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Advancing the Story

Advancing the Story. Broadcast Journalism in a multimedia world. News stories and packages are no longer the job. If you are assigned a segment on a high school football game you may: Create a package for the news Post extra footage to the station web site Write a capsule for the web

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Advancing the Story

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  1. Advancing the Story Broadcast Journalism in a multimedia world

  2. News stories and packages are no longer the job. If you are assigned a segment on a high school football game you may: • Create a package for the news • Post extra footage to the station web site • Write a capsule for the web • Contribute to a sports blog

  3. Audience First A 2005 research showed Americans spent 70% of their wakened day using a form of media with nearly 1/3 media multi-tasking (like surfing the web while watching the tv)

  4. Pre Production • Before you start a story ask what the audience will get out of it. (desired effect) but also match with the media the audience is using. • In-depth, tv. • Headline for twitter. • Use all media available to further your message. (key for you getting a job in todays market).

  5. Stations are hiring journalist who give their audience more ways to access their information. Look at local news web sites. They have web only content and updates.

  6. Still, good journalism matters. Good story telling is in demand still. Your reputation and that of a news organization is only as good as your credibility.

  7. You have more tools and technology to get great stories completed and seen. TV journalists still use words to effectively explain or supplement a video, but there is no substitute for great pictures combined with strong writing.

  8. Viewers make a personal connection with anchors and reporters who are telling them stories. That’s why a “thank you for watching” is so important. Let your personality in.

  9. In print, however, depth is more. Most newspaper articles are longer than the broadcast version of the same story. The story in a 2 minute package takes 4 minutes to read when converted to print. Print stories need more details to describe what is seen. Age and appearance descriptions are unnecessary in video stories.

  10. On-line news is the fasted growing media sector. Offers interactivity and innovation. People love to comment on stories.

  11. Assignment Go to http://www.advancingthestory.com/ Read and evaluate an article from the weekly chapter. Submit a summary/reaction to the article. http://goo.gl/jehqJK Due Wednesday!

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