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Sigma Sigma Phi

Sigma Sigma Phi. PI CHAPTER REPORT. Introduction. President: Elizabeth Cummings Vice President: Katherine DeGraaff Treasurer: Roxanna Arakozie Secretary: Aparna Desai Faculty Advisor: Dean Mitchell Forman, D.O., FACR, FACOI, FACP. Membership Qualifications.

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Sigma Sigma Phi

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  1. Sigma Sigma Phi PI CHAPTER REPORT

  2. Introduction • President: Elizabeth Cummings • Vice President: Katherine DeGraaff • Treasurer: Roxanna Arakozie • Secretary: Aparna Desai • Faculty Advisor: Dean Mitchell Forman, D.O., FACR, FACOI, FACP

  3. Membership Qualifications • Applicants must be in their first, second, third or fourth year of medical school • GPA must be maintained at 3.0 or higher • Other factors considered: Community service hours, club and research involvement, short essay

  4. Membership Details • Membership by Class • 2014: (16) • 2015: (17) • 2016: (23) • 2017: In the process of inducting new members in the spring

  5. Application Process • Application cycle opens at the beginning of the Fall and spring semesters • Decisions are made by the Pi Chapter Executive Council • Applicants are notified regarding their decision as of mid-Oct and mid-Feb, to help them be involved in chapter activities early

  6. Financial Report • We received $600 from our school • This was decided by the OMSGA based on the fact that we are a professional club • This is the largest sum to date that has been awarded to the chapter • We currently have $1888.65 in our chapter account • Membership dues remained the same this year • National dues: $35 • Chapter dues: $30

  7. Community Service • Members are required to serve 5 hours per semester, for a total of 10 hours per year • Must be completed by the last day of the semester • Members are allowed to attend their own service projects, but we also provide opportunities for the entire chapter to get together and serve at selected organizations • Spread the Word: A local organization that collects and restores books to give back to the community. The books are given to at risk youth located throughout the community to promote reading and education. • TOUCH Program: A nationwide volunteer program to record and provide service projects to students

  8. Challenges • The Pi (Touro – Nevada) chapter needs to better express the responsibilities of being a member and what is expected of future and current members. • The Chapter’s presence has been minimal on campus for the last few years and many students do not know what is to be a Sigma Sigma Phi member and what benefits membership has.

  9. Goals • Increase our exposure and influence on campus through: • Service projects • Alumni mingling events • Guest lecturers • Get members inducted early • Allows involvement • Provides leadership opportunities • Increase funding for our Chapter • Fundraising (T-shirts) • Graduation Honors • Getting Sigma Sigma Phi pins and cords to all members

  10. Questions ?

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