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Maastricht University offers an advanced development programme for leaders and senior academic and support staff. The programme focuses on hard work and strong skills. Register now!
Hard work, Strong skillsAdvanced seminars for UM staff 2017-2018
Maastricht University offers her leaders and senior academic and support staff each year an advanced development programme. The programme offered is in English to include all employees. You can follow all seminars as a complete course or select just the ones you prefer. We warmly invite you to take part! For more information, please contact Rina.vdbrandt@maastrichtuniversity.nl Hard Work, Strong Skills
Modules 2017-2018 NEW NEW NEW
Target group Hard Work, Strong Skills is aimed at the university’s leaders and senior academic or support employees. You fit the target group when you hold a leadership or managing position, and/or you are an experienced professional (academic or support) who is held accountable for financial and personnel matters. You are for example: • Department head • Cluster or unit director • Team leader • Functional expert • Project manager to complex projects/teams • Programme manager
Registration If you would like to participate, please register here. Not fitting the target group criteria implies that your registration cannot be accepted. Do you have questions? Please contact Rina van den Brandt: Rina.vdbrandt@maastrichtuniversity.nl Register now!
Your leadership effectiveness is determined by how you look at yourself, the other and to your assignment (that what you think is necessary and should be done). In other words, in what way does your perspective determine the connection with yourself, the other and your assignment? What influence do you have (on yourself, others, your assignment) and what is the impact on your performance, the performance of your employees and your team?In this course the central theme is to discover and explore perspectives. We think it's important that you learn to recognize your own perspectives and those of others because they determine how you lead and are able to create a learning environment that is necessary for effectiveness, efficiency, innovation and creativity in your organization. • Recent behavioral research shows that effective leadership depends on the connection you have with yourself, others and the environment: 'To exert influence, you must balance competence with warmth' (Cuddy, Kohut and Neffinger, HBR, 2013).We expect your input from your own experiences and the willingness to actively start working with newly gained insights. During the closing session you reflect together with the other participants on the recent period and achieved results. • Facilitators: Prof. Dr. Mariëlle Heijltjes and Dr. Peter Berends • Dates: 13-14 Sept – 09.00-17.00 hrs (location: Teaching Hotel) • 10 Nov 2017, 13.00-17.00 hrs (location: SBE) How leading becomes leadership
An essential team process is that of decision making. Powerful decisions are those in which we combine that diverse knowledge, talents, experience and emotions (Kramer, 2014). Deep Democracy is a way of decision making in which all voices of the system are listened to and the wisdom of the minority is included in the majority decision. One of the underpinning beliefs of Deep Democracy is that conflicts are part of the human process of growth and development, and therefore inevitable. Contradictions are not limiting, but the start of a creative process. • Working more consciously with voices of the system and Deep Democracy leads to more awareness about and use of differences, more flexibility in taking on other viewpoints, powerful decisions and sustainable change, and better functioning teams. • Deep Democracy is a great method for teams that: • • are diverse • • want to make use of each other’s differences • • struggle with decision making • • want to be more efficient • Facilitator: drs. Marcel Herwegh • Date: 20 November 2017, 09.00-17.00 hrs • Location: t.b.a. Deep democracy “The Best for the Group comes when everyone in the group does what's best for himself AND the group.” ― John Nash
It is a popular- and persistent - belief that great companies have great people. While this may be true, the question is whether great companies recruit great people or whether they have the capacity to transform talented people into great performers. Research has consistently pointed out that it is not the talent as such which explains human or organizational performance, but it is the way organizations create opportunities to learn from success and failure. At the same time we know that learning is not the same as training or participation in seminars and workshops. So, the obvious question seems to be how organizations can create conditions for learning and development and the consequences for talent development. • These questions are not only relevant for corporate organizations. Maybe they are even more important for academic departments. Research suggests that research productivity and achieving excellence in education are not simply a matter of good recruitment and allocation of sufficient time to its members. The present workshop will examine how academic leaders can diagnose the quality of learning culture within its departments, and how they can contribute to talent development in academic settings. • Practical information: • Facilitator: Prof. Dr. Wim Gijselaers • Location: SBE • Date : 28 November 2017, 09.00-17.00 hrs CreatingConditionsfor Talent Development
Current assets, reserves, provisions, impairment, all financial terms and business issues that frequently pass by in a managerial position. Moreover, for most organizations, new ideas will only be accepted if they are based on a solid business case. • Whether it’s about budgets, investment issues or just the daily goings on of a faculty, department or division: finances are crucial. For UM management it is also crucial to be able to think and discuss topics like investment, cash flow, planning and control cycle with peers. This day provides participants with an insight in the financial management system of the UM organization and offers means to effectively respond to them. A combination of theory and practice (concepts and tools used within the UM) are discussed. • Practical information: • Facilitator: Prof. Dr. Philip Vergauwen / UM speaker: Ruud Bollen MBA • Date: 15 December 2018, 09.00-17.00 hrs • Location: SBE FinanceDifficult topic or fascinating discipline?
Changes: centralization-decentralization issues, developing a pro-active attitude of employees, improving cooperation relations in the chain, structural changes in the department, developing the (internal) customer focus, enhancing the capacity for innovation. Generally, there is no shortage of ambitions and plans, but plans have only value if they lead to new actions and/or new behaviors. Managers experience the practice of change (implementation) often as difficult or laborious. Effective change processes require knowledge of change strategies, understanding of the pitfalls and especially the wisdom to understand the behavior of others and yourself. This seminar helps understand what is really happening, while we talk about change plans. • The goals of this module are acquiring knowledge on strategies for different types of change, understanding why logical interventions regularly do not lead to logical effects, recognizing blocking (interaction) patterns and how you unintentionally contribute to stagnation, developing an intervention repertoire that helps to (re-) energize change, creating insight into your own role in leading change. • Practical information: • Facilitator: Dr. Arend Ardon • Date: 25 January 2018, 09.00-17.00 hrs* subject to changes • Location: SBE Managing Change
Like any organisation, innovativeness is extremely important to remain competitive and extend your business. • Let us zoom into the innovativeness of the UM and grow the innovation capacity of the UM by employing you with a strong mindset and capacity to innovate. • We will grow your innovation capacity by following a success methodology to innovate. Learn about service innovation, business model innovation and gain experience with an approach to solve your challenges using design thinking tools. • At the end of the day you have expanded your toolbox and are better equipped to innovate. • Practical information: • Facilitator: Sabine Janssen, MSc, Service Science Factory • Location: SBE • Date: 19 February 2018, 09.00-17.00 hrs Grow your innovationcapacity
Whatever role you have inside Maastricht University, be it in a management position or as a colleague, it is your task to realise targets together and achieve optimal performance in specific areas. • ‘Coaching Leadership’ originally refers to one of six leadership styles as developed by Daniel Goleman (2002). Coaching leaders focus on helping others to advance their skills, direct and guide them, providing encouragement and inspiration and create a positive workplace environment to help motivate their people or team towards achieving better results and higher performances. Yet, in order to effectively do so, you need to build your own leadership first; ‘the most important leadership tool is yourself’ (Otto Scharmer). Therefore, the goal of this interactive and experiential training is two folded: • On the one hand, it addresses the basic mind-set, attitude and skills that are needed to build your own leadership, that is ‘the ability to effectively influence so others follow willingly’ (Clawson, 2012), whereas on the other hand the training focuses on strengthening your ‘coaching leadership’ muscles. • Facilitator: Drs. Jessica Slijkhuis • Date: 15 and 22 March 2018, 09.00-17.00 hrs • Location: Stay Okay Coaching Leadership
Great teams are energizing and productive, delivering excellent results. In an effective team, everyone understands how to contribute in ways that support team outcomes that go above and beyond what any individual could accomplish alone. But teamwork isn’t easy. Even the best teams, with the most well-intentioned colleagues, can encounter problems that hinder their collective accomplishments. • In this seminar, you will learn strategies for creating successful team dynamics. How can you align team members around shared goals so they can effectively plan, communicate, execute, and deliver? • Facilitator: Dr. Ursula Glunk • Dates: 31 May and 1 June 2018, 09.00-17.00 hrs • Location: Buitenplaats Vaeshartelt, Maastricht Building more effective teams Not all groups are teams: How to tell the difference?
UNDER CONSTRUCTION! • In thissession different concepts of Human Resources Strategywillbe at the center of attention. How shouldaneffective HR policy bedesigned (accordingtotheory) in order to cover anorganisation’sstrategic goals. How does this policy (should) look like at UM? We willexploretowhatextendandwhich focus theUM’s HR strategy has been developedyet, andwhatthechallengesforthefuture are. We willdiscussseveral HR KPI’s: which are relevant for UM, andhowtomeasurethem? In anexercisewithan HR balanced scorecard we willpracticewiththecauseandeffects of HR instruments. • Note: this seminar has not been confirmedyet, but youmaysign up to show your interest and we will keep youposted. • Facilitators: t.b.a. • Dates: t.b.a. • Location: t.b.a. Human Resources @ UM