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Sociable Robots Peeping into the Human World

Sociable Robots Peeping into the Human World. An Infant’s Advantages. Non-hostile environment Actively benevolent, empathic caregiver Co-exists with mature version of self. Baby Scheme. Physical form can evoke nurturing response Caregiver exaggerates voice, gestures. Kismet – a Baby Robot.

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Sociable Robots Peeping into the Human World

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sociable Robots Peeping into the Human World

  2. An Infant’s Advantages • Non-hostile environment • Actively benevolent, empathic caregiver • Co-exists with mature version of self

  3. Baby Scheme • Physical form can evoke nurturing response • Caregiver exaggerates voice, gestures

  4. Kismet – a Baby Robot

  5. Requirements • Robot needs to perceive human state • Computer vision, speech processing • Human needs to perceive robot state • Animatronics, speech generation • Closed loop interaction requires both directions

  6. Readable locus of attention Attention can be deduced from behavior Or can be expressed more directly

  7. Expressing locus of attention

  8. Computing locus of attention “Cyclopean” camera Stereo pair

  9. Computing locus of attention Visual input Pre-attentive filters Saliency map Pursuit (Cyclopean camera) Primary information flow Modulatory influence Eye movement Behavior system

  10. Looking Preference “Seek toy” – low skin gain, high saturated-color gain Looking time 28% face, 72% block “Seek face” – high skin gain, low color saliency gain Looking time 80% face, 20% block • Internal influences bias how salience is measured • The robot is not a slave to its environment • Prefers behaviorally relevant stimuli

  11. Example (video)

  12. Example (video) • Robot’s search is task-specific • Still opportunistic when appropriate • Visual behavior conveys degree of commitment • Gaze direction, expression conveys interest

  13. Interpersonal Distance Comfortable interaction distance

  14. Interpersonal Distance

  15. Interpersonal Distance

  16. Interpersonal Distance

  17. Interpersonal Distance

  18. Examples (video) • Robot backs away if person comes too close • Cues person to back away too – social amplification • Robot makes itself salient to call a person closer if too far away “Come hither, friend” “Back off buster!”

  19. Negotiating object showing Comfortable interaction speed Too fast – irritation response Too fast, Too close – threat response

  20. Example (video)

  21. Facial expressions

  22. Facial Expressions(Russell, Scott&Smith) arousal surprise afraid elated angry stress excitement happy frustrated displeasure pleasure neutral sad content depression calm fatigued • Emotions can be mapped to affect dimensions (Russell) • Facial postures are related in a systematic way to these affective dimensions (Smith & Scott) relaxed bored sleepy sleep

  23. fear tired content anger Generating Posture, Expressions Open stance Low arousal Negative valence Positive valence High arousal Closed stance

  24. Example Facial Expression

  25. With Posture (video)

  26. Emotive Voice Quality

  27. Synthesized Emotive Speech

  28. With Vocalizations (video)

  29. But… Is there more to life than being really, really, really, ridiculously good-looking?

  30. Affective Intent (video)

  31. That’s a good bo-o-y! No no baby. o pitch, f (kHz) pitch, f (kHz) o time (ms) time (ms) approval prohibition Can you get it? Can you get it? MMMM Oh, honey. pitch, f (kHz) pitch, f (kHz) o o time (ms) time (ms) attention comfort Fernald’s Results • Four cross-cultural contours of infant-directed speech • Exaggerated prosody matched to infant’s innate responses

  32. Evidence for Fernald-like Contours Approval Prohibition Attention Soothing

  33. Performing Recognition prohibition & high-energy neutral attention & approval energy variance soothing & low-energy neutral pitch mean Breazeal & Aryananda, Humanoids 2000

  34. Examples (video)

  35. Turn-Taking • Cornerstone of human-style communication, learning, and instruction • Four phases of turn cycle • relinquish floor • listen to speaker • reacquire floor • speak • Integrates • visual behavior & attention • facial expression & animation • body posture • vocalization & lip synchronization

  36. Example (video)

  37. Conclusions • Robots can partake in “infant-caregiver” interactions • These interactions are rich with scaffolding acts • Prerequisite for socially situated learning Kismet’s really, really, ridiculously detailed web-pages: http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/kismet/

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