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Electoral College

Electoral College. Process of how we elect our Presidents We vote indirectly for a President Vote for an Elector who votes for you. Numbers. 538 Available Votes Each State has the same number of votes as they have people in Congress Oregon 7 votes (2 Senators + 5 Reps.) 538 Electoral Votes

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Electoral College

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Electoral College • Process of how we elect our Presidents • We vote indirectly for a President • Vote for an Elector who votes for you

  2. Numbers • 538 Available Votes • Each State has the same number of votes as they have people in Congress • Oregon 7 votes (2 Senators + 5 Reps.) • 538 Electoral Votes • 435 House of Representatives • 100 Senate • 3 Washington DC

  3. How Does It Work? • Each State Has Own Individual Election • Count Up Total Votes in State • Whoever Gets the Most Votes Wins • Winner Take All • Cannot split states’ electoral votes • Maine and Nebraska

  4. How Do You Win? • First Candidate to 270 Votes Is President • If no candidate gets majority (270) then it goes to the House of Representatives: • Top 3 Candidates • Each State gets 1 vote • Majority Wins (26)

  5. Why Do We Have Electoral College? • Why not just have a “popular” vote? • History and Tradition • Communications of 1800 vs. Today?

  6. Problems with Electoral College • Winner Take All System • Can win Popular Vote and still lose the Election (3 times – 2000 Election) • Can win Presidency with only 12 states • Electors Voting

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