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The Rise of the Dictators. Treaty of Versailles. Terms of Treaty Germany was blamed for World War I. Germany to surrender territory by French border. Limited Germany’s army to 100,000 volunteers. Germany must pay reparations (money) for war damages.
Treaty of Versailles Terms of Treaty • Germany was blamed for World War I. • Germany to surrender territory by French border. • Limited Germany’s army to 100,000 volunteers. • Germany must pay reparations (money) for war damages. Signing of Treaty of Versailles in the Hall of Mirrors in France.
Aftermath of World War I • Europe was burdened by war debts. • Unemployment caused social unrest. • Several countries moved toward TOTALITARIANISM.
* What is Totalitarianism? • A political system in which government controls every aspect of citizens’ lives. • Italy, Germany and Russia would depend on dictators to lead their governments.
* Joseph Stalin – Soviet Union • Communism under Stalin – government controls farms and businesses. State police enforced laws. • Belief: Believed one leader should be in charge of the country. Led from 1922-1953.
What happened if you disagreed with Stalin? • Stalin removed his enemies from society. “The Purge” • Sent enemies to labor camps. • Members of his party were executed. Stalin in a doctored photo with the head of secret police.
Labor Camps in Siberia • Average temperature in Siberia during winter: -10°F to below -50°F (-45°F).
* Benito Mussolini - Italy • Fascism – Government led by a strong dictator. • Beliefs: 1 leader. Destroy all opposition. Restore a new Roman Empire. • Socialism – a system in which the state or country controls the economy. Led from 1922-1943.
On the cover of Time Magazine Mussolini with Black Shirts. 1922. Formed an alliance with Hitler in 1943.
* Hideki Tojo - Japan • Militarism – Military is in control of govt. • Wanted to seize new territories and take control of natural resources. • Invaded the Chinese state of Manchuria. Led from 1941-1944.
Germany after World War I • Suffered the most from the Treaty of Versailles. • Germans became bitter as their economy crippled. • Went through hyperinflation - Prices increased as the value of the money decreased. German woman using money as fuel in wood during hyperinflation 1923-1924.
Adolf Hitler - Germany • Born April 20, 1889 in Branau-am-Inn, Austria. • Had poor record at school. • Wanted to be an artist. • Moved to Vienna, Austria at age 19. Young Adolf Hitler.
Hitler in 1914 • Struggled to survive as an artist in Austria. • Lived in homeless shelters. • Moved to Munich, Germany in 1913.
Hitler in crowd celebrating Declaration of World War I. Munich, Germany. (August 2, 1914)
* Hitler’s Life in the Military • He found purpose and direction in the military. • Military Rank- Corporal. • Was injured (temporary blindness) during World War I.
* The Rise of Hitler • Joined the NAZI party. • Tried to overthrow German government. • In prison, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle). • Book blamed Communists and Jews for Germany’s defeat in WWI. • Mein Kampf also provided Hitler’s plan for Germany’s rise to European and global power.
* NAZI Beliefs • Believed in a strong central government under the Führer (the leader). • One master Aryan race. • Jewish and Communists were enemies. • 1932 – Led the NAZI Party to victory in the national election
* President Paul von Hindenburg Dies 8/2/1934. Hitler named Leader & Chancellor
Long live Germany! Interpretation: The year is over. The struggle goes on! The Worm. Where something is rotten, the Jew is the cause.
* Actions taken against the Jews Jewish man being searched in Poland. Jewish family required to wear yellow Star of David.
* Kristallnacht - 1938“Night of Broken Glass” Nazis destroyed many Jewish businesses and synagogues. 30,000 Jewish men taken to concentration camps.
* Non-Aggression Pact &The Axis Powers • Non-Aggression Pact – Hitler and Stalin agreed to avoid war with each other. AXIS POWERS • 1936 – Italy and Germany form a military alliance • 1940 – Japan joins the alliance. 1939 British political cartoon.
* Great Britain & France’s Reaction • Appeasement – 1938, Gave into demands of German occupation of Austria & Sudetenland to avoid war. British prime minister Neville Chamberlain meeting Hitler.
* America’s Response • U.S. was reluctant to get involved in another war. • Lend-Lease Act – 1940, Allowed U.S. to lend weapons to allies. • Americans wanted to remain isolationists.
Bibliography – Text & Video Information • American History. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2008. 804-20. • Discovery Education. 2009. Discovery Communications, LLC. Apr. 2009 <www.unitedstreaming.com>.
Image Citations • http://www.iwm.org.uk/upload/package/95/collections/art/sir-william-orpen.html • http://www.schoolhistory.co.uk/studentforum/index.php?s=9d21c8b196f59383d5e15199930fa891&showtopic=5396&mode=linearplus&view=findpost&p=20175 • http://www.mishalov.com/Stalin_28July42.html • http://www.apsu.edu/oconnort/3400/3400lect07.htm • http://www.nps.gov/manz/planyourvisit/gulag-at-manzanar.htm • http://encarta.msn.com/media_461547365_761577899_-1_1/soviet_labor_camp_siberia.html • http://www.philadelphia-reflections.com/topic/25.htm • http://isurvived.org/TOC-I.html • http://home.nps.gov/pwr/customcf/apps/ww2ip/dsp_event_detail.cfm?event_id=37 • https://www.igolder.com/glossary/fiat-currency/ • http://www.secondworldwar.co.uk/ahitler.html • http://bf3039.k12.sd.us/event/why.htm • http://history1900s.about.com/library/holocaust/blhitler14.htm • http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/ww2-pix/hitler-ww1.jpg • http://images-cdn01.associatedcontent.com/image/A1574/157457/300_157457.jpg • http://www.nps.gov/archive/elro/glossary/kristallnacht.htm • http://www.english.illinois.edu/MAPS/holocaust/photoessay.htm • http://isurvived.org/Holocaust-definition.html • http://www.annefrankguide.net • http://www.johndclare.net/RoadtoWWII8.htm • http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/65289/perspective_and_ahistorical_questions.html • http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/image/Roosevelt1938.htm