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  1. FIS 240 Courses For more Classes VISIT www.snaptutorial.com

  2. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Capstone Discussion Question • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Due Date: Day 3 [Main forum] • Post your response to the following: Based on the information learned in this class and your involvement with the investment field, what jobs or careers would you like to have and why? What job or career would you dislike having and why? How do you think the knowledge you have learned in this class will help you accomplish your career goals? How will you pursue your interests? Provide specific plans and set a timeline.

  3. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Entire Course • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • FIS 240 Week 1 Check Point: Is Time on My Side (UOP) • FIS 240 Week 1 DQs (UOP) • FIS 240 Week 2 Check Point: Risk Assessment Matrix (UOP) • FIS 240 Week 2 Exercise: Risk and Reward: First 10% (UOP) • FIS 240 Week 2 Assignment: What’s In It for Me? (UOP)

  4. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Final Project Investment Policy and Portfolio Evaluation • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resources: Appendix A and Investopedia Stock Market Simulator • TUhttp://simulator.investopedia.com/MyPortfolio/default.aspxUT • Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum] • Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word, APA-formatted, paper in which you:

  5. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 1 CheckPoint Is Time on My Side • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resources: Appendix D and the Time Value of Money multimedia • (Enter into the Axia College student webpage first then copy and paste the link into the open browser) • Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum] • Complete your responses to this week’s Check Point in Appendix D.

  6. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 1 DQs • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Due Date: Day 2 [post to the Main forum] • Post your response to the following scenario: You are shopping for furniture for your new apartment. The salesperson tells you that there is a special promotion this month. • You can choose between two payment plans: (a) defer your $4,000 total payment for 1 year, with no interest or other charges, or (b) receive a $250 discount by paying only 3,750 today. Which payment plan will you choose and why? What would make you choose the other plan? Explain your reasoning..

  7. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 2 Assignment What’s In It for Me • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resource: Appendix F • Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum] • Read Appendix F. • Write a 700- to 1,050-word, APA-formatted, paper in which you compare and contrast direct and indirect investments for individuals following the directions and using the table provided in Appendix F.

  8. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 2 Checkpoint Risk Assessment Matrix • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Due Date: Day 3 [Individual forum • Search the Internet to locate examples of the specified direct and indirect investments. • Complete the chart in Appendix E using the examples you found on the Internet. • Post the completed appendix as an attachment

  9. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 2 Exercise Risk and Reward • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Exercise: Risk and Reward: First 10% • Resource: Investopedia Stock Market Simulator • TUhttp://simulator.investopedia.com/MyPortfolio/default.aspxUT • Due Date: Day 5

  10. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 3 Checkpoint Primary and Secondary, Not Just Schools • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resource: Investopedia Stock Market Simulator • TUhttp://simulator.investopedia.com/MyPortfolio/default.aspxUT • Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum] • Access your Investopedia Stock Market Simulator account

  11. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 3 DQs • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Discussion Question 1 • Due Date: Day 2 [Main forum] • Post your response to the following: Briefly describe the primary and secondary financial markets. How do the secondary markets impact the primary markets? Can primary markets exist without secondary markets?

  12. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 4 Assignment Embracing Diversity • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resource: Investopedia Stock Market Simulator • TUhttp://simulator.investopedia.com/MyPortfolio/default.aspxUT • Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum] • Review your Investopedia investment portfolio located

  13. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 4 CheckPoint Investment Comparison Problems • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resource: Appendix H • Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum] • Complete the Investment Comparison Problems in Appendix H. • Post your answers to the questions in Appendix H as an attachment.

  14. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 5 CheckPoint Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Other Investment Techniques • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Checkpoint: Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Other Investment Techniques • Resource: Investopedia Stock Market Simulator • TUhttp://simulator.investopedia.com/MyPortfolio/default.aspxUT

  15. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 5 DQs • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Discussion Question 1 • Due Date: Day 2 [Main forum] • Post your response to the following: In an efficient market, investors incorporate all relevant information into buy-sell decisions. Can markets be efficient if investors do not have financial knowledge and skills?

  16. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 6 Assignment Analyze This • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resources: The Internet and University Library • Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum] • Select an investment strategy then select a publicly traded common stock. • Find two different analyst reports for your selected common stock.

  17. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 6 Checkpoint So Many Businesses, So Little Money PART 1 OF 2 • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Checkpoint: So Many Businesses, So Little Money • Resource: Appendix I and Investopedia Stock Market Simulator • TUhttp://simulator.investopedia.com/MyPortfolio/default.aspxUT • Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]

  18. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 6 CheckPoint So Many Businesses, So Little Money PART 2 OF 2 • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Checkpoints: So Many Businesses, So Little Money • Resource: Appendix I and Investopedia Stock Market Simulator • TUhttp://simulator.investopedia.com/MyPortfolio/default.aspxUT

  19. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 7 CheckPoint Income that Sticks PART 1 OF 2 • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resource: Yahoo! Finance TUhttp://finance.yahoo.com/UT • Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum] • Using TUhttp://finance.yahoo.com/UT or other Internet resources, select at least three investments to create a $50,000 fixed-income portfolio.

  20. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 7 CheckPoint Income that Sticks PART 2 OF 2 • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resource: Yahoo! Finance TUhttp://finance.yahoo.com/UT • Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum] • Using TUhttp://finance.yahoo.com/UT or other Internet resources, select at least three investments to create a $50,000 fixed-income portfolio.

  21. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 7 DQs • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Discussion Question 1 • Due Date: Day 2 [Main forum] • Post your response to the following: What is the difference between coupon rate, current yield, and yield-to-maturity? When making investment decisions, which aspect of bond yield measure is most important? Explain.

  22. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 8 Assignment Living the Easy Life • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resources: Motley Fool TUhttp://www.fool.com/retirement.htmUT, Wachovia, • TUhttp://www.wachovia.com/personal/page/0,,6938,00.htmlUT, Fidelity • TUhttp://personal.fidelity.com/products/retirement/rollover/rolloverintro.shtml.cvsr?refhp=prUT

  23. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 8 CheckPoint Lifetime Investment Matrix PART 1 OF 2 • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resource: Appendix J and Investopedia Stock Market Simulator • TUhttp://simulator.investopedia.com/MyPortfolio/default.aspxUT • Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum] • Review your Investopedia Stock Market Simulator account located

  24. FIS 240 Courses • FIS 240 Week 8 CheckPoint Lifetime Investment Matrix PART 2 OF 2 • For more classes visit • www.snaptutorial.com • Resource: Appendix J and Investopedia Stock Market Simulator • TUhttp://simulator.investopedia.com/MyPortfolio/default.aspxUT • Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum] • Review your Investopedia Stock Market Simulator account located

  25. FIS 240 Courses A+ Grades

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