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16.1 Hitler’s Lightning War

16.1 Hitler’s Lightning War. Ms. Bielefeld Spring 2012. Germany Sparks a New War in Europe. Stalin signed 10 year agreement: Non-Aggression Pact —with Germany saying they wouldn’t fight Using a sudden mass attack, Germany overran much of Europe & North Africa

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16.1 Hitler’s Lightning War

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  1. 16.1 Hitler’s Lightning War Ms. Bielefeld Spring 2012

  2. Germany Sparks a New War in Europe Stalin signed 10 year agreement: Non-Aggression Pact—with Germany saying they wouldn’t fight Using a sudden mass attack, Germany overran much of Europe & North Africa Hitler’s actions began World War II Hitler calls for war against Poland.

  3. Germany’s Lightning Attack Surprise attack on September 1, 1939 Blitzkrieg—lighting war Used planes, tanks, & massive amounts of troops Defeated Poland in 3 weeks France and Britain declare war on September 3 Fast moving tanks headed for Poland

  4. Soviets Make Their Move Sept. 17, 1939-- Stalin sent Soviet troops to occupy the Eastern half of Poland Stalin then attacked Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland (Finland resisted)

  5. A Phony War • After Poland fell, there was a 7 month stop in fighting • French & British stationed troops along the Maginot Line—system of fortifications along France’s border with Germany • Nothing happened & referred to as a “phony war” • April 9, 1940—Hitler launched a surprise attack • Denmark fell in hours • Norway fell in two months • Germany began to build bases along the coast to launch strikes on Britain

  6. Maginot Line

  7. British troops on the beaches of Dunkirk The Fall of France • Hitler sends tanks through the Ardennes—heavily wooded area in Northern France, Luxm., & Belgium • Germans squeeze between the Maginot Line & moved across France • June 22, 1940—France surrenders • Rescue at Dunkirk • Germans trapped Allied forces around the Northern French city of Lille • Allies retreated to the beaches of Dunkirk, French Port • Great Britain set out to rescue the Army • Ships crossed the English Channel & carried 338,000 soldiers to safety

  8. Rescue at Dunkirk British soldiers aboard ship during mass evacuation at Dunkirk

  9. A Belgian mother & her children

  10. The Fall of France Cont. • Resistance in France crumbles after Dunkirk • Germans take Paris • French leaders surrender • Germans take N. France & leave S. France to a puppet government called Vichy France • Charles de Gaulle—French general set up exile gov’t in London & commits to taking back France • Will battle Nazi’s until France was liberated in 1944 German troops in Paris

  11. French surrender to Germany, June 22, 1940

  12. The Battle of Britain • Britain stood alone against the Nazis • Winston Churchill—new Prime Minister of Britain • Hitler wanted to destroy R.A.F.—Royal Air Force, then land troops • Luftwaffe—German air force, began bombing • British fight back • Technological advances help Britain • Radar—could tell #, speed, & direction of Luftwaffe • Enigma—decoded German messages • Stunned by British resistance, Hitler calls off the attack • Key to this battle: Hitler could be defeated R.A.F. pilots

  13. Luftwaffe MC-202 Trainer

  14. R.A.F. Pilots

  15. Radar

  16. The Enigma

  17. The Eastern Front & Mediterranean • Hitler turned attention to the Mediterranean, Balkans, and USSR • Axis forces attack N. Africa • Mussolini orders attack on Egypt • Suez Canal was key to oil in Middle East • Britain strikes back • Hitler sends in AfrikaKorps—German tank forces led by Erwin Rommel—later called the Desert Fox for his success German tanks move into Greece

  18. Erwin Rommel The Desert Fox

  19. German tanks roll into the USSR War in the Balkans • Hitler was planning to attack USSR from the Balkans • Hitler persuaded Bulgaria, Romania, & Hungary to join the Axis • June 22, 1941—Germany invades the USSR • Operation Barbarossa—plan to invade the USSR • Tried to starve out Leningrad • Winter stopped them as they pushed toward Moscow • Germans retreat • Hitler will gain nothing but 500,000 German deaths

  20. Harsh WinterConditions

  21. U.S. Aids Allies Tank headed to the Allies • Despite isolation, Congress passed Lend-Lease Act • U.S. would sell goods & weapons to our allies • Enriched U.S. economy • U.S. called the “Arsenal of Democracy” • German U-boats attacked ships • FDR & Churchill passed the Atlantic Charter • Upheld free trade, right to choose own gov’t • U.S. in undeclared naval war with Hitler • Post-WWII peace plan

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