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He-cooled Divertor Development in the EU: The Helium Jet cooled Divertor HEMJ

Detailed overview of the HEMJ He-cooled divertor development program in the EU, focusing on design requirements, cooling technology, fabrication techniques, joint innovations, and test results.

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He-cooled Divertor Development in the EU: The Helium Jet cooled Divertor HEMJ

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  1. He-cooled Divertor Development in the EU:The Helium Jet cooled Divertor HEMJ Presented by Thomas Ihli * Contributors: Divertor Group at FZK, Germany and Efremov Institute, Russia ARIES Meeting General Atomics, San Diego February 24-25, 2005 *Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, currently exchange visitor to UCSD & The ARIES Team

  2. Divertor Target plate X-point target length [m] Divertor with Target Plates heat flux [MW/m²] • Heat load up to at least 10 MW/m² & strike point movements • Withstand erosive particle flux for several years (low sputtering rate) • He-cooling, high He-pressure ≈ 100 bars & vacuum leak tightness DEMO Divertor main requirements: Introduction: Divertor Requirements

  3. EU Tungsten Divertor: General Design W Armor W Alloy Cap ? He coolingheat transfer enhancement Structure Ferritic steel (ODS)or W Alloy / Densimet W-Armor: + High Melting Point + High Heat Conductivity + low Sputtering Rate + activation accaptable - need of low Impurity of W in Plasma (due to high atomic number of W) FZK

  4. HEM S HEM J 1300°C 1300°C 1300°C slot array jet array back-up reference simple fabrication max. heat flux Evolution of FZK Heat Transfer Design HEM P W pin array

  5. COOLING TECHNOLOGY: Jet Impingement • Cooling technology • applied in the fields of: • Aircraft Engines • Gas Turbines • Burners • … •  DEMO Divertor Jet Impingement HOT

  6. W 3410 °C (TS) Armor Tile 2500°C (ELMs, disrupt.) ~2500°C (ELMs, Disr.) W alloy (e.g. WL10) Ferritic Steel (ODS) He (RCT) 1300°C 600°C Cap Thimble He 700°C He 700°C 600°C ~700°C (DBTT) ~700 °C 700°C Temp. ~600°C (DBTT) Bulk 600°C 300°C (DBTT) HEMJ Cooling Finger: Design & Materials He Armor (W) Cap (W Alloy) Transition Piece STEEL Cartridge (Steel) FZK

  7. Small Units advantageous for R&D progress Small Units can be tested before assembling Construction Kit Principle: 9-Finger Unit Stripe-Unit Target Plate Divertor Cassette Test, Assembly Test, Assembly Test, Assembly … High reliability, low waste during fabrication

  8. 9-finger-module W-section, 600 to 2000°C Collector section He, Steel: 600 to 700°C He He Manifold section He, Steel: 600 to 700°C (Welding: Laser, E-Beam, diffusion welding or HIP) Details of 9-Finger module Steel-plates and cooling fingers FZK FZK

  9. Upper W layer with castellation (10x10 mm) 15 MW/m2700 cycles OK defect after add. 50 cycles at 16 MW/m2 R&D on fabrication technologies: high temperature W-joint Second joint 4 mm 4 mm 1 mm First joint EFREMOV under FZK contract 20 mm

  10. R&D on fabrication technologies: high temperature curved W-joint EFREMOV under FZK contract Brazing successful, survived up to 100 temperature cycles at 14 MW/m2

  11. W-Cap – Steel Joint (Efremov Inst.) W-Cap – Steel-Tube Joint MOCKUP Cross-section of lock-area Cap W Cast copper layer Pins W Leak detected after 2nd thermal cycle Transitionpiece steel

  12. R&D on fabrication technologies: W-steel joint Finger mockup (without armour tile) after casting (left) and after post-testing examination (right). 100 thermocycles (pin=10 MPa) ok Main elements for W-Steel joint with new (conic) lock EFREMOV under FZK contract

  13. Multiple Jet Cartridge Finger Unit W center hole; D = 1 mm a = 18 mm jet-to-wall spacing H = 1.2 mm W Alloy 24 holes; D = 0.6 mm Steel D = 15 mm Layout example for Multiple-He-Jet-Cooled Divertor FZK FZK

  14. Temperatures Temp. [°C] Tmax 1675 °C Tmax 1152 °C • Helium, 10 MPa, T_in 630 °C, heat load: 10 MW/m²: • max. Temperature in W-Cap: 1152°C (< 1300°C) • Pressure drop: 0.14 MPa • Mass flow per finger: 6.8 g/s B.C.: Results: CFD-Results for layout example Flow Velocities Veloc. [m/s] Mamax = 0.13 a = 1770 m/s 230 0 IRS IMF III

  15. HEM J heat flux: 10 MW/m² J1a: D = 0.6 mm J1d: D = 0.7 mm J1e: D = 0.85 mm Recrystallisation Minimal He mass flow for different jet hole diameters

  16. Armor – Cap Joint Improved Finger Design Stress intensity for bonded armor, 10 MW/m², 10 MPa Stress intensities depending on cap interface treatment and heat flux: 3Sm at 1100°C ~ 460 MPa at 850°C ~ 580 MPa

  17. Helium Water Heat Exchanger PressureVessels Mock up Pressure Tank Compressor Heat Exchanger Efremov GPF2: Scheme & Mock-ups Caps (brass) Cartridges (steel)

  18. Reasonable layout: G = 7 g/s, dp = 100 kPa HEMS 24 x 0.3 mm HEMJ D = 0.6 HEMJ D = 0.85 GPF 2 RESULTS (Δp) for 2004 brass mock-ups 1000 Pressure drop [kPa] 100 10 1 Mass flow [g/s] 10 100

  19. CFD Calculation 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 GPF tests (CuCrZr) Heat flux [MW/m2] HEMS 24 x 0.3 mm HEMJ D = 0.6 HEMJ D = 0.85 GPF 2 RESULTS for 2004 brass mock-ups Mass flow [g/s]

  20. Zone 1 & 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 24 fingers zone length in parallel 432 mm 38 fingers zonelength in parallel 684 mm 78 fingers zonelength in parallel 1404 mm 4 3 2 HEXAGONAL TILE mass flow: 7.9 g/s dp: 103 kPa (76%) heat flux: 11.61 MW/m² holes: 24 x 0.71 mm, 1 x 1.47 mm SQUARE TILE mass flow: 5.4 g/s dp: 55 kPa (69%) heat flux: 7 MW/m² holes: 24 x 0.7 mm, 1 x 1.47 mm SQUARE TILE mass flow: 2.46 g/s dp: 37 kPa (60%) heat flux: 3.2 MW/m² holes: 12 x 0.7 mm, 1 x 1.47 mm 1 HEMJ Layout for OB target (PPCS Model B) OB OB

  21. Reactors Cassette, TDM DEMO ITER 2020 Targets Big Parts Development Materials, Design, Joining 9-Finger-Units Finger Units Stripe-Units Small Parts Development Objectives: He-cooled Divertor on the way to ITER & DEMO

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