3. Total Force Construct
4. Who are we?
Mix of Service Veterans and Non-Prior Service Personnel
Experienced Veterans: ~75% Navy Veteran (NAVET) Accessions
Sailors with diverse Civilian Skills and Experience: ~25% Direct Accession
Provide Sailors the opportunity to serve their country across a spectrum of rewarding opportunities
We provide an opportunity for training and professional development for those that seek something less than a full-time work commitment to Navy upon enlistment and/or commissioning.
We provide continuum of service opportunities to those who have already served that seek the opportunity for continued camaraderie, operational support, and retirement eligibility in return for part-time work.
RC bonuses are used to increase or maintain manning in communities and skill sets critical to mission accomplishment where there are current and/or projected shortages.
Shape the Reserve Force to better meet the needs of the Total Force Navy
Added slide from SECNAV Mabus brief: talks to the value added by the RC, as well as stress the opportunity to serve the country as a citizen-sailor
Experienced Veterans: ~75% Navy Veteran (NAVET) Accessions
Lateral Transfers/Recall Program
Prior Service (PS) Accessions
National Call to Service (NCS) Program
Sailors with Diverse Civilian Skills and Experience: ~25% Direct Accession
Direct Commission Officers (DCO) Program for Officers
New Accession Training (NAT) for Enlisted Sailors
Bonuses/Enticements include:
Up to $20K for NAT and PS personnel affiliating with Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) ratings
Up to $15K for personnel reenlisting in OCO ratings
Up to $10K affiliation bonus for officers in critical skill designators
Up to $20K to recruit and convert personnel from overmanned to critically undermanned ratings
Up to $20K per year ($50K total) loan repayment for medical personnel
A $1,907 per month stipend for medical personnel in a program that leads to a Critical Wartime Specialty (CWS)
Up to $25K per year (three years) special pay for certain Medical, Nurse, and Dental Corps officers
One and two-year mobilization deferments for prior service personnelAdded slide from SECNAV Mabus brief: talks to the value added by the RC, as well as stress the opportunity to serve the country as a citizen-sailor
Experienced Veterans: ~75% Navy Veteran (NAVET) Accessions
Lateral Transfers/Recall Program
Prior Service (PS) Accessions
National Call to Service (NCS) Program
Sailors with Diverse Civilian Skills and Experience: ~25% Direct Accession
Direct Commission Officers (DCO) Program for Officers
New Accession Training (NAT) for Enlisted Sailors
Bonuses/Enticements include:
Up to $20K for NAT and PS personnel affiliating with Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) ratings
Up to $15K for personnel reenlisting in OCO ratings
Up to $10K affiliation bonus for officers in critical skill designators
Up to $20K to recruit and convert personnel from overmanned to critically undermanned ratings
Up to $20K per year ($50K total) loan repayment for medical personnel
A $1,907 per month stipend for medical personnel in a program that leads to a Critical Wartime Specialty (CWS)
Up to $25K per year (three years) special pay for certain Medical, Nurse, and Dental Corps officers
One and two-year mobilization deferments for prior service personnel
7. POINT OF DISCUSSION: we have hardware units!POINT OF DISCUSSION: we have hardware units!
8. Navy Reserve Operational Capabilities Navy Reserve capabilities and skillsets required by the GWOT. Requirements are generated by COCOMs and JCS, and CNO provides the Total Force Navy capabilities to meet these Requests for Forces (RFFs).
There are many “stressed” Navy capabilities, including NAVELSG, NCW, Seabees, Corpsmen, EOD, Maritime Security Forces, Intel, Civil Affairs, Medical and our important Supply Corps logisticians.
Custom Inspectors: 36 Police Officers, 15 Corrections Officers, 13 State Police/Sheriffs, 13 Full Time Teachers, 6 Engineers and 3 Small Business owners, drawn from 96 Navy Operational Support Centers, representing 38 States and Territories, including PR and Guam.Navy Reserve capabilities and skillsets required by the GWOT. Requirements are generated by COCOMs and JCS, and CNO provides the Total Force Navy capabilities to meet these Requests for Forces (RFFs).
There are many “stressed” Navy capabilities, including NAVELSG, NCW, Seabees, Corpsmen, EOD, Maritime Security Forces, Intel, Civil Affairs, Medical and our important Supply Corps logisticians.
Custom Inspectors: 36 Police Officers, 15 Corrections Officers, 13 State Police/Sheriffs, 13 Full Time Teachers, 6 Engineers and 3 Small Business owners, drawn from 96 Navy Operational Support Centers, representing 38 States and Territories, including PR and Guam.
9. Navy Reserve Employment as of 01 June 09 Full Time Support Data
Includes 2 & 3 yr Recall, Canvasser Recruiters (exceptions: Retired, Navy Strength Loss, ADSW, MOBed, Deserters, & TEMDU pending separation, retirement, release or discharge)
Data Sources:
End-strength: Supplied by OCNR – TFMMS (FTS as of 26 May 09; 1,634 Officers + 9,465 Enlisted = 11,099 total)
Inventory: Supplied by OCNR weekly extracted from RCCPDS, current Inventory (FTS as of 26 May 09; 1,619 Officers + 9,799 Enlisted = 11,418 total)
RC HQ and Staff Support: OCNR, CNRFC, RCCs, NOSCs within Claimant 72 as well as all other non-operational activities within Claimant 72 (e.g., Air Wing staffs, RIPOs) – MMC72 supplied by CNRFC, N1, reports extracted from ARIS monthly current numbers (as of 23 Mar 09)
Operational Support: Non-staff within Claimant 72 (e.g., RESFORONs, NAS/NAF, Reserve AIMD, FTS providing Active Duty support outside Claimant 72 (e.g., CLF, CPF, CNI, etc.)
CANREC/NRCRF: 722 Enlisted (as of 11 May 09) and 111 Officer (as of 18 Feb 09). Enlisted data drawn from PERS-91D and Officer data drawn from PERS-921
FTS Deployed in support of OEF/OIF: Monthly from DFAS based upon total FTS qualifying for Combat Zone Tax Exemption (as of 30 Apr 09)
Selected Reservist Data
Data sources:
End-strength: TFMMS (Supplied in same report as FTS data above.) (SELRES as of 26 May 09; 13,787 Officers + 41,814 Enlisted = 55,601 total)
Inventory: RHS and RCCPDS (Supplied in same report as FTS data above.) (SELRES as of 26 May 09; 12,868 Officers + 42,407 Enlisted = 55,275 total)
MOB: Pers-4G Mob/Demob Status Report, NMCMPS/RHS captured daily (as of 29 May 09)
ADSW: (Includes RPN and MPN Funded Orders) – NMCMPS, captured weekly (as of 01 Jun 09)
AT and ADT personnel: NRRM, real-time number captured the day of the report (as of 01 Jun 09)
IDT: IDT Operational Support Data Capture Project:
The IDT weekly average is for the month of Apr 2009 with 772 units reporting
Web-enabled data entry system is on-line. Unit Leadership enters data; Air Wings, RCCs have data entry visibility but do not enter additional information. Monthly inputs due last Friday of each month.
Individual Read Reserve Data
Data sources:
Inventory (VTU/ASP): Captured from the “117M” ASP= Total IRR – VTU (IRR as of 30 Apr 09; 10,08= officer + 38,326 enlisted = 48,384 total) (VTU as of 30 Apr 09; 1,243 officer +2,364 enlisted = 3,607 total)
MOB (VTU/ASP only): Monthly from PERS-931 (IRR mobilized as of 17 Apr 09; 68 officer + 84 enlisted = 152 total)
ADSW/ADT: NMCMPS, captured weekly (as of 01 June 09)
Note: Total Operational Support (in the green box) does not include IRR numbers. ASP = Active Status Pool
Full Time Support Data
Includes 2 & 3 yr Recall, Canvasser Recruiters (exceptions: Retired, Navy Strength Loss, ADSW, MOBed, Deserters, & TEMDU pending separation, retirement, release or discharge)
Data Sources:
End-strength: Supplied by OCNR – TFMMS (FTS as of 26 May 09; 1,634 Officers + 9,465 Enlisted = 11,099 total)
Inventory: Supplied by OCNR weekly extracted from RCCPDS, current Inventory (FTS as of 26 May 09; 1,619 Officers + 9,799 Enlisted = 11,418 total)
RC HQ and Staff Support: OCNR, CNRFC, RCCs, NOSCs within Claimant 72 as well as all other non-operational activities within Claimant 72 (e.g., Air Wing staffs, RIPOs) – MMC72 supplied by CNRFC, N1, reports extracted from ARIS monthly current numbers (as of 23 Mar 09)
Operational Support: Non-staff within Claimant 72 (e.g., RESFORONs, NAS/NAF, Reserve AIMD, FTS providing Active Duty support outside Claimant 72 (e.g., CLF, CPF, CNI, etc.)
CANREC/NRCRF: 722 Enlisted (as of 11 May 09) and 111 Officer (as of 18 Feb 09). Enlisted data drawn from PERS-91D and Officer data drawn from PERS-921
FTS Deployed in support of OEF/OIF: Monthly from DFAS based upon total FTS qualifying for Combat Zone Tax Exemption (as of 30 Apr 09)
Selected Reservist Data
Data sources:
End-strength: TFMMS (Supplied in same report as FTS data above.) (SELRES as of 26 May 09; 13,787 Officers + 41,814 Enlisted = 55,601 total)
Inventory: RHS and RCCPDS (Supplied in same report as FTS data above.) (SELRES as of 26 May 09; 12,868 Officers + 42,407 Enlisted = 55,275 total)
MOB: Pers-4G Mob/Demob Status Report, NMCMPS/RHS captured daily (as of 29 May 09)
ADSW: (Includes RPN and MPN Funded Orders) – NMCMPS, captured weekly (as of 01 Jun 09)
AT and ADT personnel: NRRM, real-time number captured the day of the report (as of 01 Jun 09)
IDT: IDT Operational Support Data Capture Project:
The IDT weekly average is for the month of Apr 2009 with 772 units reporting
Web-enabled data entry system is on-line. Unit Leadership enters data; Air Wings, RCCs have data entry visibility but do not enter additional information. Monthly inputs due last Friday of each month.
Individual Read Reserve Data
Data sources:
Inventory (VTU/ASP): Captured from the “117M” ASP= Total IRR – VTU (IRR as of 30 Apr 09; 10,08= officer + 38,326 enlisted = 48,384 total) (VTU as of 30 Apr 09; 1,243 officer +2,364 enlisted = 3,607 total)
MOB (VTU/ASP only): Monthly from PERS-931 (IRR mobilized as of 17 Apr 09; 68 officer + 84 enlisted = 152 total)
ADSW/ADT: NMCMPS, captured weekly (as of 01 June 09)
Note: Total Operational Support (in the green box) does not include IRR numbers. ASP = Active Status Pool
10. GWOT Augmentation – Navy’s Biggest Missions Iraq
Detainee Ops:
Includes operations at Balad, Bucca and Taji Theater Internment Facilities.
MNF-I, MNC-I, MNSTC-I (Multinational Security Transition CMD Iraq), TF 134, GRD, etc…Intel, URL, Admin, IT, Supply, Medical, PAO
Support to USMC:
Health Services Augmentation Program (HSAP): Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) personnel who have been trained/equipped to support the Marine Corps IOT round out forces during contingency operations and exercises.
Additional support provided by Chaplain / Medical Corp / Air Traffic Control / MAGTF Command Element / MEF shortfalls
Construction Force:
A Naval Construction Regiment and a Naval Mobile Construction Battalion are supporting current reconstruction efforts.
Electronic Warfare Support:
To provide leadership, management, technical expertise, logistics and field support for the sustainment and employment of mobile and fixed ground systems as part of the Joint Counter Radio Controlled IED Electronic Warfare (CREW) systems in the MNC-I AOR. Majority of support is comprised of Battalion and Brigade level Electronic Warfare Officers (EWOs).
Support to Navy SPECWARCOM squadrons in theater
Intelligence Support:
Various missions supporting current TF operations, which include various teams, such as a Collection Management Team, Document Exploitation Teams, Joint Intel Cell (JIC), Fusion Cell, Linguist support for Info Ops, Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) EW Detachment.
Counter-Rocket Artillery Mortar (C-RAM) Intercept Battery Teams:
To provide for protection capability that prevents indirect fire casualties in protected zones.
Equipment consists of a mobile Close In Weapons System (CIWS) - Bravo and Navy FC’s support mission and are to provide technical and operational expertise to Army personnel.
Base Operating Support:
Al Asad – Airfield Support personnel, Mechs/ATC
Civil Affairs:
Support to Army Civil Affairs Units
Combat Air Support:
Tactical Dissemination Module (TDM): Provides/ensures connectivity between C2 nodes (CAOC, CFAC) and airborne war-fighters (ex: digital target packages, DMPI Imagery)
Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TUAV) Mission and Intelligence Surveillance Recon. (ISR) Operations: Operates EO/IR sensor equipment and provides tactical ISR support from specific aircraft (supporting TF ops)
SOF airlift and resupply
Intra-theater airlift support
Customs Inspection: includes border security and customs operations
Medical Support
Expeditionary Medical Facility (EMF): A small, mobile free-standing outpatient hospital that proves full-service medical and psychiatric services to service members from all four service branches.
Law & Order Detachment:
To provide an administrative law enforcement force in support of ASG-KU and related missions/operations.
Confinement Detachment:
To support the U.S. confinement facility and to provide for the care, custody, and safeguard of U.S. prisoners.
Embedded Training Teams (ETTs):
To train Aghani National Army (ANA) on transportation, operations, personnel, intelligence, and logistic planning. Also provides for a direct link between coalition forces and ANA units. Examples of teams include: Corps Support Team, Traffic Terminal Team, Garrison Support Teams, Aug Cell Team. Additional recent support was due to anticipated/planned growth in ANA force structure (50K, 11 Brigade (BDE) force).
ISAF / CSTC-A (Combined Security Transition CMD Afghan)/ TF Phoenix / Paladin, CJTF-82 etc…. Intel, URL, Admin, IT, Supply, Medical, PAO
Detainee Ops:
Bagram Theater Internment Facility.
Combat Support:
ASG, Joint Logistics Command (Kabul) and National Support Element (Kandahar).
Intel: TF Torch / DOCEX etc…
JTF HQ: Staff functions
Comms Det: Base communications support
Base Operating Support: Operational support to Camp Lemonier
Includes Detainee Operations, Military Intelligence, JAG, MP and Medical support. There are an additional personnel PCS comprised of Security Forces, Interrogators and Intel Support
Medical Support – Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC):
To replace USJFCOM as the force provider IOT ensure EUCOM has adequate medical support and the necessary forces to operate and maintain a Level III hospitalization capability for the Casualty Reception Mission in support of OIF/OEF.
CENTCOM HQ: Staff functions to include Planners, Admin, Intel, Supply, IT
Detainee Ops:
Includes operations at Balad, Bucca and Taji Theater Internment Facilities.
MNF-I, MNC-I, MNSTC-I (Multinational Security Transition CMD Iraq), TF 134, GRD, etc…Intel, URL, Admin, IT, Supply, Medical, PAO
Support to USMC:
Health Services Augmentation Program (HSAP): Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) personnel who have been trained/equipped to support the Marine Corps IOT round out forces during contingency operations and exercises.
Additional support provided by Chaplain / Medical Corp / Air Traffic Control / MAGTF Command Element / MEF shortfalls
Construction Force:
A Naval Construction Regiment and a Naval Mobile Construction Battalion are supporting current reconstruction efforts.
Electronic Warfare Support:
To provide leadership, management, technical expertise, logistics and field support for the sustainment and employment of mobile and fixed ground systems as part of the Joint Counter Radio Controlled IED Electronic Warfare (CREW) systems in the MNC-I AOR. Majority of support is comprised of Battalion and Brigade level Electronic Warfare Officers (EWOs).
Support to Navy SPECWARCOM squadrons in theater
Intelligence Support:
Various missions supporting current TF operations, which include various teams, such as a Collection Management Team, Document Exploitation Teams, Joint Intel Cell (JIC), Fusion Cell, Linguist support for Info Ops, Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) EW Detachment.
Counter-Rocket Artillery Mortar (C-RAM) Intercept Battery Teams:
To provide for protection capability that prevents indirect fire casualties in protected zones.
Equipment consists of a mobile Close In Weapons System (CIWS) - Bravo and Navy FC’s support mission and are to provide technical and operational expertise to Army personnel.
Base Operating Support:
Al Asad – Airfield Support personnel, Mechs/ATC
Civil Affairs:
Support to Army Civil Affairs Units
Combat Air Support:
Tactical Dissemination Module (TDM): Provides/ensures connectivity between C2 nodes (CAOC, CFAC) and airborne war-fighters (ex: digital target packages, DMPI Imagery)
Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TUAV) Mission and Intelligence Surveillance Recon. (ISR) Operations: Operates EO/IR sensor equipment and provides tactical ISR support from specific aircraft (supporting TF ops)
SOF airlift and resupply
Intra-theater airlift support
Customs Inspection: includes border security and customs operations
Medical Support
Expeditionary Medical Facility (EMF): A small, mobile free-standing outpatient hospital that proves full-service medical and psychiatric services to service members from all four service branches.
Law & Order Detachment:
To provide an administrative law enforcement force in support of ASG-KU and related missions/operations.
Confinement Detachment:
To support the U.S. confinement facility and to provide for the care, custody, and safeguard of U.S. prisoners.
Embedded Training Teams (ETTs):
To train Aghani National Army (ANA) on transportation, operations, personnel, intelligence, and logistic planning. Also provides for a direct link between coalition forces and ANA units. Examples of teams include: Corps Support Team, Traffic Terminal Team, Garrison Support Teams, Aug Cell Team. Additional recent support was due to anticipated/planned growth in ANA force structure (50K, 11 Brigade (BDE) force).
ISAF / CSTC-A (Combined Security Transition CMD Afghan)/ TF Phoenix / Paladin, CJTF-82 etc…. Intel, URL, Admin, IT, Supply, Medical, PAO
Detainee Ops:
Bagram Theater Internment Facility.
Combat Support:
ASG, Joint Logistics Command (Kabul) and National Support Element (Kandahar).
Intel: TF Torch / DOCEX etc…
JTF HQ: Staff functions
Comms Det: Base communications support
Base Operating Support: Operational support to Camp Lemonier
Includes Detainee Operations, Military Intelligence, JAG, MP and Medical support. There are an additional personnel PCS comprised of Security Forces, Interrogators and Intel Support
Medical Support – Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC):
To replace USJFCOM as the force provider IOT ensure EUCOM has adequate medical support and the necessary forces to operate and maintain a Level III hospitalization capability for the Casualty Reception Mission in support of OIF/OEF.
CENTCOM HQ: Staff functions to include Planners, Admin, Intel, Supply, IT
11. Operational Support Nearly 53,000+ reserve Sailors mobilized since 9/11
Average 19% of enlisted Sailors have voluntarily mobilized 2 or more times.
Almost half of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) or 20,000 reserve Sailors.
Over 90% of the Navy Expeditionary Logistics Support Group (NAVELSG), a component of NECC are reserve Sailors.
60% of the Naval Construction Force (SEABEES) are reserve Sailors.
35% of the 100+ Sailors assigned to ECRC are reserve.
90% of medical support at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany, are currently filled with Navy Reserve medical professionals.
12. Navy Augmentation Missions
14. Mission
The mission of the Navy Reserve is to provide strategic depth and deliver operational capabilities to our Navy and Marine Corps team, and Joint forces, from peace to war.
15. Vision
The be a provider of choice for essential naval warfighting capabilities and expertise, strategically aligned with mission requirements and valued for our readiness, innovation, and agility to respond to any situation.
16. Navy Reserve Focus
Deliver a Ready and Accessible Force
Provide Valued Capabilities
Enable the Continuum of Service
20. Reserve Affiliation - Quick Poll
21. Increased RC AwarenessRetention Quick Poll 2007 vs 2008 In 2007 and 2008, Reserve Affiliation questions were included the Retention Quickpolls requested by CCD. By loosely comparing the results of the two surveys, we find:
A 50% and 100% increase in Enlisted and Officer knowledge of the Reserves, and
A 28% increase in officers who would consider joining the Navy reserve.
A couple recent initiatives directly led to this increased awareness and improved willingness to affiliate:
The Reserve Recruiting and Retention Working Group (RRRWG), sponsored by N13 and supported heavily by the OCNR staff, developed and implemented a number of initiatives to get information about the Reserve Component out to Active Duty Sailors
At the end of 2008, the RRRWG was absorbed into the Continuum of Service Working Group, now championed by CNP, and co-chaired by RADM Holloway (N13) and RADM Bayless (DCNR).
Specific initiatives were/are:
Stay Navy NAVADMIN Campaign (8 separate messages concerning Staying Navy; 5 of them were RC focused)
Fleet-to-NOSC pilot program, which streamlined RC affiliation for a few select communities/AC units with recruiting challenges (CEC; Big deck amphibs)
Perform to Serve (PTS) with SELRES Option. Efforts are still underway to include the SELRES as an option for separating Sailors at End of Contract. The end state remains to ultimately remove CNRC and make reserve affiliations a detailing function for NAVETs.
The Career Transition Office, located at CNPC is being stood up to track and process Separating Officers into the Selected Reserve.
As a result of these initiatives, we have realized a significant increase in awareness of Reserve opportunities as displayed by results in this slide. In 2007 and 2008, Reserve Affiliation questions were included the Retention Quickpolls requested by CCD. By loosely comparing the results of the two surveys, we find:
A 50% and 100% increase in Enlisted and Officer knowledge of the Reserves, and
A 28% increase in officers who would consider joining the Navy reserve.
A couple recent initiatives directly led to this increased awareness and improved willingness to affiliate:
The Reserve Recruiting and Retention Working Group (RRRWG), sponsored by N13 and supported heavily by the OCNR staff, developed and implemented a number of initiatives to get information about the Reserve Component out to Active Duty Sailors
At the end of 2008, the RRRWG was absorbed into the Continuum of Service Working Group, now championed by CNP, and co-chaired by RADM Holloway (N13) and RADM Bayless (DCNR).
Specific initiatives were/are:
Stay Navy NAVADMIN Campaign (8 separate messages concerning Staying Navy; 5 of them were RC focused)
Fleet-to-NOSC pilot program, which streamlined RC affiliation for a few select communities/AC units with recruiting challenges (CEC; Big deck amphibs)
Perform to Serve (PTS) with SELRES Option. Efforts are still underway to include the SELRES as an option for separating Sailors at End of Contract. The end state remains to ultimately remove CNRC and make reserve affiliations a detailing function for NAVETs.
The Career Transition Office, located at CNPC is being stood up to track and process Separating Officers into the Selected Reserve.
As a result of these initiatives, we have realized a significant increase in awareness of Reserve opportunities as displayed by results in this slide.
22. Take Aways Misunderstanding about the 2 year mobilization deferment policy. Ref: NAVADMIN 007/07
It does not mean the Sailor will be mobilized in 2 years. It means the Navy “can not” mobilize a Sailor within the first 2 years of reserve affiliation.
Eligibility: Must affiliate in the Navy Reserve within 6 months of separation from ACDU.
Mobilization was a detractor from joining Navy Reserve.
By law, a reserve Sailor can be “involuntarily” mobilized only once in 5 years. 1:5 ratio
Volunteers request to extend
23. Take Aways
73% surveyed did not get information about Navy Reserve from their Chain of Command.
82% surveyed were not encouraged to join the Navy Reserve. Why?
28. Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) Chapter 30Post 9/11 GI Bill Chapter 33Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) Chapter 30Post 9/11 GI Bill Chapter 33
29. When activated, the RC Sailor and Family members are eligible for TRICARE health benefits up to 90 days prior to reporting to AC.
When activated, the RC Sailor and Family members are eligible for TRICARE health benefits up to 90 days prior to reporting to AC.
30. Thanks for your Leadership/Mentorship to our National Call to Service Sailors, and mobilized RC Sailors, this is the main reason they do NOT want to leave the AC!
Please take the time to get to know each of your Sailors (AC/RC) find out what the RC Sailor does in Hometown USA! They may surprise you..
Review your commands billet file and ensure that you do NOT have RC Sailors attached that should be reporting to you. If you have requirements that you can’t meet remember we just need a valid requirement and we can support.
Remember to Vote!!!
Thanks for your Leadership/Mentorship to our National Call to Service Sailors, and mobilized RC Sailors, this is the main reason they do NOT want to leave the AC!
Please take the time to get to know each of your Sailors (AC/RC) find out what the RC Sailor does in Hometown USA! They may surprise you..
Review your commands billet file and ensure that you do NOT have RC Sailors attached that should be reporting to you. If you have requirements that you can’t meet remember we just need a valid requirement and we can support.
Remember to Vote!!!
32. Continuum of Service
CPO Clothing Allowance
Indefinite enlistments E7-E9
Reserve HYT
Fit vs Fill
Continuation Boards
Enlisted Leadership Course
CEI reporting
90 day retirement policy
Post 9/11 GI Bill
NAT/NCS program
Effects on end-strength (ie. Lower than expected attrition, failure to process Unsats, etc.