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Brief Report on the performed activities Oct 2010 – Oct 2013 TEMPUS - PROMENG , PSTU, Mariupol Ukraine. Valeriy Dmytriev Project Coordinator Vice-Rector for Economics and Perspective Development. 3. 4. 2. 1. Analysis of current curricula on Electrical Engineering.
Brief Report on the performed activities Oct 2010 – Oct 2013 TEMPUS-PROMENG, PSTU, Mariupol Ukraine Valeriy Dmytriev Project Coordinator Vice-Rector for Economics and Perspective Development
3 4 2 1 Analysis of current curricula on Electrical Engineering Retraining of teachers, trainings for mentors from industries Pilot teaching Development of 4 General Curricula and 5 Learning Modules 5 6 7 8 Setting up of ELM Office with support of Chamber of Industry and Commerce Quality control of project implementation Provision of sustainability of project outcomes Dissemination of project outcomes Main areas of work under PROMENG project
8.05070103Electrical engineering systems of electric consumption 8.05070106Production control and electrical distribution systems 8.05070204Electrical-mechanical automation systems and electrical drive 8.04030201Computer science 8.18010015 Consolidated information 8.05020201 Automatic control of technological processes 8.05020202Computer-integrated technological processes and productions List of upgraded existing curricula by degree fields
Dept. of Electrification of Production Enterprises Power Engineering Faculty 1 Dept. of Computer Science Information Technologies Faculty 2 Dept. of Automation of Technological Processes and Productions Information Technologies Faculty 3 Project participants - 3 departments at 2 faculties
1. Digital data transfer and control systems in electrical engineering 2. Fundamentals of CAD 3. Automation of electrical mechanical systems 4. Engineering and environment protection control. 5. Modern-TRIZ 6. Soft Skills for engineers 7. Modern programming tools for simulation and engineering of business-processes 8. Design and administration of network communications for the Internet 9. Modern programming tools for investigation of systems and processes 10. Quality management and certification of software products and information systems 11. Automated control systems of technological processes 12. Computer networks and automation systems protocols 12 new study programmes were integrated into the current curricula:
Number of specialities 7 Number of courses 12 Share of new or modernised courses up to 25% Number of credits up to 10 credits of ECTS Share of credits up to17% Number of teachers 20 people Main results of upgrading the curricula
1. Digital data transfer and control systems in electric power engineering - 4 ECTS credits, final assessment - exam 2. Fundamentals of CAD – - 4 ECTS credits, since September 2012, final assessment – pass (zachot) 3. Engineering and environment protection control, 3 ECTS, since February 2013, final assessment – pass (zachot) 4. Modern-TRIZ, 2 ECTS, since February 2013, final assessment – pass (zachot) 5. Soft skills for engineers, 2 ECTS, since February 2013, final assessment – exam During 2012-2013 academic year 8 master students (full-time) and 10 master students (part-time) were taught under the pilot programme. During 2013-1014 16 master students (full-time) and 4 master students (part-time) are being taught under the pilot programme. Summing up: introductng the modernized courses into master programme at Dept. of Electrical Industrial Supply
Contact hours, total: 767. ECTS points: 21. Classes for master students are held since 01.09.2012 13 master students had pilot courses since 01.09.2012 г. As of today 14 master students are being taught under modernized study programmes Final assessment in the modernized courses Summing up: introducing the modernized courses into master programmes at IT Faculty
Computer design class Computer design lab was set up • 11 computers • MFD; • Beamer; • Portable screen; • LVC equipment; • Licensed software.
Data transfer lab Data transfer lab was set up • 1 computer; • Receive/transfer antenna; • Mini-radio station equipment set
Retraining of teachers and trainings in new didactics methodology were held Working Group 1 (Germany, TUB) 02.08.2012 – 17.08.2012 • Applied informatics and digital data transfer systems • Тheory and practice of engineering solutions (МТРIZ) • Soft Skills for engineers • Аudit and fundamentals of systems certification on ISO basis
Retraining of teachers and trainings in new didacrics methodology were held
Retraining of teachers and trainings in new didactics methodology were held
Mathematical simulation of engineering systems: approach based on using Maxima and Scilab. (~300-350 pp) Beginning with September 2012, pilot probation of new curriculais being carried out
Beginning with September 2012, pilot probation of new curriculais being carried out Between 20.10 and 25.10 2012 Master Classes on environment protection were taught by Egidius Petraitis and Violetta Borutiene, professors from Gediminas Vilnus Technical University(Lithuanina)
Beginning with September 2012, pilot probation of new curriculais being carried out Between 20.10 and 25.10 2012 г. Master Class onCAD/CAM/CAE-systems in mechanics, electrical engineering and electronics was taught by Peter Arras from Lessius Michelen University (Belgium)
marketing of educational services; • analysis of the employers’ needs; • studies on how the university graduates competences meet the employers’ needs; • organization of regular revisions of the existing curricula with the aim of replacing/modernizing the outdated curricula and developing the new ones; • identifying the needs of the industrial partners in engineering services and services on retraining of professionals; search of the interested organizationsand sponsors. Career Centre (ELM Office), a PSTU subdivision, was set up with support of Chamber of Industry and Commerce Donetsk Chamber of Industry and Commerce Pryazovskyi State Technical University Career Centre,(ELM Office) – employment solutions for university graduates
Mariupol Business-School: Teaching-and-Learning Centre(teaching Soft Skills for everybody – Order 188-05, 13.12.2011) 1 Research and Educational Centreof Technical Design(teaching Моdern-ТRIZfor everybody – Order 156-05оf 03.10.2011) 2 Career Centre (ELM Office) – search of employment internship positions for university graduates – Order 115-0505 of 07.2011) 3 New subdivisions have been set up at PSTU
Coverage in mass media and promotingthe project aims http://pstu.edu/index.php?id=85&L=1