadership Don’t be afraid to ask for support, guidance and assistance from council/CII/Vice Presidents/other Local Institute council members etc. 11. What advice do you have for new Deputy Presidents?
Support the President - remember it’s not your year! Be aware of the timetable of the Local Institute year Actively participate and attend events during your Deputy President year; run meetings to get experience; attend the Officers’ Conference! Network, network, network! Get to know your council members; talk to them re aspirations; motivate; help them Start looking for ‘new blood’ Regional group of institutes – share ideas and meet Understand all the council roles More Advice!
Participate in the President selection process/succession planning Be aware that this could take up a lot of your spare time Rise above negativity and work on altering the perspective Believe in yourself and your abilities Go on a diet before your Presidency starts! ‘Selected’ Deputy Presidents are on a steep learning curve as no knowledge/experience ENJOY! Have fun! More Advice Continued
Available online at http://www.cii.co.uk/cii/localandglobal/li_manual.aspx To help all Local Institute officers during their year of tenure Not a rule book; rather guidance notes and aide memoire ‘Job’ descriptions including roles of President and Deputy President Guidance notes on: Annual Dinners CII Exceptional Service Awards Succession planning Local Institute Manual
Local Institute Development Committee (LIDC) Public Speaking – Peter Mueller Local Institute Personnel list on website CII Personnel directory Regional Council Representative Local Institute Help
Planning a succession of future Presidents Appraisal process Willingness of council members Move through council roles CF bringing someone on board specifically for the Deputy President role Preparing for the role Communication process Succession Planning
Vice Presidents to identify potential candidates Do they all want to be President? Alternate disciplines for Presidential role e.g. broker; insurer; loss adjuster; PFS member One to one discussions with council members to ascertain ambitions Establish career path for each council member Barriers to succession planning – things change! Succession Planning
Contingency planning Event committee/support team e.g. Belfast, Reading Assistant officers to share roles Monitor situation throughout the year Keep up to date with market events and changes Ongoing review Succession Planning
Advertise for council members Write to local market asking for support Check exam results. Qualification completions = potential candidate See Local Institute Manual on succession planning www.cii.co.uk/downloaddata/13.1%20Succession%20planning.pdf Build your talent pool Succession Planning
Yes we do try! Annual Vice President/President/Deputy President meeting to discuss One Local Institute lined up 2009 and 2010’s Deputy Presidents but candidates moved jobs Specific route to President role via Education Secretary, Deputy President and President In ideal world, should have done a number of roles including Secretary Keen to appoint new blood but struggle to find them and more importantly, the right sort of council member Succession Planning; our survey said…
Days of being able to rely on stable council for 5 years are gone - mobility of market; mergers and acquisitions; redundancies; workload pressure means less time for Local Institute involvement Running out of willing candidates and having to do the job ‘second time around’ Some may be deterred by ‘closed shop’ succession list of future Presidents of joining council One year term of President not long enough - two terms better to achieve aims Several Local Institutes have had problems to upset the succession plan - illness, job moves, redundancies can mean earlier ‘promotion’ of a junior council member Succession Planning; our survey said…
Something to consider during your Deputy President year CII letter sent out to Presidents/Local Institute Secretaries in November Any likely candidates amongst your Council? Discuss with President and your Deputy President elect Ensure the issue is raised at council meeting November/December Secretary to handle nomination process with President Handout for guidance on the process Preparation, information and support is key to a successful nomination Check no duplication in support letters; personalised tributes CII Exceptional Service Awards
Request for nominations sent early November (circa 3rd Nov 08) Closing date for nominations end of January (30th Jan 09) Full adjudication meeting early March (3rd Mar 09) The Awards Panel may need to seek further clarification from the nominator(s) thus the timetable allows sufficient time for such consultation. CII Exceptional Service Awards - Timeline
Ensure that you have a handover meeting with your predecessor Get to know your council members and their aspirations Know your constitution Work closely with President, Secretary and Treasurer Keep a list of potential events, speakers, topics ready for your Presidential year – work on your programme Annual dinner - think about speakers for your dinner/sponsorship/new guests Network where possible with other Deputy Presidents and other Local Institute council members Get to know CII personnel Public speaking - do you need assistance? Arrange a course! Listen to other Deputy President and Presidential speeches to help write yours Ensure you attend your council events and talk to the members Get feedback on events; what could have been done differently? What worked well? Attend the Vice Presidents meeting to select your Deputy President elect Hold a handover meeting with the successful candidate and assist with planning their year Deputy President - CHECKLIST
Attributes Survey - results and issues Advice Local Institute Manual LIDC help Succession planning CII Exceptional Service Awards Summary