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Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework Consultation proposal

Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework Consultation proposal. Importance of teacher performance and development. Internationally, there is unequivocal evidence that the quality of teaching is the most significant in-school factor affecting student outcomes

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Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework Consultation proposal

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  1. Australian Teacher Performance and Development FrameworkConsultation proposal

  2. Importance of teacher performance and development • Internationally, there is unequivocal evidence that the quality of teaching is the most significant in-school factor affecting student outcomes • There is also strong evidence that better appraisal and feedback leading to targeted development can improve teacher performance The provocation • Australian teachers report that they do not always get the feedback they need to improve • 63% of teachers believe that appraisals of their work are done purely to meet administrative requirements OECD Reviews of evaluation and assessment in education: Australia, 2009

  3. Research and evidence Teacher performance has been shown to improve when the following conditions are present: • Opportunities for teacher self-reflection and objective setting • Regular classroom observation and provision of constructive feedback from their school leader, as well as their peers • Frequent feedback on classroom performance as an ongoing dialogue, not a once a year discussion • Shadowing, coaching and mentoring from peers and leaders • Opportunities to contribute to and engage in teamwork, collaboration and action learning with other teachers to obtain the best possible outcomes for students Growing our potential, Hay Group, 2012

  4. Effective performance and development practices Positive change is happening all the time: our challenge is to identify and amplify useful change Dandenong North Primary School, Victoria

  5. Activity: Existing practices at Dandenong North Primary School Think, Group, Share What strategies are contributing to Dandenong North Primary School’s attempts to build a comprehensive approach to teacher performance and development? • Record your responses on the worksheet • Each group to present their responses • Consolidate the responses • Identify those that might be relevant to your school, and what would need to change

  6. Our work together… • The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) is currently working together with stakeholders on national consultation on the draft Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework • Once adopted, the draft Framework will strengthen a performance and development culture in our schools that focuses on improving teaching and, through this, improving student learning • The draft Framework seeks to create a culture of improvement, feedback and growth for all teachers within all schools everyday

  7. The importance of a national framework • Anew resource for Australia’s teachers • Supports teachers to receive effective performance and development opportunities • Ensures that every teacher, every year, in every school receives regular, appropriate and constructive feedback on their performance • Provides opportunities to identify areas for development • Provides effective and ongoing support to further improve practice

  8. Unpacking the draft Framework: Principles and school context Major themes: • Focus on student outcomes • Clear understanding of effective teaching • Leadership • Flexibility • Performance and development culture

  9. A shared understanding of effective teaching

  10. Performance and development culture • The challenge is to create a school culture that focuses on improvement in teaching and learning, in a climate of trust, collaboration and ongoing feedback • These improvement activities need to align with the school’s plans • It is only within this performance and development culture that a focus on teacher performance and development can deliver its full benefits

  11. Performance and development occurs in a cycle which provides a focus for appraising, developing and refining teaching and recognising the entitlements of teachers to receive feedback and support Elements of the cycle are interwoven, will not necessarily occur in order and may take more or less time depending on circumstances However, the cycle provides a useful way of thinking about the process, and assists in identifying its important elements

  12. Anticipated benefits for teachers • Effective, ongoing and constructive feedback on performance • Increased professional growth through mentoring and coaching • Access to support and development opportunities • Enhanced professional satisfaction • Access to networks through school and system wide collaboration • Formal recognition of professional achievements

  13. Links to other processes

  14. Activity: Thinking about implementation • Form groups of 4 • First brainstorm the challenges • Now identify any mitigation strategies that your group can think of • Finally outline the priorities for support required to enable effective implementation • Share with all participants

  15. Activity: Existing practices in your school • What existing strategies are contributing to your school’s attempts to build a comprehensive approach to teacher performance and development? • What would you like to see in a future video highlighting your school’s performance and development practices?

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