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Science inquiry using PhET: A global resource of 100 free interactive simulations

Science inquiry using PhET: A global resource of 100 free interactive simulations. Kelly Lancaster and the PhET team at the University of Colorado. What is PhET?. Suite of >100 interactive sims on science!. Where is PhET?. Or download! ( 140 MB). http:// phet.colorado.edu.

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Science inquiry using PhET: A global resource of 100 free interactive simulations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Science inquiry using PhET:A global resource of 100 free interactive simulations Kelly Lancaster and the PhET team at the University of Colorado

  2. What is PhET? Suite of >100 interactive sims on science!

  3. Where is PhET? Or download! (140 MB) http://phet.colorado.edu

  4. Who is PhET? Team of scientists and educators

  5. How can PhET be free? NSF Hewlett Foundation O’Donnell Foundation King Saud University University of Colorado Carl Wieman and Sarah Gilbert

  6. Who uses PhET? Sims: 58 languages Website: 15 languages Of 15 million sims run in 2010, 34% international!

  7. PhET around the world Brazil Serbia Vietnam Uganda

  8. PhET Design Process Initial design Final design Research Interviews Classrooms Redesign

  9. What do you think?

  10. What do students think?

  11. How did we change the sim?

  12. Is the sim intuitive? Do students find the controls?

  13. Can you spot the changes? Before After

  14. PhET Design Process Initial design Final design Research Interviews Classrooms Redesign

  15. Using PhET in lecture How will adding water affect the pH? Increase pH Decrease pH No pH change

  16. Using PhET in lab Add 100 silver bromide pairs to the water. How many silver and bromide ions dissolve in the water? Repeat this for all salts. Investigate different salts. What features do salts have in common, and how do salts differ from each other?

  17. How do we assess PhET? Sim Pre-test Post-test Activity

  18. How do students feel? How __________ was this recitation compared to others? useful for your learning enjoyable N = 155

  19. One sim, two uses Circuit Construction Kit CCK in grade school: “What do you need to make the bulb light?” CCK in college: “Why does the light dim when you turn on the heater?”

  20. How is PhET used in K-12?

  21. What’s next for PhET? Sim Sharing New Sims

  22. How do kids use PhET? Do they differ from college students?

  23. Stay in touch with social media

  24. How can you contribute? Report bugs Send us your ideas for new sims! Email: phethelp@colorado.edu

  25. Suite of interactive simulations (>100) • Physics, chemistry, math Expanding into biology, earth science • Research-based and user-tested • Free!Online or downloadable (~140 MB) • Easy to use and incorporate in class http://phet.colorado.edu

  26. How is PhET used in college? Lecture Lab & Recitation Homework Exams Opportunity for students to explore like scientists But, no silver bullet: Context and activity critical

  27. Other ways to use PhET Creative Commons – Attribution license

  28. What did students learn? N = 930 N = 110

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