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Ethnic Eating Plans

Explore the benefits of different ethnic eating plans, including Asian, Caribbean, Indian, Latino/Hispanic, Mediterranean/Middle Eastern, and Native American cuisines. Discover nutritious food choices with low fat and calories while adding variety to your eating plan. Visit the provided website for more information.

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Ethnic Eating Plans

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  1. Ethnic Eating Plans Foods I Obj. 4.02

  2. Ethnic Eating Plans • The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Obesity Guidelines • Recommend trying different ethnic cuisines • Give variety in eating plans while counting calories and fat • Many ethnic cuisines offer nutritious food choices with low fat and calories. • Asian • Caribbean • Indian • Latino/ Hispanic • Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern • Native American

  3. For more information … Visit this website to learn about ethnic eating plans. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0ahUKEwic_cmXtdLMAhVIMz4KHbRSDDEQFggoMAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nhlbi.nih.gov%2Fhealth%2Feducational%2Flose_wt%2Feat%2Ftips_eth_dine.htm&usg=AFQjCNFWw9Lm_ZB94C9rNmhCJyuXBdfhQQ&bvm=bv.121658157,d.cWw&cad=rja

  4. Asian

  5. Includes the following areas: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Examples Breads, Cereals, Rice, and Pasta Rice Lo Mein Noodles Veggies Soybeans Bean Spouts Snow Peas Bamboo Shoots Cabbage Daikon Radishes Asian

  6. Fruits Oranges Papaya Dragon Fruit Rumbatan Mangosteen Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Not a significant amount used Asian

  7. Protein (Meat, Poultry, Fish, Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes) Seafood Pork Soybeans Eggs Duck Other Soy sauce Tea Asian

  8. Asian • Health Benefits and Effects • Plenty of vitamins and minerals • Low obesity rate • Stomach cancer • This is probably related to the frequent intake of pickled, salted, smoked, fermented and barbecued food. • The prevalence of smoking also contributes to the development of stomach cancer.

  9. Caribbean •  A fusion of  African, American, European, East Indian, and Chinese cuisine.

  10. Examples Breads, Cereals, Rice, and Pasta Rice Fried Bread Veggies Peas Yams Dasheen Sweet potato Cassava Beans and lentils Soybeans Caribbean

  11. Fruits Fried plantains Citrus fruit Tropical fruits Ackee Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Not a significant amount used Goat’s milk Caribbean

  12. Protein (Meat, Poultry, Fish, Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes) Beans Peas Shellfish Goat Pork Chicken Salted fish Dried Cod Other Jerk Meat Meat is dry-rubbed or wet marinated with a very hot spice mixture called Jamaican jerk spice. Spices Caribbean

  13. Caribbean • Health Effects • Low Vitamin A • Protein-Energy Malnutrition

  14. Indian • The dishes  are characterized by the extensive use of various Indian spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits. • Indian cuisine is also known for the widespread practice of vegetarianism in Indian society.

  15. Examples Breads, Cereals, Rice, and Pasta Basmati Rice Wheat Naan Veggies Curry Chilies Cucumbers Pumpkins Bamboo shoots Spinach Potatoes Carrots Eggplant Okra Indian

  16. Fruits coconuts mangos Tamarinds lychee Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Ghee Yogurt Sweetened dairy foods Paneer Chaas Lassi Indian

  17. Protein (Meat, Poultry, Fish, Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes) Legumes Almonds Pistachios Chicken Goat Other Masala A mixture of spices Spices and Herbs Indian

  18. Indian • Health Effects • Diabetes • Coronary Heart Disease • Due to • low levels of physical activity • high fat diet • urbanization • smoking

  19. Latino/ Hispanic • A blend of the broad traditional diets of three cultures: the indigenous people (Aztecs, Incas, and Maya, and other Native Americans); the Spanish, who arrived in the 1500s; and the Africans, who originally came as slaves.

  20. Examples Breads, Cereals, Rice, and Pasta Wheat Corn/ Maise Potatoes Quinoa Arepas Veggies Cabbage Garlic Eggplant Jicama Corn Peppers Okra Spinach Yams Latino/ Hispanic

  21. Fruits Acai Melons Papaya Guava Sopadilla Starfruit Tomatillos Latino/ Hispanic

  22. Latino/ Hispanic • Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese • Yogurt • Creama • Slightly sour cream • Cheese • Asadero • Cojita • Minas • Reggianito

  23. Protein (Meat, Poultry, Fish, Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes) Beef Shrimp Chicken Beans Chickpeas Latino/ Hispanic

  24. Latino/ Hispanic • Health Effects • Diabetes • Hypertension • Stroke • Due to metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, • Genetics

  25. Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern • The “poor” diet of the people of the southern Mediterranean • Crete, Greece and Southern Italy • Consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables, beans and nuts, healthy grains, fish, olive oil, small amounts of dairy, and red wine.

  26. Examples Breads, Cereals, Rice, and Pasta Whole grains Bulgar Wheat Couscous Pita bread Veggies Stuffed Veggies Parsley Mint Cucumbers Garlic Leeks Onions Nettles Purslane Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern

  27. Fruits Apricots Dates Figs Olives Peaches Pomegranates Avocados Strawberries Clementines Melons Tangerines Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern

  28. Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern • Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese • Greek Yogurt • Cheese • Chevre • Goat’s cheese • Brie • Feta • Ricotta • Parmigiano-Reggiano

  29. Protein (Meat, Poultry, Fish, Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes) Seafood Nuts and Seeds Pistachios Beef 12-16 oz per month Pork Poultry Chicken Duck Eggs Lamb/ Mutton Goat Beans Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern

  30. Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern • Other • Phyllo Pastries • Baklava • Coffee • Tea

  31. Mediterranean/ Middle Eastern • Benefits • Healthy diet • Full of nutrients • Healthy, lean protein sources • Abundance of fruits and veggies • Health Effects • Northern Areas • Cancer • Southern Areas • None

  32. Native American • Closely resembles that of the US population • High amounts of fat

  33. Examples Breads, Cereals, Rice, and Pasta Corn Hominy Grits Wheat Fried Bread Biscuits Veggies Tomatoes Corn Collard Greens Peppers Pumpkins Squash Sweet Potatoes Turnips Mustard Greens Native American

  34. Fruits Apples Berries Native American

  35. Native American • Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese • Buttermilk • Raw Milk • Butter

  36. Protein (Meat, Poultry, Fish, Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes) Deer Quail Turkey Wild game Pork Sausage Liver Pudding Country Ham Barbecue Native American

  37. Native American • Other • Dried Fruits • Dried Meats

  38. Native American • Health Effects • Stroke • Obesity • Diabetes • Heart Disease

  39. Source This PowerPoint was created by an educator in the Iredell-Statesville Schools. www.iss.k12.nc.us/cms/lib4/NC01000579/Centricity/Domain/.../ethnic%20Eating.ppt

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