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KZN Department of Public Works uMzinyathi District Office. Annual Report To Citizens 2010/2011. Department of Public Works Annual Report to Citizens: uMzinyathi District Office 2010/2011. public works Department: Public Works PROVINCE OF KWAZULU NATAL. Batho Pele Principles
KZN Department of Public Works uMzinyathi District Office Annual Report To Citizens 2010/2011
Department of Public Works Annual Report to Citizens: uMzinyathi District Office 2010/2011 public works Department: Public Works PROVINCE OF KWAZULU NATAL Batho Pele Principles In providing services to the people of the Province we will be guided by the following principles: Consultation Citizens will be consulted about the level and quality of public services they receive and wherever possible, will be given a choice about services that are offered. Access All citizens without reservations will have equal access to all services rendered. Courtesy Citizens will be treated with courtesy and consideration Information Citizens have a right to full, accurate information of services we render Openness and Transparency We do recognize that openness and transparency are the cornerstone of our democracy Dealing with Complaints We respect the right of citizens to complain if our services are poor or unsatisfactory Value for money We shall endeavor to use public resources efficiently, effectively and economically Service Delivery Impact We shall endeavor to assess the impact of our services annually and ascertain whether we are achieving our specified objectives Encouraging innovation and Rewarding Excellence All citizens without reservations will have equal access to all services rendered. Leadership and Strategic Direction Managers will lead by example and will endeavor to ensure that the vision, mission and goals are articulated and embraced by all . 1. Our Vision A thriving economy through infrastructure development and property management 6. What do we do? Our main services are: We repair and maintain buildings owned by the Provincial Government. We provide professional advice/services Assist with the completion of various construction related documents eg. CIDB, ZNT 31 etc. Assist with the identification of government owned properties. Promote Inter Government initiatives Programs: IzandlaZiyagezanaProgramme SukumaSakhe Our Core Function as the uMzinyathi District Office is to provide maintenance services to provincially owned buildings within the province of KwaZulu Natal. 2. Our Mission We will lead in infrastructure development and property management in KwaZulu Natal • 3. Strategic Goals • Delivering of integrated property planning and management. • Delivering of infrastructure planning and implementation. • Enhance creation of work opportunities • Implement sector specific skills development. • Create capacity and implement innovative research initiatives • Enhance and strengthen stakeholder participation and management 4. Who are our Stakeholders? Government Departments, Contractors, Consultants, Construction industry development board, Professional bodies within the building industry, Organized labour, Oversight structures, Infrastructure implementing agents, Departmental employees, Service providers in the property management sector and the General public. • 5. Our Core Values • In carrying out its mission, the Department of Public Works will be guided by the following core values: • Batho Pele Principles: Putting people first • The Citizens Charter: A caring government • Cost Effectiveness: Value for money • Quality: We will adhere to prescribed standards • Professionalism: We will take pride in everything we do • Integrity: We will be honest and reliable in all our dealings • Service Excellence: We will be proactive in responding to the needs of our clients
Department of Public Works Annual Report to Citizens: uMzinyathi District Office 2010 - 2011 public works Department: Public Works PROVINCE OF KWAZULU NATAL Who is in charge? MEC for Human Settlement and Public Works Ms Maggie Govender Head of Department Dr FB Madlopha General Manager: Operations Mr TA Mdadane General Manager: Corporate Services Mr PW Duma General Manager: Property Management Mrs S Linda Chief Financial Officer Mr JP Redfearn
Department of Public Works Annual Report to Citizens: uMzinyathi District Office 2010 - 2011 public works Department: Public Works PROVINCE OF KWAZULU NATAL Who is in charge? Mr WG Hadebe Senior Regional Manager: Midlands Region Mrs NI Mbatha District Manager: uMzinyathi District Office
Department of Public Works Annual Report to Citizens: usMzinyathi District Office 2010 - 2011 public works Department: Public Works PROVINCE OF KWAZULU NATAL • Our Standards and how we achieved them: • Our service standards are set in consultation with our customers. These are our service standards, and the results we achieved:
Department of Public Works Annual Report to Citizens: uMzinyathi District Office 2010 - 2011 public works Department: Public Works PROVINCE OF KWAZULU NATAL How we intend to improve our services:
Department of Public Works Annual Report to Citizens: uMzinyathi District Office 2010 - 2011 public works Department: Public Works PROVINCE OF KWAZULU NATAL Our organisation and staffingTotal Number of Staff: 83 Black: 77 White: 3 Indian: 3 Coloured: Nil Women employees: 16 Persons with disabilities: 2 Language Speakers: Afrikaans: 1 English: 5 Zulu: 77
Department of Public Works Annual Report to Citizens: usMzinyathi District Office 2010 - 2011 Our budget Our budget was [RXXX] [last year]. This is how we spent it: Staff salaries ROther running costs [equipment, training, etc] R Programmes R Other items R TOTAL R public works Department: Public Works PROVINCE OF KWAZULU NATAL Our Budget:Our budget was R12 738 000.00. This is how we spent it: Staff salaries R 1 752 000.00 + R 6 936 000.00 = R8 688 000.00 Other running costs [equipment, training, etc] R 1 882 000.00 Programs R 3 900 000.00 Other items R10 000.00 TOTAL R__12 738 000.00_____
Department of Public Works Annual Report to Citizens: uMzinyathi District Office 2010 - 2011 public works Department: Public Works PROVINCE OF KWAZULU NATAL For more information please call : Contact Person: Mrs N.I. Mbatha Contact Number: 034 21 22133 Designation: District Manager Contact Person: Mrs E.R. Bugden Contact Number: 079 5588 671 Designation:Admin Officer Or write to: Address: Private Bag X2007 Dundee 3000 E-mail: NtokozoMbathaNgcobo@kznworks.gov.za or liz.bugden@kznworks.gov.za