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Paulo Dalla Nora Macedo goal is to wake up the world by doing, changing public opinion forcing governments, businesses and organizations to take urgent action on climate change, enacting change.

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  1. Our collective Journey to a Resilient Net Zero World NEW ZERO WORLD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Jan 2022 An initiative of the GLOBAL BRAIN FOUNDATION GLOBALBRAIN.IS

  2. Agenda ■ Introduction ■ Project Overview • Documentary Film-Series • The Campaign • The LAB • The People’s Haus ■ Development • Timeline • Supporting Organizations ■ About Us 2

  3. Introduction A NEW WORLD IS EMERGING As individual change-makers and ambitious organizations, we have committed ourselves to transformational change. However, our work is often caught in a cycle between hope and despair, action and inaction, connection and disconnection. To break that cycle, we need to find a new way. We can lead with grace and strength, compassion and empathy. We can move from isolation to community, from anxiety to action. We have to change our mindset, to become the GUIDES this moment needs. Welcome to the New Zero World, born in response to the urgent need to shift the narrative on climate and environmental challenges and to reimagine the best-case- scenario world that is possible for people and planet. 3

  4. RESEARCH & STRATEGY: CLIMATE FUTURES NARRATIVE Imagination is essential to the ability of individuals and societies to create, design and bring about the futures they want. Given the massive planetary changes currently in progress, the past is no longer a reliable guide to the future. Instead of relying on experience and stability, we have to make use of future-oriented science combined with our own dreams and desires and our ability to trigger and manage times of change. We need to learn about and practice wisely our collective power to influence the distant future – the world in which not only our children but our grandchildren’s children will live. There is a wild, free, unconstrained element in imagination – it is a space of radical possibility, the never-before-thought-of stuff. But when it comes to climate change, there is also a necessary element – the insights and knowledge gained from climate science. Telling stories, creating images and making music are ways humans grapple with their problems and work through, represent, critique and reinvent our world. Culture have the power to bring the not-yet-existent into life, the future into the present making the impossible possible. There is a new sense of reimagining the world we are creating, and we rely on the foundation of academia, research and past experiences to inform us 4 to move forward in the direction of the New Zero World .

  5. Project Overview New Zero World 5

  6. The Net Zero World is a global campaign designed to communicate our collective journey to creating a resilient, net zero world. It’s an action-oriented initiative born in response to the urgent need to shift the narrative on climate change by reimagining the visions of the future, and to elevate future-focused solutions to serve as a model for how we can collectively adapt. Our goal is to wake up the world by doing, changing public opinion forcing governments, businesses and organizations to take urgent action on climate change, enacting change. Our aim is to build a strong narrative through a unique campaign design ecosystem created by culture-creative Industry Leaders. Our message will support climate justice, the energy transition, the natue agenda, and all actions needed to achieve a resilient, net zero world. This initiative also will support the work of businesses, cities, governments, investors and civil society that are acting fast to transform the prospective futures of billions of people. Beyond the finish line lies a safer, healthier, cleaner world. A world where we have worked together to both mitigate and adapt to the threats posed by climate change. A resilient world with zero carbon and zero vulnerability, where nature – and therefore every living thing on this planet – thrives. 6

  7. Project Design Ecosystem The LAB Documentary Film Series NARRATIVE FRAMEWORKS Campaign People’s Haus PROMOTE CONVENE 7


  9. Episodes The New Zero World is in production of the first episodes of documentary film series. Series #1 will focus on the below characters whose stories are the first narratives to be highlighted and intertwined. Each character is paired with a key theme of the new zero world, providing a human element to a complex issue. WATCH FILM TEASER HERE PASSWORD NZW22 Jerome Foster II Damilola Ogunbiyi Txai Surui Andrew Steer Ellen McArthur AY Young Halla Tómasdóttir CLIMATE JUSTICE ENERGY INDIGENOUS NATURE AGENDA CIRCULAR ECONOMY YOUTH PARTNERSHIPS 9

  10. Campaign TRADITIONAL AD CAMPAIGN SUPPORTING THE CHANGE IN NARRATIVE FOR A RESILIENT NET ZERO WORLD THE BAND OF BRANDS. CONTENT CREATION A crowdsourcing model. A group of purpose-driven sustainable brands that are leading the - Short Films transformation for people and planet. Example: Natura, Unilever, IKEA, among others… - Pod Cast ADVERTISING AGENCIES COLLECTIVE SUPPORT ACTIVATIONS Through The LAB, we will gather a group of committed Ad Agencies to support the creation of the - Social Media Channels Campaign using best in the world strategy and content - Impact Influencers 10

  11. The LAB IMPACT, PURPOSE AND SUSTAINABILITY- DRIVEN ACCELERATOR FOR CULTURE-CREATIVE INDUSTRIES - In partnership with Industry leaders, The LAB is a global accelerator, a force for good for Culture Creative Industries to have a positive impact on society and the planet by responding to the urgent need to shift the narrative on climate change and re-imagine our vision of the future. - Industries targeted: Advertising & Marketing, Entertainment - Narrative/ Storytelling, Media - Focus on Educations, Industry frameworks and creative hacks 11

  12. Advertising & Marketing • Entertainment - Narrative/ Storytelling, • Creative Hacks PARTICIPANTS HYBRID + • Arts, design, fashion, photography, music, performing arts, publishing, technology, computer games, electronic publishing, and TV/radio • Roundtable Discussions / Industry Frameworks IN-PERSON EVENTS • Education / Trainings • Creatives • Chief Sustainability Officers • Chief Marketing Officers • Campaign chosen once a year - collaborative efforts • Chief Technology & Innovation Officers • Example: Ocean Hack.Global Briefs/Planet GLOBAL CAMPAIGNS • Artist and Performers • With the support of Global Creative Talent, Agencies + Brands GLOBAL CULTURE CREATIVE COMMUNITY • Original Content & Thought Leadership • Tools and Best Practices • Case Studies OPEN SOURCE • Annual Impact Reports COLLABORATIVE PLATFORM • Annual Creative Leaders • Annual Next-Gen Game Changers • News/Calendar of Events The LAB 12

  13. - The People's Haus as a concept was created in the 1800’s, existing as a European type of leisure, cultural and community centre. We would like to adapt this concept for the environmental and climate movement. Designed with a “nature center style” in mind, The People’s Haus is a community place where people can convene and collaborate on solutions oriented visions of the future for people and planet. - The People’s Haus is an experiential hybrid and in-person space The People’s Haus - There are 2 types of PH’s: People’s Haus Pop Up Peoples Haus Cities - Targeted for Youth, Indigenous people, entrepreneurs, academia, NGO’s, nature, innovation and the arts - cultural relevance - Focuses include: People and Sustainable living, Resilience, and Net Zero - A place to re-imagine a new world based on established climate education and evolve the meaning of sustainability - Highlight Leaders and People Town-halls, Private Public Partnerships - A platform for all the New Zero World Partners can engage directly with People, listening to their needs and collaborating for solutions 13

  14. Development New Zero World 14

  15. Timeline START New Zero World Launch Glasgow / COP26 2021 Start of the project Announcement at COP26 Film series started Project Retreat January 2022 The Global Brain team and allies gathered in Boulder, Colorado for a workshop to strategyze, defined and create the plans for The New Zero World. March 2022 Stockholm+50 15 Preparatory Meeting NYC

  16. Sustainable Energy 4 All -Summit May Kigali, May 17-19 June 2-3 Sweden, Stockholm+50 Cannes Lions People’s Haus and The Lab June Biodiversity Conference Filming UNGA Week Ocean Conference In New York City, for the week of the General Assembly and Climate Filming / The Lab Week People’s Haus + Filming September UN + Partners Launch Under the convening of the UN President of the General Assembly, officially launch the New Zero World alongside partners and film characters. COP27 November COP27 will bring all the components of the campaign together. People’s Haus, filming content, and activations on site in Egypt 16 Ongoing through 2030

  17. Vision Council Diverse minds, experiences and multicultural leadership expertise to bolster and prove The New Zero World bold intentions, through insights and directional actions. Michael Tracy Jerome Foster II Sherry Kennedy Ann Rosenberg Txai Surui Lauren Sorkin Peter Hall AY Young Shiv Khemka Wesley Tar Hall Natalia Vega-Berry Halla Tómasdóttir Ellen MacArthur Tom Lindboe 17 Caroline Mosimman Alex Darmillota David Kingsbury Christa Gyori Shelly Zallis Paula Taylor Anders Rodenberg

  18. Supporting Organizations Endorsed by: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ UN Youth Envoy ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The Rockefeller Foundation UN President of the General Assembly The Bezos Earth Fund Resilience Cities Network US Envoy for Climate Sec.John Kerry’s Office Sustainable Energy for All The Resilience Hub World Food Program The B-Team S4Capital/ Media Monks World Humanitarian Forum WeCan International Leaders on Purpose RiseUp The Education and Leadership Foundation Movimiento de Juventud Indigena Wood Inc Among others 25 organizations SustainChain / US Coalition on Sustainability Planet Pledge - Ad Industry One Billion of Us / Fridays for Future AD Net Zero Ellen MacArthur Foundation Ventureland The Outlaw Ocean Seed Funding: Battery Tour The Female Quotient Sustainable Ocean Alliance UK Consulate General - Los Angeles The Ocean Conference City of Los Angeles Mission Blue Joint SDG Fund And additional 25 NGO’s 18

  19. Invitation To Join Us GLOBALBRAIN.IS Join us as the Founding Partner for the New Zero World in a global alliance for People and Planet. Imagine what we can achieve by changing the climate change narrative and introducing new concepts to the world… People taking action and changing public opinion, forcing governments, businesses and organizations to take urgent action on climate change, enacting change! THEZEROWORLD.ORG 19

  20. About Us Global Brain Film Crew in Glasgow 20

  21. Advisory Board Advising The Global Brain Foundation for the New Zero World Initiative Ann Rosenberg Natalia Vega-Berry Peter Hall Paulo Dalla Nora Macedo Michael Tracy

  22. GLOBALBRAIN.IS The Global Brain is a Social Impact Creative Incubator providing strategic advise, creation, production and execution of creative initiatives and other services to the United Nations and other organizations since 2014. The Global Brain is a 501 C3 Foundation based in Boulder, Colorado. For additional information in regards of the “Net Zero World Project” contact Natalia Vega-Berry, Founder and Executive Producer. natalia@globalbrain.is or Ann Rosenberg, Co-Founder, Strategic Advisor and Co-Founder United Nations SDG Ambition ann@globalbrain.is 22 Created by The Global Brain, All rights reserved 2022 Brand Design by:

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