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ELECTROMAGNETIC EARTH ENVIRONMENT. Hanna Rothkaehl Space Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland COSTMP1104 Warszawa 7.05.2010. magnetosphere. jonosphere. Natural emissions and man-made noises. ULF and LF ion plasma diagnostics, E B field fluctuation s .
ELECTROMAGNETIC EARTH ENVIRONMENT Hanna Rothkaehl Space Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland COSTMP1104 Warszawa 7.05.2010
magnetosphere jonosphere Natural emissions and man-made noises
ULF and LFion plasma diagnostics, E B field fluctuations. VLFlow density plasma diagnostics HFelectron plasma diagnostics, Solar radio burst. Wave in situ diagnostics Local plasma frequency =local electron density tens kHz up to few MHz Local gyro-frequency proportional to theintensity of magnetic field tenskHz up to MHz The ionosphere represents less than 0.1% of the total mass of the Earth's atmosphere. Even so, it is extremely important!
Experience past experiment-RF diagnostics
PLASMA PHYSICS EXPERIMENTS ROCKET EXPERIMENTS 18.09.1981 VERTICAL-Gruzya 60-S Radiospectrometer PRS-1 Radiospectrometer ISKRA 21.12.1981 VERTICAL-10 Frequency Spectrum Analyzer ASIN 20.05.1983 VOLNA-1 MR-12 Low Frequency Spectrum Analyzer Langmuir Probe 18.03.1985 PLASMA-1 MR-12 Radiospectrometer PRS-2E 15.05.1985 PLASMA-2 MR-12 Radiospectrometer PRS-2RP June 1992 NASA Terier-Black AC-Electric Field Spectrometer 8 instruments in 6 missions Piotr Orleański, SRC PAS
PLASMA PHYSICS EXPERIMENTS SATELLITE EXPERIMENTS, 28 instruments; 21 missions already completed, 27.02.1979 INTERCOSMOS-19 Radiospectrometer IRS-1 25.12.1980 PROGNOZ-8 Spectrum Analyzer BUD-A 15.12.1984 VEGA-1 Spectrum Analyzer APV-N 21.12.1984 VEGA-2 Spectrum Analyzer APV-N 18.12.1986 COSMOS 1809 Radiospectrometr AVCz-2F, Antenna Impedance Meter 7.07.1988 PHOBOS-1 Spectrum Analyzer APV-F1 12.07.1988 PHOBOS-2 Spectrum Analyzer APV-F2 28.09.1989 INTERCOSMOS-24 (ACTIVE.) Radiospectrometer PRS-2, Antenna Impedance Meter, Spectrum Analyzer 28.09. 1989 INTERCOSMOS-24 (SUBS.) Radiospectrometer PRS-2S 18.12.1991 INTERCOSMOS-25 (APEX) Radiospectrometer PRS-3, Antenna Impedance Meter Radiospectrometer ISKRA , Electrostatic Energy Analyzer 18.12.1991 INTERCOSMOS-25 (SUBS.) Radiospectrometer PRS-3S 2.03.1994 CORONAS-I Radiospectrometer SORS 3.08.1995 INTERBALL-1 Plasma Wave Analyzer ADS 3.08.1995 INTERBALL-1 (SUBS.) Plasma Wave Analyzer SAS-1 16.11.1996 MARS 96 DCDC, Low Frequency Analyzer and EGSE for ELISMA PWC 29.08.1998 INTERBALL-2 Radio-spectro Polarimeter POLRAD 29.08.1998 INTERBALL-2 (SUBS.) Plasma Wave Analyzer SA-2 10.12.2001 COMPASS Radiospectrometer RFA-2 29.02.2004 DEMETER DCDC for Plasma Wave Complex 25. 05 2006 COMPASS-2 Radiospectrometer RF Piotr Orleański, SRC PAS
Turbulence diagnostics Magnetopause Bow shock magnetosheat
Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling,interation of HF waves and energetic electrons • Electromagnetic pollution at top-side ionosphere, H. Rothkaehl et al. 2003,2005 • Broad band emissions inside the ionospherictroughH. Rothkaehl et al.1997 ,Grigoryan 2003, Rotkhkaehl et al. 2007. • Whistler- gamma rays interaction related to the Earthquake,Rothkaehl et al. 2006. Kudela, Bucik 2005. • Emissions triggered by lightning, Bucik 2005
Ionospheric trough region Filamentary structuresDouble trough structure Alfven waves, EMIC, LHR, UHR Frozen emissions,turbulent regions Proposed mechanism ion-acoustic wave on the magnetic equator, energetization of electron at low altitude broad band HF emissions
New technology FPGA-micro blazer RFA VRX Module RFA CPU Module (component side)
VLF 2013 RELEC I interrelation between Cosmic Rays, Magnetosphere particles and the Earth Atmospheric
RELEC 2013Interrelation between Cosmic Rays, Magnetosphere particles and the Earth Atmospheric • Electrons 0.2 – 10 MeV • > 10 MeV • > 0.3 MeV • Protons 0.3 – 60 MeV • > 50 MeV • 3 – 150 MeV • >150 MeV • Gamma 0.05 – 1.0 MeV • Neutron 0.1 – 30 MeV • X-rays 10 – 100 keV • UV 300-400 nm DRG-1 & DRG-2- two identical detectors of X-, gamma-rays and high-energy electrons of high temporal resolution and sensitivity DRG-3 - three axedirected detectors of energticelectrons and protons MTEL - optical imager DUV - UV detector BChK - module of charge and neutral particle detectors NChA- low-frequency analyser RChA - radio-frequency analyser DOSTEL - dosimeter module BSKU- module of commands and data collection
РЕЗОНАНС 1А и 1В РЕЗОНАНС2А и 2В Стратегия измерений проекта РЕЗОНАНС REZONANS STUDY OF HF ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA IN THE INNER MAGNETOSPHERE Auroral kilometric radioemission: behaviours of the source, characteristics of emission, outlet of emission from a source
ESA LUNAR NEXT Advantages: - long-term diagnostics: full coverage of the solar cycle; lunar atmosphere, magnetosphere, solar wind, solar radio burst - Space weather applications - new possible observations of radio emissions in solar system -cosmology aspect, dark ages of the Universe - Chances for European leadership in space radio- science
JONOSOND 4 space crafts 600-800km 2013
To the HI tail • Uniwersytetim. MikołajaKopernika, Toruń • Centrum BadańKosmicznych PAN, Warszawa • UniwersytetSzczeciński, Szczecin • UniwersytetZielonogórski, ZielonaGóra • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski, Olsztyn • Uniwersytet Przyrodzniczy, Wrocław • UniwersytetJagielloński, Kraków POLFAR LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray for radio astronomy)