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Force Flow Management Tool - CDR Approval

This brief aims to obtain CDR approval for the Force Flow Management Tool and enhance situational awareness for informed decision-making.

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Force Flow Management Tool - CDR Approval

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  1. Force Flow Management ToolFollow-up brief3 Feb 2010 Type of Brief: Decision Purpose of Brief: Obtain CDR approval for Force Flow Management Tool. Desired Outcome: CDR has Greater Situational Awareness for Informed Decisions.

  2. Key Questions • How can JFMCC demonstrate the extent to which the maritime force is advancing the JTF LOOs? • Aligns with SOUTHCOM • Uses a straightforward approach • Provides JTF-Level situational awareness • Informs decisions • How can COMNAVSO balance service requirements with JTF-Haiti requirements? • How can the JFMCC document and interpret indicators to facilitate the release of assets? AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh

  3. UNCLASS SOUTHCOM Framework AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  4. UNCLASS Gunston Hall (GUN) GUN supported by partner GUN Owns mission GUN supporting Partner GUN Redeploys Mission set Provide medical care - Operates Killick clinics - Provides overflow berthing for COMFORT Patients treated Clinics established Turnover plans Partners lead Transition plans Sufficient USMC resources on-site Partners participate Partners self-sufficient Partners ID GUN has a civil affairs team aboard to facilitate coordination. AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  5. UNCLASS Gunston Hall (GUN) GUN supported by partner GUN Owns mission GUNsupporting Partner GUN Redeploys Mission set Provide medical care - Operates Killick clinics - Provides overflow berthing for COMFORT Patients treated Clinics established Turnover plans Partners lead Transition plans Sufficient USMC resources on-site Partners participate Partners self-sufficient Partners ID Support MEDEVAC - Coordinates effort at the LZ for Comfort LZ established Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Patients transferred Partner ID Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Triage process established Deliver food & water - Off-loading Huasteco Need assessed & Landing established Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Establish distro network Partner ID Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Supplies moved ashore Repair local infrastructure Need assessed Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Begin repairs Partner ID or Repairs completed Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Supplies moved ashore GUN has a civil affairs team aboard to facilitate coordination. AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  6. Gunston Hall (GUN) Mission set GUN supported by partner GUN Owns mission GUN supporting Partner Partner Owns mission Progress Provide medical care - Operates Killick clinic - Provides overflow berthing for COMFORT Patients treated Clinics established Turnover plans Partners lead M Sufficient USMC resources on-site Partners participate Partners self-sufficient Partners ID Support MEDEVAC - Coordinates effort at the LZ for COM M LZ established Turnover plan Partner leads Patients transferred Partner ID Partner participates Partners self-sufficient Triage process established Deliver food & water - Off-loading HUA L Need assessed & Landing established Turnover plan Partner leads Establish distro network Partner ID Partner participates Partners self-sufficient Supplies moved ashore Repair infrastructure - Build wells Mission Completed Need assessed Begin repairs E Supplies moved ashore Other missions include: Security AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh

  7. UNCLASS Bataan ARG/22 MEU BAT/22MEU Supported by partner BAT/22MEU Owns mission BAT/22MEU Supporting partner BAT/22MEU Redeploys Mission set Provide medical care - Operates medical clinics - Doctors Without Borders Clinics established Partner ID Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Sufficient resources on-site Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Support MEDEVAC LZ established Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Patients transferred Partner ID Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Triage process established Deliver food & water - Coordinating efforts through HACC - World Food Program Need assessed Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Established distro hubs Partner ID Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Task established Repair local infrastructure - Clear debris from roads - HACC coordination? ? Need assessed Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Repairs ongoing Partner ID or Task completed Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Mission complete AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  8. UNCLASS Nassau ARG/24 MEU NAS/24 MEU Supported by partner NAS/24 MEU Owns mission NAS/24 MEU Supporting partner NAS/24 MEU redeploys Mission set Provide medical care - Treating ashore & afloat - Distributing supplies Begin task Need assessed Partner ID Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Sufficient resources available Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Deliver food & water - Testing wells - Providing supplies Need assessed Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Begin task Partner ID Sufficient resources available Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Provide security - Pier security - At rations distribution Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Need assessed Partner ID Begin task Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Sufficient resources available AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  9. UNCLASS USS Carl Vinson (VIN) VIN supported by partner VIN Owns mission VIN supporting Partner VIN Redeploys Mission set Provide medical care - Treat patients afloat - Comfort assumed lead Patients treated Need assessed Partner ID Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Sufficient resources available Partner (Comfort) participates Partner self-sufficient MEDEVAC - Demand decreasing - ARGs/MEUs participating Need assessed Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Patients moved Partner ID Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Sufficient resources Provide food & water - WFP ground distro increasing Need assessed Partner leads Transition plan Supplies lifted Partner ID WFP Turnover plan Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Sufficient resources AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  10. UNCLASS CTF 41.8/Comfort (COM) Comfort supported by partner Comfort Owns mission Comfort supporting Partner Comfort Redeploys Mission set Provide medical care - Working with numerous NGOs Patients treated Post-care plan implemented Need assessed Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Sufficient resources on-site Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Partner ID MEDEVAC ? Need assessed Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Patients transported Partner ID Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Resources available Long-term MEDEVAC plans are unclear. AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  11. UNCLASS CTF 42 Port Operations CTF 42 supported by partner CTF 42 Owns mission CTF 42 supporting Partner CTF 42 Redeploys Mission set PaP piers - USAID partner - Currently closed ? Piers repaired Piers assessed Partner ID Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan SPOD offload CONOPS Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Alternatives assessed Navy lighterage - JLOTS is operational - Additional assets flowing ? Sites assessed Transition plan Assets operational Port ops resume Resources available Vessel movement - Survey approaches - Remove obstacles - USNS Grasp Needs assessed Transition plan Obstacles cleared Vessels movements sufficient Traffic MGMT plan Approaches surveyed Security - USCG and MINUSTAH supporting ? ? Need assessed Turnover plan Partner leads Transition plan Security deployed Partners ID Partner participates Partner self-sufficient Security resources available Mission complete AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  12. UNCLASS Informs decisions AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  13. Key Questions • How can JFMCC demonstrate the extent to which the maritime force is advancing the JTF LOOs? • How can COMNAVSO balance service requirements with JTF-Haiti requirements? • How can the JFMCC document and interpret indicators to facilitate the release of assets? AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh

  14. UNCLASS Force Flow Drivers * CASREP status to be documented to on SIPR. Most Urgent Urgent ** PERSTEMPO is a consideration for all Navy assets. AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  15. Key Questions • How can JFMCC demonstrate the extent to which the maritime force is advancing the JTF LOOs? • How can COMNAVSO balance service requirements with JTF-Haiti requirements? • How can the JFMCC document and interpret indicators to facilitate the release of assets? AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh

  16. UNCLASS SOUTHCOM Framework AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  17. UNCLASS NAVSOUTH Framework Critical Tasks 1. Provide urgent critical care 2. Provide preventative medicine 3. Transition to non-DoD agencies MEDICAL AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  18. UNCLASS NAVSOUTH Framework Critical Tasks 1. Provide urgent critical care 2. Provide preventative medicine 3. Transition to non-DoD agencies MEDICAL Caution Sound decisions require accurate data AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  19. UNCLASS NAVSOUTH Framework • Critical Tasks • Make repairs to essential LOCs ISO HADR • Essential services assessments / repairs • Develop transition plan for critical projects as required Critical Engineering AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  20. UNCLASS NAVSOUTH Framework • Critical Tasks • Provide sufficient logistics capacity to support HADR efforts • Transfer PaP APOD C2 to GOH • Reduce DoD support and & facilitate non-DoD efforts Logistics AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  21. UNCLASS NAVSOUTH Framework • Critical Tasks • Provide security to support orderly HADR distribution • Assist MINUSTAH to prevent civil unrest/mass migration Security ISO HADR AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  22. UNCLASS Gunston Hall: Clinic, MEDEVAC & Partners AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  23. UNCLASS Redeployment issues Gunston Hall AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  24. UNCLASS Killick patients * No data * Based upon Gunston Hall daily SITREPS. AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  25. UNCLASS MEDEVAC flights * No data * Based upon Gunston Hall daily SITREPS. AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  26. UNCLASS Back-up AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

  27. UNCLASS Daily MUB contribution CTF 41 Update • Mission Statistics • Today • 0 1L bottle equiv of water • 0 tons of food • 59 patients admitted afloat • 6 MEDEVACs • 24 Sorties flown • To Date • 330,000 1L bottle equiv of water • 162 TONS of food • > 659 patients admitted afloat • 441 MEDEVACs • 2,226 Sorties flown VIN PAPALOAPAN HUASTECO SIROCCO FRANCIS GARNIER • Last 24 (QQ FEB) • CTH Offload WFP Supplies, Cots, Tents • Developing JTF-Medical Concept • Addition of Project Hope Critical Care Nurses Expanded COM Treatment Capacity • Continuing Patient Triage at Sites Terminal Varreux, University Hospital, University of Miami Hospital • Examined piers to the South of PaP, assessing capabilities and usability of roadways CARTEGENA DE INDIAS GRASP BKH UND COM PELIKAAN LUMMUS NAS ASH MVD CTH BAT FTM GUN • Next 24 (QQ FEB) • World Food Program Phase I • Coordinating With French Air Assets for Plan to Increase Patient Flow • GUN Continue to work with USCG and Haitian Coast Guard IVO Killick • Working with CTF 48 to see if ships can be sent with break bulk to GTMO for offload into containers, then shipped to PaP via barges AS OF: 1500 02 Feb 10 POC: Walsh UNCLASS

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