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This article discusses how foreigners in Boquete, Panama, are supporting recycling programs, benefiting the community. It also highlights infrastructure developments due to millionaire residential projects.
News Report Prepared by: Stratego Communications April 8 - 12, 2006
La Prensa, Economía y Negocios. April 8th, 2006: This opinion article deals with the recycling theme in Panama, emphasizing that in Boquete there are recycling programs supported by foreigners of diverse nationalities. It explains that Chiriquí is an example of organization and communitarian work benefitting an entire town. Analysis: This is a positive article highlighting the benefits of foreigners coming to Panama with their environmental and organizational culture directly benefiting the places they settle in. La Prensa, Economía. April 8th, 2006: The appearance of millionaire residential projects for foreigners in Boquete is exerting pressure on the municipal authorities of that district in the form of infrastructure and urban planning. There are $300,000 residences that only pay one dollar for trash collection. At the moment, authorities are evaluating the Costa Rican model to adapt it to Panama’s reality. A new proyect, “Plaza Los Establos” was also presented, it will hold 28 business spaces for banks, stores and restaurants. Analysis: Any improvement done to Boquete’s infrastructure will benefit us, yet it is important to be aware of the proposed changes in trash fees and the like, so the government does not take advantage of foreign investors and transfer the costs of everything to them, raising the cost of living and lowering the country’s and region’s attraction. News Summary
Capital Financiero, Turismo. April 10th, 2006. Panama has launched its new website, www.visitpanama.com and wants to create a tourist culture through training and education programs in order to increase the amount of tourists who come to the country. Any tourist information necessary would be available on the website. Also, the IPAT is launching an international tourist campaign in the US and Latin America, in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Analysis: The creation of a”tourist culture” is the single-most important aspect Panama needs to improve in order to guarantee its future as a tourist haven. Any actions taken by the government towards education and training is positive. It finally seems that Panama is realizing what it needs to do to insure their growth in this sector. Crítca, Economía. April 12th, 2006. The president of the Panama Tourism Chamber, Jaime Campuzano, said that Residential Tourism is starting to become regulated. The public sector as well as the private sector is analyzing alternatives of regulation of this new concept. The goal of these regulations is to insure that Residential Tourism becomes a viable and flourishing enterprise. Analysis: Speaks for itself. Let’s hope that the efforts are thorough and properly done. It is important for us to voice our opinion in any regulations being made, since this is our bread and butter, even coining the name. News Summary