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By: Alec Lawrence . The Indiana Jones Mind-blowing Adventure Extravaganza!. Slide Three: Plot Development Explanation Slide Four-Six: Transitions throughout Plot Development Slide Seven: Dangling Causes Explanation Slide Eight-Ten: Dangling Causes Slide Eleven: Motif Explanation
By: Alec Lawrence The Indiana Jones Mind-blowing Adventure Extravaganza!
Slide Three: Plot Development Explanation Slide Four-Six: Transitions throughout Plot Development Slide Seven: Dangling Causes Explanation Slide Eight-Ten: Dangling Causes Slide Eleven: Motif Explanation Slide Twelve-Fifteen: Patterns of Motifs Slide Sixteen: Conclusion Slide Seventeen: Works Cited Table of Contents
Set Up: In the set up, the audience meets the characters, learns their traits, and establishes the “double-goal” structure of the movie. Complicating Action: The action goes in a new direction; a new situation arises that the protagonist needs to conquer in order to progress on his mission. Development: All the goals are in reaching distance, and different situations arise, allowing for suspense, action, and delay in completing the original goals of the film. Climax: Considered the highest point of action, where all the work of the protagonist pays off, or doesn’t. Epilogue: The resolution of the film; nothing new is happening, and the protagonists life goes on. Plot Development Explanation
Set Up to Complicating Action: We meet Indiana Jones in the jungle searching for an ancient gold artifact, which allows us to understand his archeological career and traits. Later, we meet Marion in her bar when suddenly, after Indiana walks in to tell her to help him look for the Ark, the Nazi’s come. Transitions throughout Plot Development
Complicating Action to Development: When the Nazi’s arrive, they ask for the Medallion which would allow them to find where the Ark is buried, but then have a showdown once Indiana comes back in to save Marion from them. Transitions throughout Plot Development
Development to Climax to Resolution: The search for the ark ensues, which is found by Indiana Jones. Later the Nazi’s capture Indiana, and take the Ark. After Jones escapes, he high-jacks the truck which has the ark, leaving the Nazi’s no choice but to chase him. Jones has the Ark back in his possession after taking out the Nazi’s temporarily, and puts it on the boat with him to go back to America, only then he is met by the Nazi’s again. The Nazi’s take the Ark, kidnap Marion, and leave him no choice but to follow, so Jones hitches a ride on the Nazi’s submarine. Once the Ark is opened and kills all of the Nazi’s who looked at it, Jones takes the Ark, and Marion, to the United States where it is kept safely in an unknown location. Transitions throughout Plot Development
Dangling Cause: Something you see or hear early in the film, but takes a while to return in the film to show the true importance of it. Dangling Cause Explanation
The Medallion: When Indiana is having is fighting at Marion’s bar, the Nazi leader grabs the fire-warmed Medallion, leaving an imprint on his hand. • Later, we see the Nazi with the imprint of the Medallion on his hand speaking to Nazi generals, showing them the imprint, so they can make their own. Dangling Causes
Snakes: In the beginning of the movie, Indiana Jones has an encounter with a snake in his airplane seat. He then states “I hate snakes!” • Later in the film, Jones is trapped by the Nazi’s in the corridor where he found the Ark. The corridor is filled with snakes slithering all over the floor. Dangling Causes
Marion’s Drinking: Marion shows that she can hold down their alcohol; she does this by drinking shots with a man in her bar in front of all of his friends. • Later, Marion is captured by the Nazi’s, and in an effort to escape, she gets the guard drunk. Dangling Causes
Motif: A repeated idea, image, or pattern that is shown/heard throughout the film in order to help reveal the theme of the text. Motif Explanation
Color: Throughout Raiders of the Lost Ark, all of the colors consist of beige/brown sandy colors, but when something potentially connected to the Lost Ark appears, the color red is spotted on the object or person. Patterns of Motif’s
Indiana Jones’s Theme: Throughout the film, Indiana’s theme song consists of heroic sounding rhythms and loud blasting instruments. • Whenever the theme is played, Indiana is about to do something heroic. Patterns of Motif’s
Marion’s Theme: Throughout the film, Marion’s theme song consists of quite, melodic tones. • Whenever a “romantic” scene is coming up, or Indiana is thinking about Marion, her theme song is played. Patterns of Motif’s
The Ark’s Theme: Throughout the film, the Arks theme song consists of melodic, creepy, slow and quite tones. • Whenever the the Ark is mentioned, an artifact is pulled up, or anyone is close to the Ark, the theme song is played. Patterns of Motif’s
The entire film, Raiders of the Lost Ark, consists of both enjoyable action and also numerous motifs and dangling causes that the audience can pick up quickly on in order to follow the storyline of the movie better. The movie is both easy to watch, but keeps the audience on the edge of their seat, wondering what is going to happen next, (most of it because of the motifs spotted throughout). Conclusion
Raiders of the Lost Ark. Dir. Steven Spielberg. Perf. Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, and Paul Freeman. Lucas Film/Paramount, 1981. DVD. "Raiders of the Lost Ark." IMDb. IMDb.com, 1990. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082971/>. "Film Guru Lad - Film Reviews." : Raiders of the Lost Ark Review (Updated). Blogspot.com, May 2011. Web. 21 Sept. 2012. <http://filmgurulad.blogspot.com/2011/05/raiders- of-lost-ark-release-date-august.html>. Works Cited