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Nessie Harris Nharris@schsl.org (803) 603-1796 IMPORTANT DATES IMPORTANT DATES February 1, 2010 First Practice February 8, 2010 First Scrimmage Schedule Due March 1 Eligibility Due Seven days prior to first meet
Nessie Harris Nharris@schsl.org (803) 603-1796
IMPORTANT DATES IMPORTANT DATES February 1, 2010 First Practice February 8, 2010 First Scrimmage Schedule Due March 1 Eligibility Due Seven days prior to first meet March 8, 2010 First Contest (One invitational may be pre-season and start on February 26). I April 14, 2010 Track Directors Meeting (League Office—9:00am) May 3, 2010 Deadline to Report Qualifiers for Upper State, Lower State or Qualifying Meets (All Classes) May 14 & 15, 2010State Finals Meet (All Classes)
Track teams are limited to 16 Varsity and 12 JV meets, including invitationals. REGION MEET REGULATIONS: A student must have participated in at least two regular season track meets prior to entering region qualifying leading to the State Meet. The High School League Executive Committee must make any exceptions.
Executive Committee Approved Activities • State Finals Series Pole Vault (the crossbar at the State Finals only will be raised 6 inches each time until a winner is determined)
Games Committee-Coaching BoxRule 3-2-4g NOTE • When used, all areas designated for the coaches (coaching boxes) to observe and confer with competitors shall be clearly identified and marked by the host meet management • Coaching boxes should be identified by the games committee prior to the start of the competition • Coaching boxes should be marked with flags, pennants, painted lines, etc.
Games Committee-Video ReplayRule 3-2-7 • Video replay or television monitoring equipment, other than the official equipment approved by the games committee prior to the start of competition, shall not be used to make decisions related to the meet
AnemometerRule 3-17-2 • Anemometer (wind instrument or gauge) required for: • races up to and including 200 meters • long jump • triple jumps • Location of anemometer: • 4 feet above ground • Within 2 meters of track/runway • 50 meters from finish line • 20 meters from horizontal jumps foul line • Faces start of event
Communication With a CompetitorRule 4-5-8e • It is an unfair act when a competitor receives any assistance from any other person Assistance includes: • Communicating with a competitor through the use of any device
Hurdling InfractionsRule 5-13-2b • It is an infraction if a competitor: • Knocks down any hurdle by hand • Official no longer has to determine if the hurdle was knocked down deliberately by hurdler’s foot • Eliminates need for official to determine hurdler’s intent • It is a foul if a hurdle is knocked down by hand • It is not a foul if a hurdle is knocked down by foot • Hurdlers must attempt to clear each hurdle
Shot PutRule 6-5-5 • A 34.92-degree sector shall be marked on the ground • Radial lines 2 inches (5 centimeters) wide shall extend from the center of the circle to form an area into which legal puts shall be made • The inside edges of these lines shall mark the sectorand the lines shall be placed equidistance from the ends of the stopboard
Bungee Cord Use in Warm-ups in Vertical JumpsRule 7-2-11 NOTE • A bungee cord/elastic crossbar manufactured for use in the high jump and pole vault may be used during warm-ups, as approved by the games committee
Pole VaultRule 7-5-4 • A competitor shall not use a variable weight pole, a pole which is improperly marked, a pole rated below his/her weight, or any other equipment which is not legal during warm-ups or competition • Removed bungee cord/elastic crossbar from the list of illegal equipment for warm-ups • Bungee cord/elastic crossbar not legal for competition
Jumping EventsRules 7-4-6 NOTE and 7-5-11 NOTE • Effective January 1, 2013, the high jump and pole vault crossbars shall be circular • Square with beveled edges or triangular crossbars shall no longer be legal for competition
Pole VaultRule 7-5-29 • It is no longer a foul if a vaulter clears the crossbar in an otherwise legal attempt if the standards are incorrectly set by officials • The event officials have the responsibility during competition to have all equipment properly set • Vaulter should not have to assume verifying actions of officials to be certain he/she does not have an unnecessary foul
Points of Emphasis – Coaching Box • The games committee has the authority to: • designate specific areas for coaches to observe and confer with competitors • establish who may occupy the coaching box • confirm what activity may occur within a coaching box • All decisions regarding coaching boxes shall be made by the games committee prior to any competition beginning
Points of Emphasis – Pole Vault • Meet management is responsible for providing a landing system, standards and runway that meet the rule requirements • Coaches are responsible for their competitors having legal vaulting poles and that the competitor’s weight is at or below the manufacturer’s pole rating • Officials are required to inspect each pole to verify legality
Points of Emphasis – Contestant/Competitor • The status of athletes, as either contestants or competitors, directly affects the application of some rules and the penalties for violation of those rules • Entry – Athlete and/or relay team submitted by entry deadline established by games committee, to be entered in the meet • Contestant – Any athlete entered in the meet by the established deadline • Competitor – Contestant who reports for an event is then a competitor
Points of Emphasis – Application of “Design of Uniform” for Relays and Cross Country • Rules 4-3 (Track Relay Teams) and 9-6 (Cross Country Team) require team members to be wearing uniforms of the same “design” • “Design” refers to a pattern of colors used in the uniform • Both relay teams and cross country teams are competing as a team similar to a volleyball or basketball team • Uniforms being worn must be able to clearly identify the competitor, at a glance, as a member of a certain team
OTHER RULES • Uniforms Only two piece uniforms are worn Event Participation & Limitations Being listed as one of the six members of a relay team does not count as an event unless the competitor actually participates. An athlete may not participate in more than four events. He or she may be listed in two individual events and as a member of three relay teams. However, once this athlete participates in two of these relays he/she is not eligible for the other relay.