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HWL: 8/20/12

HWL: 8/20/12. Prep. For Summer Reading - blue or black ink pen - a few sheets of notebook paper - 1 page of handwritten notes on your self- chosen book Vocab. Book Purchase (upon completion of test). HWL: 8/20/12.  Summer Reading Test. Homework: 8/20/12.

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HWL: 8/20/12

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HWL: 8/20/12 • Prep. For Summer Reading - blue or black ink pen - a few sheets of notebook paper - 1 page of handwritten notes on your self- chosen book • Vocab. Book Purchase (upon completion of test)

  2. HWL: 8/20/12  Summer Reading Test

  3. Homework: 8/20/12 • Writing assignments: Tuesday: Draft 2- Extended Metaphor • Monday, Aug. 20: Summer Reading Test on self-chosen book from the Summer Reading List (Essay Form); submit One Hundred Years of Solitude notes to turnitin.com by Monday, Aug. 20 @ 5:00 p.m. • Tomorrow: 3-ringed Binder w/ noted tabs (see syllabus) • Tomorrow: 2 Composition Books • Tomorrow: Vocab. Book purchase $10 • Senior Project: Determine Broad Topic/Mentor Search • Tuesday: Consequences of Failure to Meet Deadlines

  4. Senior Project Timeline: Fall 2012 • August 17 Meeting in Auditorium • Overview and Expectations of Semester Project presented. Mentor Approval Process and Application discussed. Students will have 4 weeks to submit the mentor approval form • August 20 **Due Date for Consequences Form • August 24 Meeting in Auditorium • Overview and Expectations of Student Resume presented. Students will have 2 weeks to submit resume to committee. • August 30 Meeting in Auditorium • Overview and Expectations of Student Proposal presented. Students will have 4 weeks to submit proposal to committee. • September 6 **Due Date for Resume • September 13 **Due Date for Mentor Approval Form • September 20 Meeting in Auditorium • Overview and Expectations of Proclamation Posters presented. Students will have 2 weeks to submit to committee • September 20 **Due Date for Proposal • September 27 Meeting in Auditorium • Overview and Expectations of the Senior Project Portfolio which will be a culmination of all the work for the semester and will be presented in the Board Rooms Senior Project Night • October TBD **Due Date for Research Paper (exact date to be determined by English Teacher) • October 4 **Due Date for Proclamation Poster • October 11 Meeting in Auditorium • Overview and Expectations of Letter to the Judges presented. Students will have 2 weeks to submit to committee. • October 25 Meeting in Auditorium • Overview and Expectations of Formal Presentation of the senior project for Board Night presented. Students will have 2.5 weeks to prepare and practice. • October 25 **Due Date for Letter to Judges • November 1 **Due Date for Mentor Hours Log & Mentor Verification & Evaluation (must be faxed by Mentor) • November 8 **Due Date for Portfolio • November 9 Meeting in the Auditorium • Last minute tips and instructions for Senior Project Night • November 15 Senior Project Night

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