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Antar Abdellah. The Art of English Chapter 3: Putting on the style. performance. Performance : “all the activity of a given participant on a given occasion which serves to influence in any way any of the other participants” [ Goffman ]
AntarAbdellah The Art of EnglishChapter 3: Putting on the style
performance • Performance: “all the activity of a given participant on a given occasion which serves to influence in any way any of the other participants” [Goffman] • Participants in an interaction need to know who (what kind of person) they are talking to and therefore look for signs in people’s appearance and behavior. • Individuals express themselves and impress others in some way.
Performance in interaction p. 104 • Speakers tend to use varieties of English, or other languages, to foreground different aspects of their identity. • SpeakingStyle: the distinctive ways of speaking associated with particular speakers or particular contexts. • Sociolinguistics: p. 105
English in style • Asian Americans tend to exaggerate intonation of the pronoun- their speaking style. [ activity 1]. • Answering on behalf of a boy, clothing, hair and stance…. Style performance… • Certain linguistic features (accent, dialect..etc) acquire a complex of social meanings, based on their association with particular social groups, settings and activities.
Messing with style [Act. 2] • Eckert identifies differences in the speaking styles of fe/male Ss in a high school. • Speaking in a certain way ..help to construct a particular identity. • Grammatical features [use of negation], and pronunciation [certain vowels]. • Burnouts and jocks differences p. 107
Another study ( nerd identity) • Nerd identity : socially inept, studious • Nerds (and squares) are not cool… [extract p. 108] • Pronunciation of nerdy and trendy Ss.. • Erich & Beth: falling intonation, lengthened sounds, resisting reduction .. Commnet p. 110
Language shift performance • The fact of switching signals different aspects of identity: local solidarity (based on Swahili) and educatedness/ upward social mobility (based on English) p. 111
3. Switching styles, switching identities • Colloquial and standard English • Standard serves the identity of a hostess • Slang serves the identity of a friend and a community member • Pearl: I’m so glad you could make it • Ain’t this rain awful? • [p. 111]. • Code switching/ style shifting
Language crossing • The use of language which does not belong to the speaker; especially in ethnic boundaries. • Used for insulting others [ reading 2, example 1, p. 132] • Ex 1: change of lang. • Ex 2: using Creole • Ex 3: change into Indian
Double-Voicing • Language crossing is a form of double voicing according to BAKHTIN. • CARRYING THE TASTE OF OTHER SPAKERS AND OTHER CONTEXTS.
Conclusion • People use language to style themselves. • Style shift to indicate identity or association with certain groups. • Language shifting • Code switching • Language crossing • Double voicing
Example of code switching, style shift, language crossing • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNijOxDIejM • As you watch this video find the following: • - example of language for identity • -example of code switching (why?) • - a metaphor • - a pun (verbal or non verbal) • - example of language crossing • - example of style shifting
Terminology from the study guide: • Triangulation • Diachronic • Ethnomethodology • Prosody • Paralanguage